
Sleepovers are Not so Bad after All

Taeyong's your professor, you are his student. Simple, right? Maybe.

CaptainEyelash · 音楽·バンド
18 Chs

Dare accomplished

Briar's POV

*bell rings*

And just like that, the wait is over....

FUCK! I'm drawing a blank here! Whatever, I'll just do some flirting and hope for the best. Ugh, my life.

I was hiding in the corner of the hallway, seemingly blending with the crowd that's starting to form.

As the last few people were going out of the classroom, I prayed to all the gods to give me the strength, in overcoming this huge obstacle.

Damn, I'm dramatic today.

I was thinking of just bailing until I saw the gang, specifically Andre.

Staring at me, sending a message like "I'll end you if you don't do this, you MADE us do ours!" I gulped and started walking away when

"And where do you think you're going, Ms. Briar?" said none other than my professor.

Damn your husky voice!

"N-nowhere sir. I was just- I got nothing" I said defeatedly.

He chuckled....

What is with him and chuckling today? Specifically, at me? Well, can't blame him. I AM hilarious....well my face is that's for sure.

"After you, Ms. Brair." he said.

"Normally, I would say what a gentleman, but considering this is detention, I can't." I said sassily.

"Watch your tongue, let's not forget what you're in here for" he replied.

Riiigghhttt~ well, I'm fucked.

"Now, do you know why you're in here? Cause I don't see any remorse from your end." He continued.

*sigh* "I know what I did" I replied grudgingly, sitting down on one of the front row seat.

"Mhmm, so....what do you suppose we do about this?" he said.

Do I detect a flirty tone there?

"You tell me, you caught me." I deadpanned.

"Exactly" he said, slowly walking towards me.

"I caught you." He said, lowering his voice, if possible.

By now, he was standing in front of of me. His stare was slowly melting me, making me blush and look down by its intensity.

"Hmm, what should I do..." he wondered out loud.

"You could~ let me off the hook?" I said hopefully.

"Nice try" he said chuckling

I know, again with the chuckling.

"Ooh! You could let me finish my test in here since we're alone. I'll have no one to copy from." I said cleverly.

"I could...but what's in it for me? You wouldn't have learned your lesson this way." he said....seductively?

Hold on, is he hitting on me or am I THAT delusional? Why would he hit on a lil' potato?

"Umm....then I don't know" I said, giving up.

"Tell you what, I'll let you finish your test right now. If you help me return these books back to the library after." he proposed.

"Oh, okay then." I agreed.

"Alright then, I'll give you 20 minutes to finish."

I was about to argue when he said

"I saw that you only have one problem left. Take it or leave it." he said sternly.

Fucking teacher. I couldn't rack my brain for the answers when I had an hour left to spare, what makes him think I can solve this in under 20 minutes.

*sigh* "Alright then." I said, pouting slightly.

- - - - - - - -

Minutes passed and I painfully handed my paper, hoping I answered it right. I was packing my things, about to walk out the door when Mr. Lee called my name.

"Miss Briar, aren't you forgetting something?" he asked.

Riiigghhhttt~ books. library.

"Sorry, I forgot." I said sheepishly.

"You're awfully forgetful, aren't you?" he asked.

"Sometimes" I replied, uncomfortable under his intense gaze.

"Alright, carry the other stack of books and we'll head to the library together." he instructed.

I just nodded in understanding.

- - - - - - - -

On the way there, I was having a hard time carrying that many books all at once cause I don't work out for shit. Again, I'm a potato.

We finally made it to the library and were setting the books on a nearby table.

I made it! Fuck yeah! I carried all that shit!

I mentally cheered myself, doing a little dance. Stopping my little dance number, I hear a deep chuckle.

Of course he would see it, why the fuck not! AND he's fucking chuckling again...still at me!

What I didn't notice though, is the fallen books that I knocked over while doing my dance.

Blushing, I turned, bending over and started picking them up. In the corner of my eye, I see my dear professor eyeing me from behind. Smirking to myself, I teasingly got up slowly, making it as sensually as possible.

I sure hope I don't look like a granny who hurt her back.

He was still zoned out though. Either he was blown away by my behind or he was just deep in thought and was spacing out and he happened to stare off in the distance near where I was standing.

So, I decided to bring him back to Earth.

"Mr. Lee? Hello?" I asked while waving my hand.

"Uh, um sorry. W-what?" he stuttered.

"Is that all you wanted?" I asked seductively, sashaying my way to where he was standing.

This is the perfect place to do the dare, seeing as the library is deserted.

He was looking at me with his now darkened eyes, his fist clenching and unclenching.

"I uh- I- fuck it" he cursed at no one.

Suddenly gripping my hip, pulling me towards him and his alluring lips.

The moment my lips met his, it felt wonderful. Our kiss was nothing innocent, it was full of lust and passion.

His hands were trailing until they reached my arse, gripping them roughly, making me gasp. Seeing this as an opportunity, he slipped his tongue inside my mouth. Exploring it, making me groan.

At that sound, I snapped back to reality and lightly pushed his shoulders away, signaling to him to stop.

Thank glob he did or else I would've jumped him then and there.

We were both breathing heavily, staring in each other's eyes. Realization hit me, and I started backing away.

"I uh- I g-gotta go." was all I could manage to say.

I was speed walking my way to the door, but I sneaked a look at him. What I saw made me confused. He had a sad or broken look on, like I had just rejected him.


I swear I'm going crazy over these assumptions. With that, I turned away and headed home.

- - - - - -

Laying in my bed, I keep replaying what happened in the library.

Ugh, why does he have to be so hot!

But the one thing that bothered me most was that look. I couldn't decipher it, couldn't tell what that look meant. With those thoughts spiraling my head, I drifted off to sleep.

What do you think is running through Mr. Lee's head right now?

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