
Star Wars A Galaxy Reborn

A Star Wars Fanfic where both the Republic and The Galactic Empire exists at the same time in a Galaxy that is full of constant wars and suffering. Our MC Alexander Hamilton after successfully passing a trial by a Goddess gets put into this war torn Galaxy after he dies from being overworked in his previous world. Now in his second life, he strives to never work under anybody ever again and to live his life how he wants to. Can he build up his Empire in this New Galaxy while bringing peace and prosperity to the Galaxy, or will he be overwhelmed and succumb to the Darkness.

Dr_Dred · その他
169 Chs

Chapter 114

The Terran Fleet was victorious over the Grysk Hegemony fleet which attacked the Capital world of the Paataatus Hiveborn. And right now Prince Militaire had came aboard Alexander's Emperor Class Star Dreadnought.

"Your Highness I thank you for saving my planet" Said Prince Militaire since if the Grysk were successful then his people would be enslaved and used for war by the Grysk Hegemony.

"I told you what would happen now that you are my Vassal so stop thanking me and start acting like a Leader" Said Alexander stopping Prince Militaire from constantly thanking for helping them.

Hearing this Prince Militaire stood up and looked at Alexander rather than groveling before him. "See now this is better" Said Alexander as he approached the Prince.

"I Promised you that I would save the Paataatus Hiveborn and I keep my promises" Said Alexander

"Of course your highness I should have believed you the first time you told me" Responded the Prince this time his voice sounded more like a Leader.

While this was happening Alexander had looked past the Prince and at a certain individual whom he noticed when he first met the Prince.

He didn't know what this individual was doing but he could feel that the individual was using the force to try and influence the minds of those around them. At first he didn't pay attention since this person was unsuccessful but now that they are doing it again he wouldn't just allow them to continue.

"How long are you going to keep doing that" Asked Alexander directing his attention towards the individual who looked at him confused.

Prince Militaire also turned around to see who Alexander was talking to. But before he could answer Alexander used the force to grab the person and lift him into the air. This action caused the Guardian Knights to surround Prince Militaire and his party while the Prince's party looked confused.

"I asked you question" Stated Alexander as he brought the individual closer.

"Your Highness what is going on" Asked Prince Militaire as he was confused on what was going on.

"Prince Militaire you are blinded by the powers and abilities of the Grysk Hegemony" Said Alexander as he chocked the Grysk spy causing him to fall unconscious.

"Take him away, I will come to extract the information I need later" Said Alexander as the Guardian Knights picked him and dragged him off to the interrogation room.

Prince Militaire looked at the rest of his party and told them to stand down and not interfere since he was sure that there was a proper explanation for this.

"He was a Grysk spy" Said Alexander as he looked at the Prince.

"He was constantly using some sort of ability that constantly influences the minds of those around him, I first felt it when we first met but I didn't act on it since this was our first meeting and caution was to be expected but when now once I have felt this ability again I can feel that he was trying to influence the minds of my very own crew" Explained Alexander

Prince Militaire turned towards his Advisor Kerosh to see if he knew about this or not.

"It is true My Prince, The Grysk do possess and ability like this which is why they have conquered so many worlds successfully" Said Kerosh

"I see" Said Prince Militaire as he got lost in thought about how many spies could have potentially infiltrated his nation.

"Don't worry I will send one of my subordinates with you to sense any more spies amongst those closest to you" Said Alexander as he called for Maul to come forward.

"This is Maul I'm sure you seen him when we first met, He is a very capable of finding the spies and he will offer protection incase of an assassination attempt" Introduced Alexander.

Prince Militaire thanked Alexander and talked with Maul to learn more about him. Eventually Prince Militaire returned back to the Capital city on his planet with Maul while Alexander went on to the first planet on his list of conquest.

The world of Telleth which was a Nikardun Destiny Fortress World developed to be the first line of defense for the Nikardun Destiny.

Alexander had with him a fleet of 100 ships and Millions of Soldiers being carried on Transport ships. The Grysk Hordes may be many but in the face of the Millions of Terran Clone Soldiers who have been created for war they are nothing.

The Trip to Telleth took 2 hours and once they arrived they encountered only a small resistance from the defenses of the Nikardun Destiny. The reason for this was because the Main force of the Nikardun Destiny was was currently fighting off the Garwian Unity Main fleet in another System so only a small defense fleet was left to defend Telleth.

So when the Terran Fleet entered the System it was a short battle that ended in the Nikardun Destiny fleet trying to leave but for some reason their Hyperdrives wouldn't work and the remaining ships were boarded while the crew was taken prisoner.

The Prisoners were thrown in cells and would be interrogated for information on the Nikardun Destiny and it's holdings.

In the meantime the invasion of Telleth had begun as Millions of Terran Clone soldiers had descended to the Surface of the planet accompanied by thousands of Gunships, Fighter's, and other support craft.

The first place to be taken was the Capital city which was turned into the Main HQ for Terran forces on the planet. The Capital City was a Fortress that was heavily defended but with the Terran forces having total air control it made it easy to take the City with little losses.

And once the Capital city fell the rest of the planet was easy to take as the enemy forces were scattered all over without any command structure since it was destroyed during the Initial battle of the Capital city.

As a result thousands of more Prisoners were taken and put into makeshift Military Prisons created by the Terran military.

The battle lasted 18 hours before they gained control of the entire planet. But the war wasn't going to be like this forever since Alexander did make a promise to his kids to take them somewhere in a week.

To do this he would just attack the Capital planet of the enemy which would destroy their command Structure and scatter their forces then he would send another force to finish claiming the remaining enemy systems.

But first he must find out the locations of the Capital planet from the captured Prisoners.

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