
Sleepovers are Not so Bad after All

Taeyong's your professor, you are his student. Simple, right? Maybe.

CaptainEyelash · Music & Bands
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18 Chs


~Skip to Friday~

Briar's POV

"So Briar, it's your last day to do the dare and I don't see any lips smacking yet." Andre said smugly.

Fuck! It's Friday already? The days just passed by so quickly that I forgot about the dare until Andre reminded me. Speaking of which, this hoe is smirking so smugly at me. Do I need to slap a bitch right now?

"No, I have a perfectly thought out plan. That's why I waited till the last day." I said ever so confidently.

But in all honesty, I was shitting my pants right now. I'll just have to wing it, pfft...It'll probably work, probably.

- - - - - - - -

I was on my way to my last period, which is Math.

Ugh, I fucking hate this subject.

Fuck! I forgot we have a quiz today, uugghhh!

Good thing Yuki's with me for this class, praise the lawd! Hmph, perks of having Asian friends.

And to top that off, we're both ninjas when it comes to cheating, we got this!

"Hey dad! We got a quiz today, you're going to help me right? Right. Okay, thanks a lot" I said in one breath.

"I didn't even get to say anything!" Yuki exclaimed.

"Mhmm, I know you love me though so" I replied smirking.

Yuki starts grumbling which made me giggle at her grumpiness.

Then comes in our professor. The allegedly Mr. Hottie, as they would call him, Mr. Lee Taeyong.

Aaanndd que the girls sighing dreamily~

"Alright guys, you all know we have a quiz today so paper and pens out, notes and books away." he immediately said after setting his things down.

As he was handing out the questionnaires, I zoned out for a moment. It was only because I just noticed our professor's choice of clothing today, which suits him so much. At one glance you'd say it's pretty normal for a teacher to have that attire, but when he's wearing them he makes it look like their from Gucci, or some other expensive brand you can think of.

"Ms. Briar? Hello~?" I hear a deep husky voice, pulling me out of my daydream.

"Huh? Oh, sorry sir." I replied sheepishly.

He turned away chuckling.

Glob his deep voice will be the death of me. Snap out of it ya stupid hoe! You got a problem right now! I thought and mentally slapping myself.

"Alright, let's get this shit over with." I whispered to myself.

- - - - -

I managed to answer a lot on my own, huh, what do you know, I know some shit after all....unless they're all wrong cause this seems too easy for me....NAH.

Anyway, I was almost done until I noticed that Mr. Lee was staring at me...

Nah, my mind is fucking with me.

But I could've sworn he was, and I actually confirmed it when we accidentally caught each other's stares. He didn't turn away, he was like staring into my soul. Not being able to hold our little staring contest, I looked down blushing.

Is it hot in here or is it just me?

Nope! Gotta finish this shit, can't be bothered right now.

- - - - - -

I only got one problem left to solve, since I got bored of answering and was just guessing now. But this problem was 10pts. so I couldn't afford to wing this shit out so, I turned to Yuki. Stealthily looking at her paper, to see that she has already answered that problem.

"Psst! Move your paper towards me." I whispered to her.

We were at the back of the classroom so I assumed that it would be no problem. But bitch I was wrong when I heard a thundering voice.

"Ms. Briar, turn in your paper now and see me after class." Mr. Lee said sternly.

"For fuck's sake, ugh whatever." I cursed.

As if a light bulb blew up in my head, I finally got the idea on how to do my dare. So as I was getting up to hand my paper, I was being a little extra and swayed my hips while walking. I can tell that it's working cause my dear professor was eyeing me up and down.

He looked me in the eyes, and I could see lust and adoration, maybe?

Nah, the fuck?

To top that off, I put my paper on his desk, sassily walking away from the classroom to wait outside, planning my next course of action once we're alone in the classroom.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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