
Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (According to Morden Grey)

An alternate storyline for The Last Jedi. This story is intended for those who had issues with the movie.

DaoistLlWKtf · 映画
25 Chs

-The Supremacy- O-8 Quadrant, Expansion Region near the Perlemian Trade Route

Kylo Ren crushed the medical droids using the Force the moment they finished mending his various injuries from his encounter on Starkiller Base. He growled in agony as he pulled a new black shirt over his dark leggings, doing his best to ignore the pain at his side. He traded out his robe for a cloak and picked up his helmet before heading to the exit.

    'I cannot allow this to go unpunished.' He thought, suppressing his rage. 'I'll have to kill them all. Never can I show mercy again. Never again will I reason with traitors or those conspiring with them. When next we meet I will give them reason to fear. Doubt of my power cannot be instilled within my ranks'...he stepped on to the elevator lift leading him to Supreme Leader Snoke's Throne Room. ...'Supreme Leader will be furious, but how can he blame me for what has transpired? He couldn't stop the Resistance attack. He wasn't prepared for what happened…how can he ask of me what he himself could not accomplish?' Kylo slipped his mask on over his face, covering up the injury of his failure.

    Minutes later, the doors to the elevator opened to the throne room. Kylo was hesitant stepping inside, as the only thing lighting his path were the stars and the glow from the border of the window shields. His unease only heightened upon sensing Snoke had none of his praetorian guard next to him, only he and his Lord were present in the Throne Room. Though Kylo Ren could see the outline of Snoke standing near the window, he stopped ten feet from the throne and lowered himself to a knee. "My Lord."

Snoke didn't acknowledge him for several seconds. He continued to peer out the window in silence, his hands clasped together behind his back. Right as Kylo opened his mouth to repeat himself, the Supreme Leader stated, "I sense there are misgivings as to where your loyalties lie."

"Supreme Leader, you are mistaken. Your wisdom gui—"

"SILENCE!" Snokes voice shook the floor around them. In an irritated yet calm tone he said, "Your lies are becoming almost as tiresome as your failures."

Beneath his mask, Kylo's jaw clenched together tightly. His leather gloves creaked as he squeezed his hands tightly into fists.

"Will your powers be enough to strike me down?" Snoke asked, smiling. "Shall we find out if you can succeed in anything I have challenged you with?" Slowly he turned around and began walking toward his apprentice. "I instructed you to destroy everything within the walls of the Jedi temple constructed by your uncle, yet every day I find more of the ancient texts and relics survived allowing Skywalker to increase his chances of training a new generation of Jedi."

"My Lord, the Knights will find the remaining relics,"

Snoke ignored him. "I sent you to find the map to Skywalker and you failed, returning to me with excuses!" spittle flecked the Supreme Leader's mouth. "I allowed you to bring an untrained girl in for questioning and she ESCAPED!" his words shook the floor beneath them, rattling the frame of the massive ship.

Kylo struggled to keep his balance on the slick surface. "Master, the girl was stronger in the Force than we anticipated,"

Snoke narrowed his eyes and bore his teeth when he growled. "We???" He lifted Kylo up by the neck using the Force until he was almost a foot from the ground. "You misunderstand, apprentice. I knew how powerful the girl was; I erred in believing you were strong enough to handle her." He released his student from the choke-hold, who immediately took in deep lungfuls of air. "And what excuse do you have for me regarding my planet destroyer?"

Kylo rubbed his throat as he got to his feet. Though hatred consumed his entire being, he answered in even tones. "I did not think the Resistance would attempt something so bold,"

Snoke chuckled. "I suppose I cannot fault you for not thinking, it has never been a strong quality of yours…"

    Snoke's apprentice leapt at him then, lightsaber ignited and poised at his neck to deliver a lethal blow. The ancient Dark Side user frowned and made the slightest of nods to his left, where Kylo was plucked out of the air and thrown. He tumbled through the air until he smashed into the wall causing sparks to fly up around him. He managed to keep a grip on his lightsaber as he flipped across the room, but the blade was extinguished the instant Snoke attacked. Through the shadows created by the flashing lights, he watched from the ground in terror as his Master approached him.

"Once again Kylo Ren fails!" violet lightning sprang from the Supreme Leader's fingertips and into Kylo's chest, causing the young man to scream and writhe in agony. Snoke only ceased the torrent of lightning to continue speaking. "You thought you could best me without my guards?" the ancient one released another bolt of lightning arcing from his spider-like fingers into his apprentice. "You've always thought my body too weak, too frail, to crippled to truly threaten you! Never once have you followed my council without question! And now...you seek to slay me like some common soldier?!?"

Snoke ripped Kylo's lightsaber from his grasp using the Force and ignited it. He let the red, pulsating blade hover over the neck of his apprentice as he walked to his throne and sat down. "Tell me why Kylo, leader of the Knights of Ren, should live."

The fear of dying replaced Kylo's anger and hatred towards his Master. He could hear the crackling hum of the blade just inches away from the back of his head and feel the heat emanating from it. When he smelled the material of his cloak burning he shouted the first name to appear in his head.

"Leia!" he pounded his fist on the ground. "I can get close to her! I can gain her trust!"

The lightsaber hovered in the air for several seconds before it levitated away from his neck.

Rolling over he took hold of the handle and shut it off. Returning to a kneeling position, Kylo pleaded, "Forgive my actions, Supreme Leader! My failures have affected me more than I want to admit and corrupted my judgement. My anger toward the Resistance has blinded me with rage. What would you have me do?"

Snoke leaned back and exhaled, his deformed figure obscured in the shadows. The power from the broken computers no longer sparked, plunging the area into near-darkness once more. "General Organa will perish by your hand, but not at this time. Your training remains incomplete, which must be remedied immediately."

Still kneeling and looking at the floor in front of him, Kylo concentrated on his words to distract him from the hatred threatening to overpower him once again. "I am the Master of the Knights of Ren, I have proven—" Snoke leaned forward in his chair and glared at him. Kylo could feel the Supreme Leader's gaze and knew remaining silent was the only viable response for survival.

"The defiance and lack of control you've shown leads me to believe you may have gained your title with the Knights through means other than strength and talent." Snoke looked at the ring on his finger and adjusted it. "Your behavior reeks of the Sith."

Kylo knew he must choose his next words carefully; if the Supreme Leader believed he were following any of the Sith or Jedi code, he would be killed without hesitation. "If you believe this to be true, why do you spare me?"

"Because my student, your part in this is not yet over though I cannot conclude what part you play," Snoke closed his eyes as he reached out with the Force. "You will return to the Knights of Ren after our business is finished on Corellia. At which point you will continue your studies in discipline, histories and combat. Until you have learned to bridle your emotions and channel your hatred effectively, you will remain with them and only depart when summoned," he opened his eyes again—the abnormal crystal—blue orbs capable of piercing the darkness, flesh and mind. "You will cease your plottings and deceptions with me. I will see through them all for I have survived them all. You are not Sith, Kylo Ren."

Beneath his helmet, Kylo licked his dry lips and swallowed. "My Lord, who will lead your army in my absence?" he paused. "Forgive me Master, but without Starkiller Base how will you force the remaining planets into servitude?"

The grin on Snoke's face brought an otherworldly chill to the room. "I do not require the aid of weapons to end life on planets, apprentice. Starkiller Base was simply a means to an end." Standing up, the Supreme Leader returned to the window he peered out of when Kylo first entered the room. "The time soon approaches when I will reveal myself to the galaxy…"