
Sleepovers are Not so Bad after All

Taeyong's your professor, you are his student. Simple, right? Maybe.

CaptainEyelash · 音楽·バンド
18 Chs

Let's talk business

Briar's POV

So here I was, waiting anxiously for the class to end. I can't help but feel deja vu?

Hmm, whatever.

People were already heading out and I just watched them pass by. I saw Yuki and she gave me a look I didn't quite understand. Then I saw Jaehyun walking out while mouthing "I'm sorry" to me, then finally see my professor. Looking at me....hungrily.

Oh, I need to calm him down....and quick.

I went in and sat down on one of the front row seats....again. He closed the door, but I heard a click.

I'm definitely in trouble, let's hope he'll let me off the hook.

"Who is he?" Mr. Lee started.

"Who?" I said oblivious.

"That boy you were partners with!" he said angrily.

"You know him, you just said his name awhile ago." I said playing.

"I'm not playing games, Briar." he said close to exploding.

"And so am I." I said getting up and walking closer to him.

"Why are you so angry? I didn't do anything." I defended.

I really didn't do anything, so what's his damn problem?

"I-it's j-just! He gets too close to you and I can tell he's fucking interested in you!" he said close to screaming.

"When you weren't looking, did you know where his eyes lingered!? He wa-" he continued, but I went up to him, cutting him off.

"Hey, calm down. You're raising your voice." I said now in front of him, rubbing my hand on his chest, effectively calming him down a bit.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but are you jealous?" I said while smirking.

"I am. I so am." he said gripping my hips and pulling me towards him, and nuzzling his face on my neck.

"I. Don't. Like. Sharing. What's. Mine." he said as he was showering my neck with butterfly kisses, making me crane my neck to the side, giving him a better access.

"Hmm, who said I was yours?" I taunted only to be answered by a hard nip on my neck, making me gasp and squirm in his hold.

"You're mine." he said looking at me with hooded eyes.

"I don't think so." I said teasingly.

"Then let me rephrase that. You will be mine." he said, his kisses more demanding and if he's claiming me.

If he leaves a hickey, I swear!

Okay, I need to stop this before it gets outta hand.

I pushed away him softly, breathing hard and say

"You can claim me some other time." I said making him put on a scowled look, but I pecked his lips making him smile again.

He's so cute.

"Let's talk business." I said, sitting on his desk chair and crossing my legs while he stood there in shock, making me smirk.

"So how am I going to earn the points I lost during the partner exercise you pulled me out from?" I said looking him in the eye.

"I uh- umm..." he said speechless.

"You can't just give me a bad score every time you're jealous." I said in a mocking voice. He began pacing the floor but eventually leans on the desk.

"Ugh fine! I'll let you answer something else!" he said but I have a better idea.

"How about~ you let this slide and write my name on Jaehyun's paper?" I said, while reaching for his hand, caressing it and looking up at him with my puppy eyes.

He's going to succumb to me....hopefully.

Please please please~

"Ugh! Fine, but if I see him near you and look at you like that again, I'll definitely take my anger out on him." he said holding my hand that was caressing his.

"Thanks." I said giving him another peck but he pulled me back by my arm gently, giving me a pouty look.

"What?" I said chuckling.

"I want more." he said puckering his lips at me.

"You're lucky you're cute." I said giving in to his request.

I pecked him but his lips keep chasing mine, making me giggle at his antics.

"Stoooop~ I gotta go, my mum's making supper and I have to help." I said only to earn another pout from him.

Pecking him one last time, I eventually said goodbye and went home, smiling to myself.

As I was walking, I hear a honk and a voice say


It was Andre.....should've known.

"Sup bisheeeessss~!" I said as I went inside, seeing Naia and Yuki.

"Oooohhh~ someone's definitely gotten some." Andre said while smirking.

"Shut up! And watch the road you lunatic." I said

"She definitely gotten some!" Naia said in a singy song voice.

"Ooohhh~ my gurl's got game~ get some!!!" Yuki said joining in.

Their teasings went on until we all arrived in our homes.

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