
Star Wars A Galaxy Reborn

A Star Wars Fanfic where both the Republic and The Galactic Empire exists at the same time in a Galaxy that is full of constant wars and suffering. Our MC Alexander Hamilton after successfully passing a trial by a Goddess gets put into this war torn Galaxy after he dies from being overworked in his previous world. Now in his second life, he strives to never work under anybody ever again and to live his life how he wants to. Can he build up his Empire in this New Galaxy while bringing peace and prosperity to the Galaxy, or will he be overwhelmed and succumb to the Darkness.

Dr_Dred · その他
166 Chs

Chapter 154

As the reinforcements arrived on the surface of Rhommamool, Prince Jais took full control of the Ground forces on the planet with his own company of 1000 Guardian Knights.

While assisting from the Invictus, Prince Luke commanded the air forces of the Terran Ascendency. The enemy didn't have any air forces, so the Terran Ascendency had total control of the air allowing them to conduct close air support as needed.

Prince Jais and the Terran soldiers launched a counterattack against the enemy forces on the ground. The intense vibrations of their footsteps echoed through the battlefield as they fought with determination and vengeance for their fallen comrades, relentlessly attacking the entrenched enemy positions.

Blue and red streaks painted the sky as Terran fighters provided cover for the infantry below. Standing atop a nearby hill, Prince Jais had a prime view of the battlefield, his sharp gaze following every movement and shift in the conflict.

Around him stood 12 Guardian Knights who were assigned as his personal guard, while the other Guardian knights were all fighting on the frontlines alongside the infantry driving the enemy back. Each of them was a warrior of unparalleled skill, and a formidable force user.

There was no need for Prince Jais to get directly involved in the battle just yet, so he stood on the hilltop and commanded the troops instead.

Meanwhile, in orbit aboard the Invictus, Prince Luke observed the unfolding battle from an array of holo-screens. As the commander of the air forces, he reigned over this symphony of destruction from above. His tactical genius showed as each bomber and fighter moved according to his orders, raining death upon the enemy while avoiding their desperate return fire.

Their victory was already assured once they entered the battlefield. But still the enemy proved to be completely insane by throwing hundreds of people at the Terran Frontline trying desperately to break their frontlines. But without force users on their side the Red Knight had no chance at victory against the Terran forces.

The Terran forces knew that failure was not an option, as they were driven by the emperor's unyielding will. The two brothers understood this all too well.

Suddenly, the ground under Prince Jais' feet shook violently. A moment later, the hill was rocked by an explosion from below. Using their underground tunnels, the enemy had planted bombs beneath their position, a desperate move to eliminate the Terran leadership.

Without pausing, Prince Jais and his 12 Guardian Knights leapt into action. Fueled by the Force, they sprang into the air just as the hill beneath them erupted into a massive plume of fire and dust. Caught mid-air, Prince Jais could see his forces still fighting against the enemy while a few officers had turned around to check on the prince.

The enemy attack had failed and now they were growing even more desperate.

On the Red Knights side, one of their commanders was watching the battle unfold from a faraway position. His face was filled with anger and rage since their plans were almost achieved until that stupid prince came down with more reinforcements.

In the beginning of this war, they had tried to raid an Air base to acquire some fighters, but they were obliterated by the defending forces. Ever since then they were unable to acquire fighters or any air vehicles which forced them to use converted civilian craft as fighters, and anti-air weapons.

But their fighters were extremely costly and not easily acquired and they couldn't send them into battle now or else they would get eliminated by the Terran Fighters.

The Red Knights commander wished that they had acquired those fighters, since they would at least be able to cause some damage to the Terran forces, but as they are now, they would be pushed all the way back to their main hideout.

He couldn't allow this, so he started to order more soldiers to the frontlines.

As he was issue orders, from above what looked like 12 small objects falling from space had alerted him and his men causing them to disperse from the area. The 12 objects had impacted directly within his camp causing smoke to spring up all around the area.

The Red Knights commander had fallen on the ground and was soon helped up by one of his men as he stood up coughing a little from all the smoke.

"What the Hell" he said as he looked in the direction of where the smoke was coming from.

But as it began to clear what he saw was something he did not expect to see. 12 Tall armored enemy soldiers were standing where the objects had landed. And as the smoke cleared, he got a full view of what those objects were.

"Those are dop pods" Said the Red Knights commander as he pointed towards the 12 Spartans who were standing there "They are enemies kill them" he said as he opened fire using his Blaster pistol. The other men followed suit and opened fire, but the Spartans had aimed their weapons and started to kill everybody in sight.

The Blaster shots were absorbed by the Spartans armor as they moved methodically, each Spartan taking aim with their own customized weaponry, and eliminating the enemy in robotic synchronization. The Red Knights didn't stand a chance against the onslaught. One by one, they fell under the weight of the Terran forces.

The Spartans advanced steadily. Their helmets masked any emotion that might have played across their faces, hidden behind cold, metallic visages of war. The only sound on the now desolate battlefield was that of blaster fire being absorbed into their armor and the synchronized movement of their heavy armored suits.

The Red Knights commander watched in horror as his men were ruthlessly cut down. He had underestimated the Terran's determination.

On board the Invictus, Prince Luke watched as his brother's Guardian Knights rallied from the shock of the explosion. Despite being momentarily thrown into confusion by the surprise attack, they quickly regrouped with their prince and rejoined the fray.

Prince Jais himself descended from where he had been thrown by the blast, landing with a thud amongst his Guardian Knights. His fiery gaze swept over his loyal protectors, a silent call to arms that rekindled their fighting spirit.

For the Red Knight this news was not at all good. It showed them that while they started this war, they would not be the ones to end it.

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