
Sleepovers are Not so Bad after All

Taeyong's your professor, you are his student. Simple, right? Maybe.

CaptainEyelash · Music & Bands
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18 Chs


Taeyong's POV

It's Monday and I'm ecstatic to see Briar after what happened in the mall. The little session we had in the movies but what made me even happier was knowing that she returned my feelings gave me an energy boost but also made me impatient.

My class with her was at the end of the day so I just went along with my usual way of teaching.


It was lunch time, so I went to the cafeteria for food and also to look for Briar if she's there. Once I get there, I see her with a boy.

Hmm, never seen him before.

They made their way over to their table and she began to introduce him to them. They were talking a bit then I saw him trying to move closer, a little later, her friends seemed to be teasing her, making her smile and the boy making googly eyes at her.

Back the fuck up boi, she's mine!

Thankfully, my girl would move away every time he would get close to her, making me calm down a bit.

It was finally my last class which means I get to see her again, but my mood turned sour once I see the boy she was with earlier.

No, you can't let your emotions take you.

"Alright class, let's get started." I announced.

Class went on per usual, but I would see the boy from earlier, still don't know his name, sneak glances at Briar, which was noticeable since we was seated in front of her.

That sparked something in me but I kept my cool and carried on.

"Any questions?" I asked the class, but no one answered.

"Everyone pair up, we'll answer a few exercises from your textbooks." I said while observing the class.

I saw everyone paired up but one pair made me hardened my stare. It was that boy again, he was charming his way to her which sparked that emotion again.

Looking at my student list, I saw that his name was Jung Jaehyun.

Hmmm alright then.

Still looking at the both of them, snapping out of my rage, I said

"Turn to page 127 and answer the 3 sets of exercises. I want to see each partner help each other, if not there will be consequences." I announced.

I know some kids would let one person do all the work, so I came up with this plan to teach them to help and depend on each other.

The noise in the classroom lowered as they were discussing ways to solve each problem. All of them were pretty serious by now and were helping each other.

I couldn't help but linger on Briar and her partner. I've observed that he would again, get closer to her and would try to make minimal physical contact with her. Thankfully, she would always dodge it or would back off.

Minutes later, I see her bend down to retrieve something from her backpack. That's fine yes, but what made me mad was because of that boy again.

Since she was serious on finding whatever she's looking for, she was oblivious to the boy's stare which was currently on her behind.

I silently made my way over to them and said

"Ms. Briar, shouldn't you be helping your partner instead of doing something else?"

Now getting the boy's attention, finally getting back to answering.

"I uh- I- I dropped my pen and was just picking it up." she said sheepishly.

"Just picking it up...for 5 minutes?" I said while eyeing her.

"Y-yeah, it was kicked under the tables." she said while looking down.

"Really? You're looking for your pen, the pen that is placed on the corner of your desk?" I said angrily.

"I-uh was looking for my oth-" I cut her off, not taking anymore excuses

"That's it Ms. Briar, see me after class and Mr. Jung, turn in that paper later with only your name on it." I snapped.

Oh snap~

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