
Star Wars: Rogue Empire (Dropped)

Moka Kahl wakes up one day and finds that his childhood dream has come true, he reincarnated in the world of Star Wars! But he finds that he has a horrible starting point compared to most other MCs, and worst yet, he lost his precious system immediately! But all is not bad for Moka, as he soon finds that he not only has the force, but was also a Mandalorion prince! Follow Moka as he struggles to his rise to the top in this AU Star Wars adventure! A/N: I have a some pre-written chapters and I'm constantly writing more, so I won't run out of content to upload. The current schedule is a chapter every two days, but if a chapter does really well, I may upload a bonus chapter! I'm writing this for fun and to gain writing experience, so go ahead and pull that giant stick out and enjoy the story! Disclaimer: I don't own the cover or Star Wars! I do own all OCs.

Lord_Bell · 映画
31 Chs

Chapter 24

[A/N: Thanks for doing so awesome on the last chapter! Enjoy the bonus chapter!]

Everyone sat stunned as Roz continued eating as if she hadn't just dropped news that could rock the whole galaxy. She was pregnant, Moka was now going to be in an arranged marriage, She was stepping down from the throne and making Moka King, and she will be marrying the man Moka invited to their House on a spur of the moment.

Moka did his best to process all of this information, but the dark side washed over him as if a dam that he has been desperately holding back was about to burst. Turning his hazel eyes to glare at the now well-groomed, corporate looking Markol who was sweating buckets, Moka began to gnash his teeth as he stood up and slammed his fist on the beskar enforced tabled, putting a dent in it.

"I invite you to my House out of the good of my heart, and you turn around and fuck my aunt! My kin! My blood!" Moka bellowed, his very presence becoming oppressive as the dark side burst out of him in waves. The entire rooms nerves were on end, including Dragon Squad who fought many life or death battles alongside Moka, and had never seen him enraged as he was now.

Another fist slammed the table, this one was even stronger as it threatened to completely shatter the entire beskar round table. All eyes in the room traveled to Roz, who was now standing as well, looking completely pissed off and disappointed at Moka. "Moka D. Kahl, I did not raise you to act this way, and you will NOT talk that way to the man I love again! Do you hear me young man?" Roz said as she gave Moka a look that said, "I dare you to go against me right now."

Knowing that when she says his full name like that, that he was in trouble, as well as the fact that he knew very well that he wasn't nearly strong enough to face his aunt, Moka grew dejected as he turned to storm out of the room in frustration. Emiry and Abbela moved to follow Moka, but was stopped with a gesture by Roz. "Just let him go. Whenever he gets like this, he always goes to that damned lab of his to make or break something to blow off steam. Give him a few days, he'll understand why this is what's best for our Clan and our House." Roz said with a tone of finality.

Emiry and Abbela were at a loss for what to do, but when they saw Jona, who was like Moka's sister and fussed over him like a mother remained seated, they sat down as well. It was clear now that Moka may be powerful and resourceful, but is was Roz who held the real power. Both Emiry and Abbela began silently wondering if they too would become powerful queens like, Roz, one day.

Down the hallway, Moka fumed, as nothing was going the way he wanted. He didn't know how to properly feel about his aunt getting married and having a kid. A part of him knew that she had to be lonely, having to start taking care of a child she didn't give birth to from the ripe age of 24, and devoting all of her time and feelings into raising him. Even now, she was still planning her happiness around Moka's selfish need to be free from responsibility.

Moka knew all of this, but he still found himself upset. He couldn't tell whether it was the dark side corruption or just his teenage hormones sending his emotions out of whack, but he just couldn't get a hold of himself no matter how hard he tried. In his brooding, Moka hadn't realized that he had wandered into his lab, where he created and worked on a plethora of projects.

Tracing his eyes over the room, his eyes landed on a workbench he had set up that was covered in a number of materials and a case holding different kyber crystals, which surprised him at first with how easy they are to buy. When his eyes landed on the workbench, a vision appeared, of him surrounded in a hectic battlefield, holding a custom blaster in his left hand and a unique lightsaber in the shape of a double bladed viking war axe in his right hand, as he tore through shrouded enemies as if he were a natural disaster. The vision ended as soon as it came, and he could tell that the force was once again trying to guide him in the right direction.

Getting an ominous feeling from that vision, Moka decided it was time he finally stopped dicking around and make himself a lightsaber. Moving in front of the workbench, Moka began digging through his available materials. Before Mand'alor the Destroyer taught him his smithing skill, Moka had no idea what he was doing and thought he could just piece materials together like any other weapon, but was he sadly mistaken. Making a lightsaber was a strenuous process that could take anywhere from a few hours if you're a Padawan building your first basic lightsaber in the Academy, or it can take up to a few weeks if you're building something truly difficult.

Suddenly remembering something important, Moka ran across the room to a forge looking machine, and pulled out one of the 20 cooled metal bricks from inside. Before his trip after his 15th birthday, Moka was dabbling in metallurgy, and never bothered to check his results. He chose a task thought to be impossible to help him better understand the properties behind the metals, but as he held the ridiculously heavy metal brick in his hand, a large smile overtook his gloomy expression as he might've actually done the impossible.

Rushing to another machine that looked somewhat like a spacious microwave oven, Moka placed the brick inside and activated the machine. After nearly 10 minutes of scans and sounds similar to lasers going off, the machine finally dinged, signaling that it's done. Test results immediately appeared on a large screen in the room as Moka's jaw nearly hit the floor, reading it over.

Moka was the first person in history to successfully combine the universes two strongest metals, Phrik and Beskar, creating an entirely new alloy that he calls, Kahlium. Kahlium was shown to be nearly indestructible to the point of being almost unfair and both repelled most damage, as well as absorb it. Kahlium is pitch black in color with a shiny luster that gave it an almost ethereal glow. Now with this new alloy in hand, tons of new ideas sprang into Moka's mind, the first being his lightsaber.

Running back to his workbench like a child with a new toy, Moka got back to work laying out the materials he chose. Before him laid enough materials to make two lightsabers and and he also put some extra to make the awesome blaster he saw in his vision.

Taking a deep breath to help center himself, Moka began diving into his work, using the force to augment his work speed. Using the method that Mand'alor the Destroyer taught him, began a unique force meditation in the form of weapon smithing, becoming completely absorbed and losing track of time.

Nearly 4 days later, Moka was finally done with his masterpieces. Before him on the left laid a custom blaster pistol in the shape of two sharp prongs, one on the top and the shorter prong on the bottom which were the barrel and the shield emitter respectively. The two prongs were joined together by short, light filled structure in the shape of a clip to a gun, which housed the small ion generator powered by a kyber crystal. At the back of the gun sat the rounded grip which was wrapped in comfortable black leather, as well as the trigger of the gun. The whole design looked very sleek and intimidating, resembling the plasma pistol from Halo.

On the right sat an extendable lightsaber hilt with a long thick shaft that was about the length of an arm, that ended in two curved and narrowed blade emitters. Igniting the lightsaber, two purple viking war axe blades appeared, one blade on either side of the weapon. Hefting up the heavy axe, Moka was satisfied with it's weight as opposed to the weightless lightsabers the Jedi carry.

Pressing a switch, and the lightsaber hilt extended, becoming a mighty two-handed axe, as Moka gave it a few experimental swings, the blades giving a deep hum with each swing. Pressing yet another switch, the hilt retracted and the shaft split in half vertically, become two lightaxes as Moka held one in each hand, dual-wielding them.

Desperately wanting to test out his new weapons, Moka rushed over to the training half of his lab with his new toys, and set up a few training droids, setting their level to Jedi Knight, a level he had yet to beat in pure swordplay. Holding the two axes in his hands, Moka used the force to leap at the droids, wildly spinning in the air, only to be blocked by the vibroblade of a droid. Taking a quick step back, Moka narrowly dodged the blade of a sword nearing his neck.

Moka felt a cold chill run down his spine when he realized how close that ruthless droid was to hacking him, but then a broad smile appeared as he wouldn't have his training be any other way. Why train in an environment that's too safe and dulls your killing edge? No, in order to properly prepare himself for what true battles are like, Moka preferred these dangerous training sessions.

"Your combat skills are still so pathetic." said a dark voice that sent chills down Moka's spine. Before he could react, Mand'alor the Destroyer appeared to the side of Moka, watching as he narrowly dodged a droid's blade.

"Master! How are you here?!" Moka asked completely bewildered as he swung at a droid and just barely missed.

"I'm always with you, you idiot. Cursed familial Holocron, remember? Congratulations on the engagement by the way, the Beroya are a strong clan. But I appeared because your axe skills are embarrassing me as your master. I see I didn't beat my training into you hard enough, so now I'm here. Duck!" Mand'alor said before Moka narrowly ducked from being beheaded.

Moka wanted to retort that the engagement was not a good thing, but found his body start to feel heavy and movements get sluggish, making his fight that much harder. It didn't take him long to realize Mand'alor was suppressing him with his aura again.

"If you have the energy to bitch about something as small as a wedding, then you have the energy to push yourself farther. Sharpen your movements! And for fucks sake, push both your light and dark side to the max. We find balance by embracing both sides, not negating them dammit!" Mand'alor yelled like a drill sergeant.

Pushing both sides to the max, Moka felt himself overflow with energy, energy that he used to savagely fight back against the droids. Moka didn't see himself as a "Beserker" type before, but now that he thought about it, he definitely loved the idea of rushing through the frontline, tearing through enemies left and right.

Leaping back into the fray, which lasted several more hours as Mand'alor coached him, he got used to his new weapons and further cemented his blaster and axe fighting style. 'I should really thinking of a name for this fighting style' Moka thought as turned off the training droids.

Looking at Mand'alor the Destroyer's armor and intimidating presence, Moka knew exactly what he needed to do. "Master, I'm going to start my campaign to be Mand'alor soon, and I was inspired to make my new armor after yours. You don't mind, right?"

Mand'alor tilted his head in confusion as if he just heard the dumbest question in the world. "What the hell do I care? I've been dead for centuries. Whatever the hell you dress like doesn't affect me one bit." Mand'alor said as if he was talking to an idiot.

Moka let out a hearty laugh at his master's response as he just shook his head and gathered his new weapons and some materials before he left the room, Mand'alor disappearing silently before he walked out. Taking the long way around, Moka avoided most people as he made his way to the shipyard. Moka didn't worry about seeing anyone from the squad here, as he dismissed them to take some personal time before that disastrous dinner, given that they'll be on Kahlua for a while.

Walking onto the Command ship he has yet to name, Moka made his way down to the deepest depths of the ship where his brand new Foundry was built. Moka had no doubt that the Armoror was there in the forge, because there were only two things the Armoror loved, forging, and his daughter. These were the main two reasons he chose this man to be his Armoror, even allowing his precious daughter to live on the ship with him.

Walking down to the Foundry level, Moka immediately broke out into a thick sweat due to the oppressive heat. Having no other indicator for the Armoror's whereabouts besides the constant banging, Moka decided to follow the sounds. The very air was thick and muggy by the time Moka laid his sights on a mountain of a man in a black and grey armored suit, with a thick fur cloak on his back.

Running around the forge with a tiny hammer and tongs, as though this wasn't the hottest place in the galaxy, was an adorable little girl with a unique gold helmet, red chest plate, and a dark brown fur cloak that nearly covered her form.

Noticing a presence in his Foundry, the Armoror stopped what he was doing to give Moka his full attention. "Good Evening, Prince Moka. To what do I owe the pleasure?" the Armoror said as he wiped his hand on a nearby cloth.

Not wanting to waste anymore time in such a hot place, Moka got to the point a placed several blocks of Kahlium on the table. "I want a new suit built to these specifications," Moka said as he slid him a datapad. "I'm going to be Mand'alor soon, so I need a suit fit for one." Moka said as a toothy grin crept on his face.

Big chapter! What do you think of Moka's new weapons? Also, did anyone manage to catch the One Piece reference?

Lord_Bellcreators' thoughts