
Star Wars: Rogue Empire (Dropped)

Moka Kahl wakes up one day and finds that his childhood dream has come true, he reincarnated in the world of Star Wars! But he finds that he has a horrible starting point compared to most other MCs, and worst yet, he lost his precious system immediately! But all is not bad for Moka, as he soon finds that he not only has the force, but was also a Mandalorion prince! Follow Moka as he struggles to his rise to the top in this AU Star Wars adventure! A/N: I have a some pre-written chapters and I'm constantly writing more, so I won't run out of content to upload. The current schedule is a chapter every two days, but if a chapter does really well, I may upload a bonus chapter! I'm writing this for fun and to gain writing experience, so go ahead and pull that giant stick out and enjoy the story! Disclaimer: I don't own the cover or Star Wars! I do own all OCs.

Lord_Bell · Movies
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31 Chs

Chapter 25

[ A/N: Geez, lots of hate for poor Aunt Roz last chapter. This chapter should clear a lot of things up, but will probably leave you with even more questions. Also, the axe lightsaber is heavy not from the plasma energy, but because Kahlium is seriously heavy and it was Moka's first time making a new weapon from scratch, with no guidance or blueprints. I hope you enjoy the chapter! Also, go check out the other fanfiction I just released, One Piece: Rise Of The Raijin!]

The Armoror looked over the design and nodded his head impressed. "This will be a fine suit, but this ore you've given me, I've never seen it before." the Armoror said as he lifted one if the blocks, not ever phased by it's weight. After that he ran a few tests and then put one brick into his forge. So that it didn't take forever due to Kahlium's high heat retention, he had to crank the heat up on his forge to it's max limit just to see some results. Once the ore was melted, he formed it into a thin sheet that could be shaped into anything.

"It's called Kahlium. It's a brand new alloy I just invented that combines the properties of both Phrik and Beskar. I haven't had a chance to run many tests yet, but I know that it's damn near indestructible and has the ability to absorb damage and spread it out throughout it's surface, minimizing impact. I have a few more blocks of this ore as well. What do you think?" Moka asked.

"I think it's any Armoror's wet dreams given form. Aye, I'll be honored to be the first Armoror to work on a mythical ore such as this. Based on my results and the amount of ore you say that you have, I think I could forge about another 20 full suits of armor. It would make anyone inside of it like a walking tank, but be as light, if not lighter than the thick robes of a Jedi. just amazing!" the Armoror said in his gruff voice, looking at the Kahlium ore in excitement.

Hearing how light weight and still durable a full set of armor could be, Moka turned to look at his axe slung to his back, now sure that he needs far more practice weapon smithing, as he definitely used for too much Kahlium in that case. Though after a while, Moka figured it was okay that he used so much, as he thought back on how he destroyed Maul's saber and vowed to never let something embarrassing like that ever happen to him.

As they were about to continue talking, Moka's holocom went haywire, signaling an emergency. Answering it in a hurry, the image of Jona popped up. "Where the hell have you been?! The Jedi Order has split and some Jedi called Mace Windu has taken over a faction called the Army Of Light! And we just received a transmission from Qui-Gon Jinn that him, Obi-Wan and Little Ani have escaped the Jedi Temple with a Whole freighter full of Younglings and they're one their way here! We need you to get your head in the game now, Mo." Jona yelled, impressively all in one breath.

When Moka heard this, his brain went into overdrive, thinking of different possibilities and which moves would be best. The first things first is, he needs more information, as well as something that he's luckily already started. "I'll be in the Throne room in a few hours, tell everyone to meet me there. It's time I do what I should've done a while ago. Make an announcement and have everyone meet me there in two hours." Moka said as he cut the transmission.

Turning back to the Armoror, Moka took a deep breath as he was about to do what he's been running away from for nearly a year. "There's been a change of plans. You're the first to know, but I'm about to accept my responsibility and be crowned King, after that I will launch my campaign to become Mand'alor. So I need you to put a rush on my armor, oh and be sure to add a nice cloak. Every badass, always has a cloak." Moka said as he nodded in agreement with himself.

The Armoror felt a whirlwind on emotions, but settled on determination. "So you want me to forge a suit fit for a Mand'alor in less the two hours with mythical level ore that I've just seen for the first time? And here I thought you were going to try an make it difficult." The Armoror laughed as he collected the ore and quickly got to work. Moka watched the man at work and thanked the force that he managed to find someone so capable.

Two hours later, in the throne room of Black Star Palace, Roz sat on the throne waiting, wearing an impressive ornate crown no one has seen her wear ever since she was coronated, while Markol, her Royal Guard, and all of Dragon Squad stood behind the throne. Moka's dragon, which eventually became Roz's over the years, Mersi, sat at the foot of the smaller throne while Roz pet it. The rest of the room was filled with different members of House Kahl and several drone ready to record the event that was about to transpire.

Leaning to the side, Roz whispered to Jona, "Where the hell is he? Isn't he the one that said 2 hours?!" Roz said, getting slightly impatient with waiting for Moka. But before Jona could get a chance to speak, the doors to the throne room slammed open, as everyone looked to see an intimidating figure standing in the doorway.

The figure stood over 2 meters tall and wore a black hooded cloak with accents of gold and purple, that nearly covered his whole form. Under the cloak, one could see an impressive black Mandalorian suit with purple and gold scaled and segmented pieces that covered every inch of the mysterious figure. The helmet of the suit was the most intimidating as it was in the form of a gold skull face, but still had a purple 'T' shaped visor. Slung on the figures back was a massive metal staff that somewhat resembled a lightsaber hilt, but the aura it gave off was far deadlier.

Everyone I'm the room, Roz included immediately had their weapons at the ready, prepared for any form of attack by this intimidating person. The only people to not ready their weapons was a very confused Emiry and a very excited Abbela. "Your new armor is so cool Big Bro Mo! I want one too!" shouted Abbela, shocking everyone, especially Roz.

'I couldn't recognize my own kin, but these two could? And where did he get this new armor and weapon? He feels like an entirely different person.' Roz thought to herself as she looked at Moka with a look of scrutiny.

Seeing everyone on edge and eyeing him suspiciously, Moka let out a hearty laugh. "A guy takes a few days off and changes his outfit, and everyone throws a fit!" Moka chuckled as he walked into the room with confidence, people becoming shocked to see the sigel to House Kahl on the back of the cloak as he walked by. Moka was sure that even if the whole room opened fire on him, he would still come out unharmed.

When everyone heard this, they laughed as well and visibly relaxed. Only Moka could joke and have such confidence in such a tense situation. When he made it to the foot of the thrones, Roz stood up to greet him. "Mo, I hope I am not getting my hopes up thinking you called this meeting to tell me some good news." Roz said with her arms crossed over her chest.

When Moka heard this and looked at the throne behind her, he let out a heavy sigh. "Yes Auntie, you're right. I had a lot of time to think, and I apologize for being so selfish all of this time. Even though you were young, you put your happiness on hold to take care of me, loving me like I was your own child, and that's something I can never hope to repay," Moka said as he stepped up and pulled his aunt into a tight hug, as he heard tiny sniffles coming from Roz.

Roz was deeply relieved in her heart. She hated herself for forcing this situation on Moka, but time was running out. She never planned on falling in love, especially not becoming pregnant, but life was unpredictable and it was all about how we deal with it's many surprises. As much as Markol pestered her to just let them become the permanent King and Queen since Moka didn't want the responsibility, but something about the idea didn't sit right with her. To her, Moka HAD to become the new King, and this was the only way to keep things from getting too complicated.

Still being hugged, Moka grimaced under his mask, as even with his new armor, Roz was still able to hurt him with her hugs. 'What the hell, is she secretly using Haki or something?! I definitely need to look into why the hell Aunt Roz is so damn strong!' Moka thought to himself as he stepped back from the hug.

"As I said, I can't begin to pay you back for all you've done for me, but I can start by not running away from my responsibility any more. I love you and will always cherish you and your future child, but know that I can never forgive Markol for what he's done. He's brertayed my kindness, but what's done is done. As long as you permit it, he may live," Moka said, looking pointedly at Markol, who surprisingly matched Moka's glare when he heard this. Markol felt different from the man he met back on Naboo. This Markol felt far more confident and cunning, giving Moka the feeling of being stared down by a snake eyeing it's prey, like something about him was forever shrouded to Moka.

Deciding now wasn't the time to deal with Markol, Moka turned back to his to his aunt, far more confident in his decision to never let Markol hold the throne. "I'm ready to take the throne and be crowned King of Kahlua!" Moka said with a voice full of determination. A great cheer broke out across the throne room and the galaxy as a whole, as the recorder drones were already broadcasting the second Moka made his entrance. All over the galaxy people reacted to this heartwarming moment, a much need distraction at a time when everything felt so uncertain.

Hearing that Moka was finally going to take the throne and how much he appreciated her, a weight was lifted from her heart, as she secretly feared that Moka might resent her for her decisions at the dinner. "Well, in that case, let's get the Coronation out of the way before you change your mind!" Roz said excitedly, getting a laugh from everyone.

Reaching behind her back, Roz pulled out her great sword and held the hilt in her right hand and held the flat of the blade in her left. "Prince Moka Kahl, please kneel, and make sure that it is the last time you kneel to another." Roz said with a voice full of seriousness. Doing as she asked, Moka dropped to one knee, and felt like one of the fabled knights from back in his old world.

She then moved the flat of the blade and tapped on one of his shoulders and then the next. "Do you swear to let these be the last smacks you ever receive without retaliating?" Roz asked.

"I swear" Moka replied.

Returning the sword to her back, Roz pulled off the crown on her head and held it in her hands. "And lastly, do you swear to uphold the Oath you took when you were crowned Prince? Do you swear to fulfill your responsibilities as King, to sire an heir, and lead our nation to greatness?" Roz asked, her voice far more serious than before.

Thinking on this, Moka wished he had more time to play around, but the time for playing was up. And if he truly might have gotten Abbela or Shmi pregnant, he was going to do his best to make sure his children grew up in safety, living a life with no worries, the same goes for his aunt and his future cousin. Thinking all of this, Moka no longer held any doubt on what he had to do. "I swear to bring greatness to House Kahl and every Mandalorion!" Moka said with determination that made Roz let out a beautiful smile under her helmet.

"Then by my right, I, Queen Rozalene D. Kahl, step down from the throne, and pass the honor to my nephew, Moka D. Kahl, the new King of Kahlua!" Roz said as her chest swelled with pride and placed the crown on top of Moka's head. Once the crown was placed, the whole galaxy erupted with cheers. Moka was extremely popular, and with such dark times spreading across the galaxy, this piece of good news made people feel slightly safer.

When Moka knelt down, he was still a prince, but now, he stood as a King! Moka immediately felt the weight of his new responsibility on his shoulders, already feeling drained from all of the headaches coming his way.

Before he knew it, a party had broken out all of Kahlua and even some small parts of the galaxy like Naboo and Tatooine that celebrated Moka becoming King and the small hope it brought to the galaxy. Even as a prince Moka has done many incredible things, so what great feats would he accomplish now that he was King?

Once the celebrations began Roz and Markol went to go socialize with the different guests while her old guard trailed her. Even though she was no longer Queen, didn't mean she wasn't still royalty.

Moka felt a heavy hand rest of his shoulder as he sat on the throne, and looked up to see Rust standing beside him. "I'm proud of you kid. You've become a great man over the years, and I know you'll be an even greater King." said Rust as he stepped back as he resumed his post watching over Moka. Moka was happy to hear this praise from Rust. Rust had always been a man of few words, so to hear his praise meant a lot.

Next to come up was Rain, as she lazily leaned against the throne. "Congratulations Pri- I mean, I guess its King Mo now! It's going to be hard getting used to that. Anyway, I'm happy for you, and I can't wait to blow up all who stand against you!" Rain said as she lightly brushed his shoulder and sauntering back to her position.

The next to walk up was Emiry, but he could feel through their bond that she was feeling conflicted about something. "Congratulations Moka, I just know you'll be a great King." Emiry said plainly as she turned to walk away, only to have her hand grabbed by Moka, stopping her.

"I can feel through our bond that something is wrong? What's bothering you?" Moka asked with genuine concern, but feared he already knew the answer.

As if to confirm his suspicions, Emiry snatched her hand away and refused to turn and face him. "I asked you, begged you. I even offered my all and swore my undying loyalty to you. All I asked of you, was that you don't touch Abbela, but I guess that means I wasn't enough for you, isn't that right, King Moka." Emiry said with slight venom in her tone, as she returned to her post.

Moka felt like complete shit. He never wanted to hurt anyone's feelings, especially Emiry, who he actually saw himself being serious with one day, but now that was all over. Right when Moka was about to slump down in the throne depressed, he felt someone hugging him from the side.

"Congratulations, Mo! I can't think of anybody who'd make a better King than you! And I have a surprise for you!" Abbela said as she leaned close to Moka's ear dramatically, despite the fact that she could just speak over the comms in their helmets. "Emiry helped me check, and I'm pregnant! You're going to be a daddy!" Abbela practically squealed, as she hugged his side tightly.

Sitting there completely dumbfounded over the news, Moka only had one thought going through his mind, 'Well, Fuck!'

Pretty big chapter! Moka is now the King! Also, he's going to have a half squid alien baby! What do you think the baby will look like? Will it be a boy or a girl?

Also, Roz is far more than meets the eye! How do you think Kahlua was never attacked none of their assets ever stolen?

Lord_Bellcreators' thoughts