
Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (According to Morden Grey)

An alternate storyline for The Last Jedi. This story is intended for those who had issues with the movie.

DaoistLlWKtf · 映画
25 Chs

-Corellia- M-11 Quadrant, Inner Rim

"So naturally I accepted the challenge, because I mean c'mon, Dugs are good podracers but can they fly a ship?..." Poe looked over at the General for the twentieth time since they left the Raddus. Halfway through their journey she'd closed her eyes and started massaging her temples with her thumb and middle finger and hadn't stopped. And for the twentieth time he asked, "Everything alright, general?"

    Leia sighed. "Just a little headache from stress."

    "Man I hate those." his gaze returned to the planet approaching in front of them. "So guess what happened?"

Leia shook her head. In a voice lacking enthusiasm she said, "With the Dug? I don't know Poe, I'm going to guess you won."

"Well yeah, but there's a bit more to it then that," he said as he flipped various switches and pushed buttons on the console. "My career could've ended right then and there—"

"Poe," the General's hand dropped to the armrest and she opened her eyes. "You are aware there is a heavy First Order presence here, right? That if captured, we could be executed on the spot?"

He nodded.

"And that Corellia is the homeworld of my recently departed husband? And so it brings up feelings and memories I don't want to deal with right now?"

He nodded again. "I was hoping my stories would get your mind off that."

Leia looked confused. "Poe. All of your stories are about your times as a pilot."

His eyes narrowed. "Captain Solo was a pilot," he nodded his head. "I admit I failed to see the connection." he swallowed. "You know, cause he was a smuggler and I'm not…I wasn't. I never did the Kessel Run…um..."

Brief static sounded over the ship's com. Poe held the button down allowing him to communicate with the Landing Officer. "This is 690 Light Freighter YD-119 requesting a landing pad in the Old Government Sector."

Both of them stared at the speaker, awaiting the response.

"What is your cargo YD-119?" a female voice asked.

Poe cleared his throat before responding. "Alluvial dampers and twenty-five crates of Durite and Quadanium bars."

Leia frowned. "I don't think I'll live to see the day when I don't have to hold my breath while waiting to see if we can land." Standing up, she walked behind Poe with her arms folded in front of her. She chewed on her lip as she scanned the space around them. Her eyes stopped on the Star Destroyer hovering just above the planet, ready to shoot down anything not authorized to leave or trying to get through. "I do hope my contacts are still alive."

A look of concern crossed Poe's face just as the voice came back on over the com.

"690 Light Freighter YD-119, you are cleared for landing pad 980552 in the Old Government Sector. Please have your licensing and flight manifests ready to verify upon arrival." The connection ended a moment later, returning the interior of the ship into silence.

"You ready for this General?" Poe asked.

Leia nodded. "Take us down, Commander."       

*            *            *            *           

Leia barely recognized the planet as Poe brought the ship down to the surface. Where the presence of the First Order was organized, well-maintained and structured; everywhere else had fallen into disarray; leaving the ruins of buildings and cities crumbling or overrun with vegetation. The once majestic, spired edifices no longer gleamed in the light of Corell as Leia remembered; instead smoke and dust blew gently into the wind from the upper most reaches of the scorched stone.

Various birds circled the devastation, making homes appear abandoned in what used to be some of the most prominent locations in the galaxy.

"Better put the helmet on," Poe said as two gravity locks clamped down on their landing gear. "What did you say the name of our contact was?"

Once the helmet was on, her voice came out distorted so she sounded more droid than human.

"Darvin Klax. Once upon a time he led an exploratory Special Forces unit for the military here, I'm not sure what he does now. Hopefully he remembers me."

"Didn't you contact him before we left?" Poe asked as he walked to the back of the ship. "Wasn't our reason in coming here is that you knew people who could help us?"

Leia shrugged. "It's been several years. Han knew him a lot better than I did."

"Well that's reassuring," Poe tapped a holopad and the cargo doors hissed upon opening behind him. "Time to see if anyone recognizes me yet,"

The two walked out to meet a young, First Order officer accompanied by two stormtroopers. The officer gave no regard to either Poe or the General as he held out his hand, the entirety of his attention was affixed to his holopad. Leia handed him a datastick, which he inserted into his device. The five of them were quiet as the information was scanned. Two blips sounded and he removed it giving it back to the General. Without a word, he continued to the next landing pad with his head still down as he scanned through documents.

"A bit anticlimactic." Poe said quietly. "Talk about distracted. To be honest, part of me was hoping he'd see my face. A little part."

Leia sighed. "Well, we couldn't exactly take that risk."

"What?" Poe asked, confused.

Shaking her head, she said "Do you honestly think the First Order would bypass scrutinizing the manifest of two offworlders? He kept his head down because I wanted him too."

The pilot's eyes narrowed as he pieced together what happened. When the realization dawned on him he asked, "You haven't ever used that little mind trick on me, have you?"

"If only," she started toward the bridge leading into the port city. "It only works on weak minds, Poe."

He smiled wide. "Is that a compliment General?"        

"No, that's just how the Force works." She motioned back to the ship. "Don't forget our cargo."

Poe looked back. "Wait, we're really selling this stuff?"

"Unfortunately no," she replied tapping the buttons on her wrist communicator. "Everything we brought is a donation. It was the only way to get an audience with Klax."

"General, the Resistance can't exactly afford giving away supplies. My T-70—"

She held up a hand. "I know, Poe. Believe me I do. Just load up the supplies and meet me at the dock entrance. Quickly."

The Commander didn't need to be told twice. Grabbing a mobile repulsorlift, he returned to the vessel and loaded up the crates of ship parts and various crafting alloys. Minutes later, he jogged toward the air taxi terminal where Leia would be, weaving and dodging around pilots and merchants so as not to leave her alone for too long.

Spotting Leia in her drab gray cloak and Ubese helm, he started making his final turn with the lift and froze. The goods they'd brought almost glided over a cliff when his hand went for his blaster.

An extremely pale, heavily muscled man standing just over seven feet tall was fast approaching the General. Just before he called out to warn her, he remembered the First Order presence and how they were in no position to give themselves away yet.

Drawing his blaster but keeping it close to the holster, he took aim at the massive humanoid using a low stance, doing his best to keep the weapon concealed.

At the same time, four men and a woman appeared from the surrounding crowd, two stopping the repulsorlift from drifting off into oblivion, the other three blocking his shot directed at the giant.

One of the men—a lean, elderly gentlemen wearing a snug, tan-colored long sleeve shirt—held up both of his hands. In a heavy Corellian accent he said, "Put your weapon away, fool! Do you want all of the First Order in Corellia to know you're here?"

Partially ignoring him, Poe started circling the group, trying to get a view of Leia. "I don't take orders from you pal," he jerked the blaster to his left before returning it to his target. "Move it!" he clenched his jaw in frustration upon seeing their 'donation' hover out of sight. "Maybe I'll call them over here myself to report a theft!"

The older man frowned. Holding up his comlink he said, "This kriffing wagyx over here is gonna blow our cover. What do you want me to do with him?"

Poe's eyes narrowed. "No one is deciding what to do with me," he said with defiance. "You think I'm afraid of you?"

The man rolled his eyes. "Yke hyon fhars oblivyn cnous oblivyn,"

Poe blinked, unaccustomed to the native language of Corellia. "What?" Just then his com beeped at him. Holding it close to his chest he turned the receiver on.

"Poe. Put your weapon away. These are Klax's men."

"Oh yeah?" he asked as he holstered his weapon. Standing up a little straighter he said while looking at the older man, "I pictured him a bit taller."

"That's Desca Mort, his first in command. Darvin Klax is over here."

Poe slowly turned his head to the pale-colored man towering over the crowd waving in his direction. He wasn't one-hundred percent certain, but in the sunlight Klax didn't look entirely human as his skin resembled scales. He swallowed. "Be there in a sec."

*        *        *        *        *        *   

The journey to the Old Government Sector was a quiet one. The transport sputtered with the weight of the cargo and the massive form of Darvin Klax, causing the vessel lean to the side as it rumbled along. No one spoke or looked at each other until just before they came to a stop in one of the most run down areas of Coronet City.       

In a deep voice, Darvin Klax growled, "Take the parts to the hangar. Desca, make sure we weren't followed. Sweep three times, no one can know we have guests."

Desca Mort frowned. "That's going to take the rest of the day, unless we send out more men—"

"NO." Klax's voice shook the transport. "More men look suspicious."

The first in command nodded. "Understood." He nodded to two in the group and together they departed the area, disappearing within the remains of the Old Government Sector. The remaining two hurried ahead with the cargo, soon vanishing from sight as well. When only Poe, Leia and Klax remained, the large man led them to the only restored structure in the area. Once inside, Klax exhaled a long breath.

He turned to Leia, who had since removed her helmet and bowed to her. "Khasaan'l, Princess Leia Organa."

Leia bowed in return. "Khasaan'l, Darvin Klax. Thank you for meeting with us."

Poe stared at them blankly, offering a little wave mixed with a bow. Turning away from them, he asked, "So where is this place? Is it safe? Secure?"

Klax folded his massive arms over his broad chest. "The Green Jedi Enclave once stood here, long ago. Most of it is restored, though we are still doing what we can to get all the shields up and operational. It's safe." Snapping his fingers he added. "But where are my manners? Can I get you a Corellian Noale?"

"Yes please," Leia replied for both her and Poe.

When Klax was out of earshot, Poe whispered, a bit frantic. "What is this guy?? You do realize if he decides to turn us in to the First Order, he can literally step on us if we don't cooperate!"

"He's half Mandallian. They're a type of giant from another planet," Leia placed a reassuring hand on his arm. "Relax Commander. I read him at the landing pads. He's curious to what we have to offer more than anything. Depending on what he's heard, joining us could be a very bad or very...lucrative move for him."

Darvin Klax returned with three drinks—all looking like children's toys in his hands—and set them down on a nearby table with dexterity surprising for one of his size. "So where's the old pirate? I didn't think Solo would pass up the opportunity to remind us he's stolen the heart of a princess," he laughed a bit before downing his beverage in a single swallow.

Leia's tone stayed even as she answered. "He was killed during one of our attacks on the First Order."

The giant's eyes darkened.

A long moment of silence passed between them, broken by the former warrior pouring himself another drink. "You have my condolences, your Highness. The galaxy is no doubt darker without him." Raising his glass and starting up to the ceiling, in old Corellian Darvin said reverently, "Ol'val, min dul'skal, ahn guld domina," and then downed another glass of the noale.

Poe leaned toward the General. "I actually wish C-3PO were here."

Leia smiled. "He said, 'Clear skies and good luck be with you, my friend.'"

"Here here!" Poe said with a nod and then downed his own glass.

Klax blinked at Poe. As he stared at the pilot he asked Leia, "I am sorry for the loss of your husband and my old friend. However, I do not think you risked venturing through First Order territory to bring me this news. What is it you want for the materials?" He turned his head away from Poe to look at her. "I might not have known of Solo's death, but I've heard plenty about your...exploits with the New Empire. "

"Then I'll get straight to the point," she downed her drink and put the cup down. "I need pilots, ships and tactical leaders."

Klax smiled and then laughed, revealing teeth the size a child's fist. "Well, if that's all you need…" he laughed again.

Leia continued to smile and added. "We're also in need of a base of operations…" her eyes swept the facility before returning to the Mandallian. "...with shields powerful enough to withstand heavy assaults." Poe remained frozen, staring at the giant.

"You know I can't do that Princess." he filled his glass again and drained it. "As you've seen, the New Empire...First Order...whatever they want to call themselves, rules Corellia. Moving so many in would cause a stir, no matter how quietly you think you could accomplish it. And if I'm perfectly honest, I'm not so sure the Supreme Leader being in power is a bad thing."

Poe stood up, but before he could say anything Leia held up a hand motioning him to sit back down and said, "So I take it they didn't massacre civilians by the thousands to gain power?"

"They did, but it's been relatively quiet ever since." he took another drink.

Leia paused. "And I suppose the destruction of the Hosnian System isn't a concern of yours either?"

"What are you talking about?" Klax scoffed. "Are you telling me the First Order built another Death Star?"

"Is he joking?" Poe demanded, standing up again. "You haven't heard about Starkiller Base?"

Darvin's eyes narrowed at the Resistance pilot. "Would I be asking if I did?" He looked to Leia. "Got some fight in him, this one. It is amusing."

The General sighed. "The First Order wiped out the Hosnian System, all five planets with a single attack from their weapon on Starkiller Base. Because they control the HoloNet, shipments and most everything but the Resistance in that sector, you wouldn't have heard what happened. No one made it out alive and most of those who witnessed it are dead."

"So you want help in attacking this...Starkiller Base?" Darvin Klax asked.

Poe interrupted. "It's destroyed. Me and my squadron saw to that."

Darvin Klax smirked. "Is that right?" he shrugged. "So if your flyboy here destroyed this planet-killing base, what do you need me or any of my men for?"

Just as Leia opened her mouth, Poe blew up. "I dunno, maybe to prevent them from building another one or something worse! Maybe to enact justice for all the millions killed? Perhaps to stop them from killing millions more?" he turned on his heel toward the door. "I can't take his General. These people are nothing but selfish cowards!"

"Commander Dameron!" Leia shouted.

Yet her shout was nothing in comparison to the voice of Darvin Klax.

"COWARDS?!?" he bellowed, causing the building around them to shake. "You call us cowards because we will not go to war against an enemy who can crush us on a whim?!" he hurled his glass aside, shattering it against the wall. It took several seconds but he eventually composed himself before speaking again. "In this matter Commander Dameron, I will take the wisdom in cowardice over the foolhardiness of bravery."

Poe shook his head and continued toward the exit.

"However," Darvin Klax called out. "I am not unreasonable, and Solo was a dear friend."

Leia and Poe looked at each other and then to the giant.

Walking over to Poe, he leaned forward and with half a smile asked, "Would you care to make wager?"