Chapter 5 – The Prank War Ends
Naruto woke up early the morning after his birthday party. He left his room, without waking up Konohamaru who was still asleep on a futon on the floor, before heading into one of the upstairs bathrooms. Even though he and Konohamaru had been terrorized the whole night, getting woken up multiple times due to being the victims of one of Kushina's pranks, Naruto felt rested and refreshed. He really didn't need that many hours of sleep each night to feel well rested. That was another positive quirk of being an Uzumaki. Even though he would be just fine with just a few hours of sleep, he is still human and enjoys a long night of sleep just as much as anyone else. He just coped with going on a few hours of sleep better than most other people.
Naruto took a shower, while thinking about how he could get away from the house unnoticed. He wanted to escape his mother's wrath, as she would most likely still be angry about yesterday. The problem is that she is a full blooded Uzumaki, and she can cope with even less sleep than Naruto. She has likely already gotten up and started preparing breakfast, he thought. Naruto only saw one way to save himself from any further pranks. That was to offer up Konohamaru to her, as a peace offering, which would allow her to get her payback on him. It would only do Konohamaru good to get a few beatings or two, as that is the type of experiences which build character, Naruto thought.
Naruto also had something else on his mind, which also had to do with his mom. It had to do with something that made Kushina even angrier and upset than Konohamaru's pranks. Yesterday, Naruto had both seen and overheard Hiruzen give Kushina yet another invitation to have sex with him. This was actually the second time Naruto had seen that in less than a week. When he was younger, he never understood why Kushina was always furious with Hiruzen, or why the two of them would always chase Hiruzen down the street, back to his house, while throwing weapons and elemental techniques at him. Now he was starting to understand the reason why. It made him wonder, had that old pervert been doing that for all these years? And if that is the case, why haven't his father done anything about it?
Kushina wasn't the only one he had seen Hiruzen bother last night. Naruto even saw him go after Anko, asking her to have sex with him as well, which ended up with Anko chasing Hiruzen around the house, using summoned snakes as her weapons. Butao and Yoshino also seemed upset when Hiruzen talked to them, making Naruto think that he had asked them the same thing. Naruto doesn't know for sure, but he intends to figure out what is going on.
Meanwhile, downstairs on the first floor, Kushina, who Naruto wanted to escape from, was preparing yet another prank. She had gotten up even earlier than him, and had been waiting for Naruto to wake up, knowing that he would try to escape her, by heading out early to train. She wasn't going to let him off that easily, though. He needs to finally understand who is the actual master of pranks, in this village. When Kushina heard the shower getting turned on, as the water started running, she grinned mischievously, before she started preparing for her prank.
About ten minutes later, as Naruto was stepping out of the shower, Kushina opened the door the bathroom to take him by surprise. What she had not expected, was the she would be the one taken by complete surprise instead. Kushina had thought he would be drying himself up with a towel, meaning that his body would be at least partially covered. She was wrong about that, as Naruto was currently admiring his semi hard on. He had gotten that hard on due to thinking about Anko during the shower, remembering some of the times that she has teased him in the most suggestive of ways.
As soon as she had opened the door, her eyes was met by a very naked Naruto, who looked a lot different compared to the last time she had seen him completely naked. A certain part of him had grown the most, as Kushina's eyes was stuck on the thing in between Naruto's legs. To her, it looked almost like a third leg. Naruto had not really paid attention to her, until he heard her gasp. When he realized that his mom was standing at the doorway, seeing him completely naked, he did his best to cover as much of his unusually large penis.
"Mom!?" Naruto said in a whiny tone, as he tried to cross his legs "Get out, dattebayo!" he yelled, comically.
"W-what?" Kushina stuttered, her cheeks had gotten redder than her hair. She didn't move as she was seemingly standing frozen at the door, staring at him. She bit her lip, while her eyes were glued to his large tool. "I didn't know they could get that big.." Kushina thought as she stared at it in awe.
"Get out!" Naruto yelled, before turning around "Can't you see that I'm naked?".
Kushina snapped out of it when she heard that, as she hurriedly got out of the bathroom, bringing her bucket of ice cubes and sticky and gooey kitchen ingredients with her. She had forgotten about her prank after what she had just seen. "Lock the door next time, dattebane!" Kushina yelled, before rushing down the stairs, while being completely red faced. She went back to the kitchen, then sat down at the kitchen table.
She couldn't get the image of her son's dick out of her mind. She had never really paid much attention to her husband's penis, but she always thought it was normal in size, nothing odd or special about it. She didn't know that Minato was actually considered to be big, compared to most others, when it came to the actual length of it. Thickness wise, Minato's was very average, though. She couldn't help but wonder, is it Minato who is small, or is Naruto just very very big? She also couldn't help but think about what it would be like to have Naruto's thing all for herself. That was the first time in her life, that she had incestuous thoughts about Naruto, but it was far from the last time.
Naruto joined her at the kitchen a few minutes later. He found Kushina sitting at the kitchen table, blushing slightly as she appeared to be lost in her own thoughts. When Naruto entered the kitchen, she turned to look at him. First she stared into his eyes, then her eyes went further down as she glanced at his crotch, before she looked into his eyes again "G-Good morning" Kushina stuttered out uncharacteristically. "Where is he hiding that thing under his pants? He looks completely normal with clothes on" Kushina thought.
Naruto frowned, wondering if she had just stared at his groin again for just a second. He decided not to mention it, thinking it would just get weird. If he never mentioned anything about her walking in on him in the bathroom, she would probably forget about it. Or at least not bring up what she saw, which Naruto figured is the reason for her odd behavior. That would be Naruto's abnormally large penis. She had not seen him naked since the days when he was still a little kid. The current size of it must have shocked her. Even Naruto was a bit weirded out with how big it got at first. But since he had bathed with Minato and Jiraiya at hot springs and such, his whole life, he was at least used to seeing bigger than normal ones. Jiraiya always assured him that there was nothing weird about it as well, while Minato seemed to be annoyed with it having grown that much. Almost as if he was jealous of him, or felt inferior in a silly way. That greatly amused the young Uzumaki.
"Good morning, mom" Naruto said in a casual tone, as he walked up to the kitchen table. He grabbed two sandwiches that Kushina had prepared for him, then said "I'm gonna head out to train for a while". Naruto then began heading out of the kitchen, as Kushina asked "What about Konohamaru-kun, shouldn't you take him with you?".
Naruto showed her a toothy mischievous grin "I am leaving him here, as a peace offering to you, dattebayo!", he said, before rushing out of the house, hearing Kushina's evil cackles coming from the kitchen. She didn't have any complaints about that.
Instead of going to his usual training spot to train, Naruto headed down south of his backyard to get to Jiraiya's house instead. When he got there, he jumped through the open window of Jiraiya's bedroom, landing next to Jiraiya's bed.
"Ero-sennin!" Naruto yelled at the top of his lungs "It's morning, time to wake up, dattebayo!!" he yelled even louder.
"Fuck off" Jiraiya said as he rolled over to face away from Naruto, then covered his head with his pillow "Get out of my house, you damn brat!".
"I need gear, I'm going to war" Naruto said without any further explanations.
"I don't care, do you know how early it is!?" Jiraiya barked at him, before throwing his pillow at him "Who are you fighting this time? Minato again?".
Naruto shook his head "No, I'm gonna go beat up that old pervert, old man Hiruzen" he said with an angry frown.
"Oh?" Jiraiya said in amusement "How can I help?" he offered. If Naruto wanted to go mess with that disgrace of all perverts, then Jiraiya had no objections. He had often wanted to kick his ass himself, due to the way he invites Kushina, Tsunade and other women, to have sex with him.
"Get me everything I need to fight him. I am going to defeat him, and make him apologize to my mom and Anko-chan" Naruto said, gritting his teeth in anger "He did it again, at the party yesterday".
"I saw" Jiraiya said with a sigh "He bothered all the women at the party yesterday, not just Anko and your mom".
"Then you have no objections to me going over there to kick his old ass?" Naruto asked.
Jiraiya got up, stretching his arms above his head, while yawning "No, brat. I will get you everything you need" he said, before he and Naruto headed out of Jiraiya's bedroom, to the small hallway of his house. Jiraiya, who was still in his pajamas, then lead Naruto to a small storage room, where he got Naruto everything he thought he would need. Naruto was now armed with every single ninja tool you could imagine, and he was wearing an old fashioned armor, which Konoha ninja used during the second great ninja war.
"Keep your legs moving, use his old age to your advantage. If you tire him out, you might have a decent shot at winning" Jiraiya said with a chuckle. The two of them had moved outside now, as Naruto was ready to leave.
Naruto nodded "I will not fail, Ero-sennin. He has got it coming for asking my mom and Anko-chan such things for so long..".
"Indeed" Jiraiya said with a nod "I'm surprised no one has tried to kick his ass before now. I would have already done so, if Minato didn't give me strict orders not to start a fight with Sarutobi-sensei in the middle of the village, fearing for the safety of the villagers".
"Well, he is going to get it today. I'll be off now, Ero-sennin!" Naruto said with a salute.
"Make me proud, brat" Jiraiya said with a chuckle, before Naruto disappeared using a teleportation technique. He arrived outside the Sarutobi clan compound, a few minutes later. After knocking on the door to Konohamaru and Hiruzen's home, Hiruzen opened it a few seconds later. Hiruzen glanced at Naruto with a raised eyebrow, then chuckled as he said "Are you going out to fight in a war or something, brat?".
Naruto nodded "If it comes to that" he said in a serious tone. He was serious about wanting to beat Hiruzen up. At the very least, he is not going to leave this place until he has made sure that Hiruzen stops asking his mom to have sex with him. He is so tired of it. Especially since his mom is the last person who would do something like that when she is already married. Some other married women in this village who are less loyal and less prudish might, but not her. She is probably the last person in Konoha who would accept a random sex invitation like that.
It's enough that she already has a bunch of perverted men leering at her wherever she goes, even though she never gives them a reason to do so. She always dresses very conservatively, such as with her usual green housewife dress. She is such a gentle soul in Naruto's mind, and she doesn't deserve having perverts like Hiruzen after her every time he gets a chance. Naruto is also very protective of his mom. He usually beats up those perverts who leer at her when she just walks down a road in the village or something.
Hiruzen couldn't help but continue to chuckle, as he stared at Naruto in amusement "Are you here to see Konohamaru?" he asked, since Naruto usually only visited them in order to see Konohamaru, or to prank Hiruzen.
"Did he already get back home?" Naruto asked.
Hiruzen nodded "Yes, he is resting on the couch. He just came back home from your place. He looked like he had been beaten black and blue".
Naruto shivered slightly when he heard that, hoping that his mom at least held back on Konohamaru a little bit. "He probably deserved it" Naruto said.
Hiruzen nodded again "I have no doubts about that" he said, knowing that Konohamaru often deserved any beating he got. The same goes for Naruto. The two of them are really out of contorl.
Naruto then stepped inside, heading into Hiruzen's living room, where he found Konohamaru laying on his back in the couch.
"Stupid hag! I'm gonna get you back for this, kore!" Konohamaru whined, holding his forehead where he had a large bump.
"That's the spirit, Kon!" Naruto said with a grin, as he made his presence known "What did she do to you this time?".
Konohamaru pouted "She whooped my ass, boss!" he said hanging his head "But, I kinda deserved it, I guess..".
"You probably did" Naruto said a matter of factually, while nodding.
As if forgetting about his pain, Konohamaru jumped up on his feet, smiling at his big brother and leader figure "Hey, boss! Aren't you going out to train, kore?"
That was the last Hiruzen heard of their conversation since it seemed like Naruto was waiting for him to leave before talking again. Hiruzen knew what that meant. He was here to mess with him again. Naruto waited until Hiruzen was outside, before he leaned down and whispered to Konohamaru "I'm gonna kick that old man's ass. I need your help with something..".
Konohamaru grinned "You can count on me, boss!" he said eagerly. He had wanted to beat up his grandpa for a long time, mainly due to him also not being a big fan of how he asks women to have sex with him all the time. Then there is also the fact that Hiruzen is a former hokage, which makes him even more of a worthy opponent, and someone Konohamaru wants to surpass.
Naruto then whispered to Konohamaru what he needed to do in order to help Naruto. A minute later, Konohamaru had made his way outside to the backyard. He went over to where Hiruzen sat, smoking his pipe. A few seconds later, Hiruzen started yelling, after Konohamaru had smacked the pipe away from his hands "What's wrong with you brat? Do you want me to punch your head in!?" Hiruzen yelled in anger.
"Fuck you, old perv!" Konohamaru yelled back, giving him the finger.
Naruto, who had placed a certain seal on Konohamaru when he walked up to whisper to him earlier, used his fathers signature technique, "The Flying Thunder God Technique", to teleport himself out to them. In a flash of yellow, Naruto appeared and kicked Hiruzen in the head. Shocking Konohamaru who had not even been able to see him move. Hiruzen didn't know that Naruto was capable of using that technique, not knowing that Naruto had learned it during the years that he trained with Minato. Konohamaru's only role during this, was to be a distraction for Hiruzen, which might allow Naruto to catch Hiruzen off guard.
Hiruzen held his cheek where Naruto had kicked him "Naruto!" he said in angry tone "That's too much for a prank, don't you think?"
"Get out of here, Kon. Things are about to get wild!" Naruto said with a wide evil grin, while he channeled a rasengan in his right hand.
Konohamaru saluted him "Roger, boss!" he said, before taking cover inside the house. He would observe their battle/spar through the windows. He did not want to be around since his grandpa seemed really angry and Naruto was acting kind of scary as well.
Hiruzen got up "First that technique and now the rasengan. Minato sure has taught you some dangerous techniques, Naruto" he said in a rather angry tone. Even though he sounded angry, he was actually more impressed rather than angry. He actually couldn't believe it. He finished his training with Minato over four years ago. Since then he has been training with Kushina and Jiraiya. Just what else have they taught him? Naruto may very well become the strongest ninja this village has ever seen, if he keeps getting stronger.
"My mom and Ero-sennin taught me a few things as well. I plan to use all of them to kick your ass today, old man" Naruto spoke confidently, staring down the former hokage.
With raised eyebrows, Hiruzen said "And what reason do you have to attack an old man like myself?" in a rather fake innocent tone. He had a pretty good idea why Naruto was here and why he was angry with him.
A shadow clone appeared behind Hiruzen, grabbing him from behind as to keep him place. The real one yelled "I want you to stop bothering my mom and Anko-chan with your disgusting sex invitations!".
"Bingo" Hiruzen thought. His assumptions were right once again. Also, he couldn't help but think that Naruto's shadow clone technique usage is also really impressive. A lesser ninja than himself would have more trouble to get away from this position, especially since the real Naruto is threatening him with a rasengan.
"Okay" Hiruzen said with a chuckle. He actually meant it as well. Minato had never told Hiruzen to stop asking Kushina for sex. He was probably worried it would hurt their friendship, which it wouldn't. Hiruzen respected what Naruto just did and it makes him look more like the man of that household, than Minato is.
Naruto almost did a spit take "Okay?" he asked in a confused tone. He had expected more of a fight from the old pervert, who had been bothering them for years about that.
"Okay, I'll stop" Hiruzen said with another chuckle.
"Really, just like that? I don't have to beat you half to death?" Naruto asked in a confused tone, with his head tilted.
Hiruzen shook his head "It's not like anyone else ever had the balls to tell me to stop, except the women in question of course. But they might just be playing hard to get, you never know with women" he ended with a hearty laugh. Some women really did only play hard to get. There has been plenty who has refused him at first, only to come see him later to give him what he wants. But Kushina, Anko and some of the other village beauties were not like them. They were simply just not interested.
Naruto dispelled his clone and canceled out the rasengan in his hand "So you won't bother my mom or Anko-chan anymore?".
Hiruzen nodded calmly "Like I told you, I will stop, you have my word on that".
"Good" Naruto said smiling "But if you don't keep your promise, I won't be asking questions next time. I'll come here with the intent to hurt you badly".
Hiruzen laughed "Hahaha, I don't doubt you for a second, boy. You will probably succeed doing that as well with how strong you have gotten, and how old I'm getting.." Hiruzen ended his sentence with a sigh. If only he wasn't so damn old. It would have been fun to belong to this era, fighting wars together with Naruto. Maybe they could've truly made a difference then, to better this rotten world.
"If we have come to an understanding, then I will take my leave" Naruto said as he stepped towards the door.
Hiruzen held him back, by holding his shoulder with a very hard grip "Not so fast. While I will keep my word to you since I respect what you just did. I can't let you leave without showing you why I was the hokage and is not someone people normally threaten like that"
Naruto jumped back, further down the backyard and struck a fighting pose "I'm always ready for a fight, old man!".
Hiruzen smiled at first, then his expression hardened before he with very impressive speed, jumped straight at Naruto
Hiruzen smiled at first, then his expression hardened before he with very impressive speed, jumped straight at Naruto. The two of them then started sparring, which was more of an actual fight than a spar. It was most fun Hiruzen had in years, if you don't count all the sex.
Three hours later, Naruto was laying on his back in the same backyard. He was holding his head that hurt so badly after all the hits to it. He had several open wounds, none of which cut very deep though. Next to him was Konohamaru, kicking Hiruzen who was also laying down, nursing all his wounds. The battle had ended in a draw after a very impressive and even fight. Although Hiruzen could've knocked Naruto out many times if he truly wanted to, but he enjoyed the fight far too much to do that. He wanted to see everything Naruto could, and he is pretty sure he got to see the most of it. Now he is even more sure that Naruto is the man that will change this world. Unlike the little brat, who is currently kicking him right now, while he lying down.
"Yeah, take that, hahaha!" Konohamaru exclaimed, kicking the side of his stomach "Stay down old man, kore!"
"Damnit you retarded brat, can't you see that I'm hurt here?" Hiruzen yelled out angrily in a rather comical fashion.
"Let him be, Kon" Naruto ordered, breathing hard which was very rare for him, considering his inhuman stamina.
"Yes, boss!" Konohamaru said with a salute before going over to Naruto. He sat down next to him "Are you okay boss? You're bleeding." he said in a worried tone, looking over some of Naruto's wounds, none of which were serious.
"What about me?" Hiruzen muttered depressingly, nursing one of his bloody wounds.
Naruto sat up and said "Don't worry, wounds like these will heal in a few minutes".
"Eh? It will take at least a few days, boss" Konohamaru said shaking his head "Maybe you have never gotten hurt before".
"Of course I have gotten hurt. I spar against my parents and Ero-sennin regularly. I just heal faster than other people. Call it a trait of the Uzumaki clan" Naruto said.
Hiruzen got up, and walked passed them "That was a nice spar, well done, Naruto".
Naruto frowned as he stared at him as he kept walking towards the house "Do we have an understanding then?" Naruto asked.
"I told you already, you have my word. But in return, please do come visit me more often. I found this fight to be amusing. I'd like to spar against you again once you have had a little more time to train. I haven't been this excited about a spar in years" Hiruzen said, as he grabbed his pipe and put it in his mouth. He grinned as he smoked his pipe, looking genuinely happy.
"You got a deal old man!" Naruto said with a grin of his own. He didn't mind putting that old man in his place every now and then, if that meant that he would stop bothering his mom.
Naruto then went back to his own backyard. He washed his bloodied clothes at Jiraiya's house since he didn't want to give Kushina a reason to worry. He then went back to training at his backyard, like usual. As for Hiruzen, he planned to keep his promise. He wouldn't bother Kushina and Anko any more, unless they for some strange reason changed their mind. He certainly wasn't going to say no to that.
A half an hour after Hiruzen and Naruto's spar, Hiruzen had taken a shower to get himself cleaned up. As soon as he got dressed again, he heard someone knocking on their front door. It would appear that both he and Konohamaru had visitors, as Uchiha Mikoto, Moegi and Udon were the ones that had been knocking. They obviously didn't come here together and just happened to arrive here at the same time. Konohamaru and his friends didn't bother to question Mikoto's visit, before running off to cause mayhem somewhere in the village. Not that Konohamaru had any reason to question it either, since he is used to having her around. She has always been visiting their home, after all. He still has no clue about Hiruzen and Mikoto's real relationship though.
When Mikoto saw some bruises on Hiruzen's moderately swollen cheeks, she chuckled "Did a husband of one of your lovers catch you?" she asked.
"Hah" Hiruzen exclaimed sarcastically "None of my current lovers are married. No these are the battle scars I received from a very enjoyable spar against my new favorite grandson, Uzumaki Naruto" Hiruzen said with a proud smile. Konohamaru is still his favorite, but Hiruzen was thinking that after Konohamaru had kicked him when he was down earlier, who can blame him for saying that today?
"Naruto-kun? When was he here?" Mikoto asked, her eyes going wide at the mention of her new favorite blond, as Naruto had taken that title from his father.
"He left about thirty minutes ago. You missed your chance to see your fantasy boy toy" Hiruzen said with a chuckle.
"That's a pity" Mikoto said with a giggle. She then paused for a few seconds as she stared at Hiruzen while biting her lips "Seems like you might need some healing after you took that beating from Konoha's most handsome stud".
"I won the spar" Hiruzen said angrily, before his tone changed, as he smiled at her "What did you have in mind, Lady Uchiha?".
"How does four hours of healing in your bed room sound, Lord Sarutobi?" Mikoto said in a sensual tone, while smiling sexily.
"Hehehe!" Hiruzen laughed in a rather childish way, before scooping Mikoto up, carrying her bridal style towards his bedroom. Mikoto wasted no time to put her arms around him, before giving him a long and passionate kiss.
Even though Hiruzen didn't have as many lovers nowadays, he still has, and always will have Mikoto, for as long as he is alive. He is also gunning for more lovers, he just has a harder time getting them, due to a combination of him getting older, and that he has gotten a lot pickier with the ones he asks to be his lovers. He only aims for the most beautiful and talented kunoichi these days.
For several months, what would be known as the "prank wars", which was a war of pranks between Konohamaru and Naruto against Kushina, went on. Sometimes it would be Kushina going after the two of them, but most of the times it was either Naruto ordering Konohamaru to do something involving touching Kushina's butt, or lifting the skirt of her dress. Kushina always seemingly got angry, and chased Konohamaru down in order to give him either a beating, an intense tickling punishment, noogies or anything else she could think of as punishments. In reality she wasn't that angry. She just gave Konohamaru and Naruto what they wanted, by acting angry. The truth was, she was actually enjoying Konohamaru's "pranks", and secretly hoped he would get a little bit more daring with his pranks. She did have other body parts than her butt, after all.
Konohamaru wasn't going to get more daring any time soon. He didn't do anything to Kushina unless Naruto or their shared friends, Moegi and Udon, were present to see it. If no one was there to witness the act, then there was no point in doing it, since he only did it in order to impress his boss. Even so, he would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying every chance he got to feel up that beautiful red headed Goddess. This prank war played out every day during the months that had passed.
On a day in March, about half a year after Naruto's birthday party, the prank war between the two Uzumaki's and the young Sarutobi would come to an end. But earlier that morning, Naruto had a run with Kurenai out at his training spot. That wasn't something unusual at this point, since Kurenai had spent almost every day out there, either reading, watching Naruto train, or very rarely, joining in to train with him. Even though they don't really talk much about personal things, and wouldn't exactly call each other close friends yet, they have gotten quite familiar and comfortable around one another by now. Naruto's run in with Kurenai this morning was a bit different to the other times. That's because she looked very upset when he found her out at his training spot, waiting for him.
"Hey" Naruto greeted her.
"Hi, Naruto-kun" Kurenai said, smiling warmly at Naruto for a second, before going back to pouting.
"Is something wrong? Or are you just on your period or something?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow.
Kurenai snorted at that "No, I'm upset with a jounin by the name of Hatake Kakashi. Your father assigned him to be in charge of my jounin exams".
Naruto then saw her wipe away a tear from her cheek before she continued "He failed me, and told me I don't have what it takes to be a jounin.".
Naruto frowned when he heard that, he had never been a big fan of Hatake Kakashi. That man used to be a student of Naruto's father, along with two other people, Obito and Rin. Obito and Rin died at a young age, both while out on missions during war times. Naruto never learned how they died other than that. His parents never told him the details, especially not when it came to Rin, since what happened to her is a very sad, dark and a very depressing story.
What Naruto didn't like about Kakashi was how he wallowed in self pity, living in the past rather than looking to better the future. He was also kind of a jackass, always expecting his family to help him out and ask for favors the few times he needed it, but he didn't even show up to their birthday parties and things like that. Naruto can't even remember the last time Kakashi visited them, it must have been more than five years ago by now.
"He had me climb steep mountains without using chakra or my feet, for over twenty four hours. I can't do that, that is not the kind of ninja I am." Kurenai continued as Naruto sighed "Yes, you fight using genjutsu, right?".
Kurenai nodded "And my hand to hand combat and my weapon usage is not bad either. My lack of stamina would only really affect me if I fought someone for hours, but every single technique I know, genjutsu, hand to hand combat, weaponry, all of it, is designed to take out my opponent fast, rather than dragging out the fight"
Naruto frowned as he sat down in front of her "Do you want me to talk to Kakashi-san? Maybe he can give you a second chance?"
Kurenai shook her head "It's okay, it's not all bad. Hokage-sama, your father, disagrees with him. He told me he wants me to become a jounin since he thinks I would become a great jounin teacher.".
Naruto breathed out in relief "Good, because I hate Kakashi-san, I would like to avoid him to the best of my ability".
Kurenai chuckled "You're not the only one who thinks that" Kurenai said which had both of them grin.
"Did dad pass you then?" Naruto asked.
Kurenai shook her head again "No, not yet. He is giving me a second chance though. I'm going to be in charge of a team of three jounin. I will lead them for several high ranked missions. If I do a good enough job, he is going to make me a jounin" she said, still looking a bit sad.
"That's great, isn't it?" Naruto said being unsure due to how dejected she looked.
"It is, but that would mean that I could be out of the village for several months" Kurenai said while pouting. She didn't want to be away from Naruto for that long, especially not now when she had just started setting her "evil plan", to make him hers, in motion.
Naruto was a bit confused on why she seemed unhappy about that. Shouldn't she instead be happy that his dad gave her another chance?
"I don't understand, isn't that what being a ninja is about? To go on thrilling and interesting highr anking missions like that and fight strong opponents? I would love to do something like that, I can't wait to graduate" Naruto said with a confident smirk.
"Yes, but it would mean that I won't be able to see you" Kurenai said, then her eyes widened as she realized what she had just said.
"Huh?" Naruto uttered, tilting his head in confusion.
"And Anko-chan and Asuma-san" a flushed Kurenai added quickly, in a way to recover her little slip"You, since I think we have become such good friends lately" she added with a warm smile.
Naruto scratched the back of his head, wondering what she meant by good friends. Sure she had been out here a lot, but it wasn't like they were hanging out other than that. He didn't want to be rude so he just ignored it, in favor of responding with "Oh yeah, I forgot about Asuma-san. The two of you have been together for like a year now right?".
Kurenai chuckled "He is easy to overlook, isn't he?" she said, smiling for the first time this morning. She didn't want to answer the question since she didn't want to talk about Asuma at all when she is with Naruto.
Naruto tilted his head in confusion again, not knowing what to respond to that. Kurenai had to force herself not to squeal in delight when he did that. She thought he was so damn cute.
Kurenai cleared her throat "Yes, it's been a little over a year now".
Naruto smiled "I'm happy for you guys, are you getting married soon?" he said, even though he was actually a bit jealous of the bearded Sarutobi. Then again, he didn't think he would have a chance with a jounin babe like Kurenai anyway, since he still very much oblivious about his popularity.
Kurenai could barely keep herself from frowning when she heard that, she tried really hard but that just gained her a tic mark on her forehead, making her look even more upset. With a very forced smile, she said "Not any time soon, no" she spoke through gritted teeth.
"Okay.." Naruto didn't know what else to say, considering how angry she sounded. She was acting a bit strange today. He was even more confused by her actions when she moved over to him and put her arms around him, hugging him tightly. He didn't mind it one bit though.
"I'm leaving today, in about an hour. I don't know when I will be back" She said, smiling to herself as she rested her head on Naruto's shoulder.
"I see, good luck on your mission, Kurenai-san" Naruto said, awkwardly hugging her back. He wasn't nervous or embarrassed at all about hugging Kurenai, which might be a normal reaction to your crush hugging you. He was just wondering, since when did they start hugging?
After a minute of the two of them hugging, well mostly Kurenai hugging Naruto, Naruto said "Uh, Kurenai-san?" while sweat dropping.
"I might be gone for months, please let me hold you a little longer" Kurenai whispered. She wouldn't let go just yet as she didn't want this moment to end. She didn't want to leave Konoha for all those missions. Couldn't she at least be allowed to bring him with her? She thought with a sad sigh. Kurenai let go of him, but she was still sitting next to him. She then leaned over and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
She then got up. "That's for being such an awesome friend" Kurenai said with an eye wink, then walked off with an extra sway in her hip, knowing that Naruto was staring at her, most likely with a shocked expression. She was right about that as Naruto was wondering "What the hell is up with her?" and "Damn, she is getting sexier every time I see her" as he checked her out.
That morning, at the same time as Naruto had his run in with Kurenai, one Hyuuga Hinata was eating breakfast together with her father, her sister and a guest. That guest is a man by the name of Nagi, who has become an Hyuuga elder in recent years. This is the very same Nagi who Hiruzen has warned both Hiashi and the former clan leader, Neji, about. He has a reputation of being a rapist, who targets both enemy kunoichi and even his own team members. Nothing has been proven yet, but Hiruzen is sure that there is some truth to those rumors. Hiashi promoted him, because he has been very loyal and helpful to him after Hitomi passed away. He didn't think there was any truth to those rumors at all.
As for Hinata, she has never heard about those rumors, and she barely knows the man. All she knows about him is that he is a part of the main branch of the Hyuuga clan, and that he keeps looking at her in a way that makes her very uncomfortable. She figured he is just a strange old man. After breakfast, she would learn that he is not just a strange old man. He is also a shameless and disgusting old man. Hiashi had asked Hinata to escort Nagi out to the main street of the Hyuuga clan compound. As soon as they got out of the front door of Hinata's house, and had closed the door behind them, Nagi leaned down and whispered something to Hinata, that made her shiver and cry due to fear.
"Don't worry Hinata-chan, things are going to change soon. Me and my friends are going to take control of our clan some day. When that happens you will become my plaything, who I will let all my friends play with as well" he ended, as a whimpering Hinata was completely mute, almost shaking in fear. Then Nagi extended his tongue, dragging the tip against her cheek, licking it. Hinata was frozen in fear, as he licked her cheek while chuckling perversely. It wasn't until he put one of his hands on her butt, grabbing one ass cheek hard, letting his fingers really dig into the soft flesh of her round and tight little butt. That was the moment when Hinata realized that she had to get it together. She had to get away from there.
She did what any terrified girl would do in that situation, as she let out an ear piercing shreak of pure fear, before rushing back into her home. Meanwhile, Nagi just continued down the road, laughing, not at all worried about her telling Hiashi. Because that is exactly what Hinata did afterwards, as she ran inside to find her father. While crying and shaking, she told him what happened. Hinata really hoped that her father would hear her out. She really hoped that he would return to being the old Hiashi, who wouldn't let anyone treat his family that way. (2).
Sadly, she wasn't surprised at hearing Hiashi's response, as he just shook his head at her and said "Enough of that nonsense, Hinata. Nagi-san is one of my most important allies in this power struggle of our clan against my father. If Nagi-san frightens you, then become stronger so that you can defend yourself" Hiashi paused as he turned around, walking away from her "You're a disappointment, Hinata. Your mother would be so ashamed of you if she saw you like this".
Hinata's tears continued to fall as she stared at her father in complete disbelief, sniffling. She didn't find any words to utter. She just felt so hopeless and worthless. It's because of how her father treats her, that a lot of other members of the Hyuuga clan has started to treat Hinata in a similar fashion. It's almost as if she is getting bullied by both adults and people close to her age, who thinks it's okay to belittle her just, just because Hiashi does so. It's because of this, that Hinata truly enjoys every single day that she gets to spend at one of her friends homes, especially when it is the home of her crush, Naruto. That's not only because she gets to be with her friends and enjoy herself, it's also due to her home situation. Her home, or more specifically, the Hyuuga clan compound, has become her least favorite place in Konoha.
A lot of it has to do with her father, who had not returned to the funny harem chasing goof ball that he used to be. Instead he just got more and more stuck up and down right rude. Especially towards Hinata. Her father almost treats her as if she is a stranger, who is not apart of their family. He barely talks to her, unless it is to belittle her few accomplishments or tell her that she is no good. "She isn't living up to the expectations of what it means to be a Hyuuga" is a statement she hears over and over again from her father when he is talking about her to other Hyuuga men. When her mother died four years ago, due to an illness, Hinata could have never imagined that her kind, loving and funny father, would turn into the man that he is today.
He seem to have lost most of his friends, or at least they don't visit the Hyuuga compound anymore. He is also always fighting with the elders of the Hyuuga clan, who she suspects has started to plot against Hiashi. Hinata was told today by one of the elders, Nagi, who is an evil and twisted old man, that her father is not going to be the head of the clan forever. It wasn't in a kind way that he told her that, it was more of a threat. Because his very next sentence was "Me and my friends are going to take control of our clan some day. When that happens you will become my plaything, and I will pass you around to all my friends as well" while laughing, menacingly at her. She then walked down the road, heading into the center of the Hyuuga clan compound, as if nothing had happened. That happened this morning, outside Hinata's front door, after that man had eaten breakfast with them at their home. The old Hiashi would never invite a man such as Nagi inside his home, due to the information and rumors about him, which Hiruzen has told him about many times.
It's due to all of this, that she wasn't surprised by Hiashi's response. She was just saddened by it. She couldn't help but think that his remark about that Hitomi would have been disappointed in her, if she saw her like this, couldn't be more wrong. It's more likely that her mother would have been very disappointed in him instead. But she didn't have the courage to voice her thoughts. The less could be said about her tomboy sister, though.
"Mom would be ashamed of you if she saw you like this, you fuck head!" Hinata heard her sister yell out, standing in the hall way behind Hinata, having walked in just when Hiashi started belitting Hinata. She had not heard Hinata's retelling of the events outside the front door with Nagi.
Hinata's tears continued to fall as she stared at her father in complete disbelief, sniffling. She didn't find any words to utter. She just felt so hopeless. Hiashi's eyes turned dark as he glared at his younger daughter "You get your ass inside that dojo now. It seems I need to teach you again about manners!".
"H-Hanabi, please a-apologize to Lord f-father" Hinata said in a worried tone, as she didn't want her one year younger sister to get into trouble due to her.
"Fuck no! He should be the one apologizing!" Hanabi yelled, glaring at her father "Eat a dick, dad!" she added, while showing him the middle finger.
Hiashi was so enraged that he was about to do something that he would regret, as he stomped over to Hanabi, with the intent of giving her a hard slap. Before he reached the hall way, a voice coming from the front door, had him halt.
"Keep your tone down, will ya, scoundrel? It's early in the morning" Hiashi's father, Neji said, as he made his way towards Hanabi and Hinata, walking slowly. The man is the same age as Hiruzen, but he is far from as energetic as the former hokage still is. Neji is currently suffering from an incurable illness, and doesn't have much longer to live. That is something that he has kept a secret from everyone, except his wife, Hanabi. (3).
"Father?" Hiashi questioned, in a not friendly tone "What are you doing in my home?!" he demanded.
"Oh, I'm just here to ask you about a recent visitor to your home. As I was taking my morning stroll earlier, I saw Nagi coming down the road, coming from your house.." Neji said while frowning.
"Yes, Nagi-san joined us for breakfast this morning. I don't see how that is any of your business" Hiashi responded.
"Have you gone completely insane, son?" Neji asked, while Hinata and Hanabi took their chance to escape their father's anger, by fleeing to Hinata's room. As they closed the door, they heard their grandfather yell out "Have I not warned you about him? Have Hiruzen-dono not warned you about him!?".
Hanabi and Hinata didn't hear more than that, because they snuck out of Hinata's window, with the intent of heading over to the Uchiha clan, to spend the day there with Sara and Satsuki. That was how Hinata spent her morning on that day. Sadly for her, Nagi's harassment was not just a one time thing. It was something she would have to get used to in the future.
Around the same time that Hinata fled to the Uchiha's, to get away from her father for a while, Konohamaru arrived in Naruto's backyard, to train with him for a few hours. It had actually been a while since he last trained with Konohamaru, or spent a full day with him. That's due to Naruto prefering to be alone out here with Kurenai, as often as he can.
He is also starting to get a bit annoyed with the two other little shits, who Konohamaru brings with him anywhere he goes. Moegi is annoying because she acts like every other girl. She started crushing on him as soon as she first laid eyes on him. Although Moegi is nowhere near as annoying to Naruto, as Konohamaru's other friend is.
Udon is the one who gets on Naruto's nerves the most. Not because he says or does anything to Naruto personally, it's due to him being completely obsessed with large breasts. He can't keep himself from blatantly staring at any busty woman's chest, whenever one of those are around. That includes his mom, Anko, Kurenai and anyone else who has a sizable bust. It's the fact that Udon stares at his mom like that, that has made Naruto, who is so very overprotective of his mom, very annoyed with Udon. Even so, he still kinda considered them both to be his underlings as well. Moegi is something of a little sister to him even, while he doesn't have much over for Udon. Udon will likely remain at underling status for a long time.
A few hours after Konohamaru arrived to train with Naruto, around lunch time, Naruto ordered his underling to go back to his home in order to bring them both lunch. Knowing his mom, she was most likely already working on lunches for the two of them. Just like expected, Konohamaru found her in the kitchen preparing lunches for them.
While Kushina prepared sandwiches for him and Naruto, a grinning Konohamaru snuck up on her like many times before. He did so even though neither Naruto, Moegi or Udon were present as witnesses. He just couldn't help himself this time, she just looked so inviting. That was because Kushina, who is wearing her blue pants, orange shirt and gray apron outfit today, had bent over and leaned down, to pick up something from a cabin under the sink. She didn't need anything from there though, this was her actually inviting his pranks. She wants him to go for it, when the others aren't around. When she sensed him approach her, she smiled to herself, before standing up straight. She then felt both Konohamaru's hands on top of her ass, and this time, instead of just pinching her butt or lightly spanking it, he really grabbed it, lightly groping her ass cheeks.
To Konohamaru's surprise, Kushina didn't do anything for the first few seconds. She just let him feel her up. Normally he would be running away with her chasing him as soon as he touched her, until she eventually caught up and opened a can of whoop-ass. Instead she just bit her lip and moaned quietly, without saying a word
It was maybe thirty seconds after he started feeling her up, that Kushina turned her head and stared at him with the sexiest smile he had ever seen in his life, giggling as she did so. With a wide grin, Konohamaru let his perverted nature take over as he grabbed her ass cheeks with a firmer grip as he let his fingers dig into her butt cheeks. Kushina returned to preparing the sandwiches, as she let Konohamaru feel her up for another thirty seconds. What Konohamaru said after that, snapped Kushina back to reality, as she realized what she was actually doing.
"You like that, kore?" He said in an excited tone, a dumb perverted smile adoring his face.
"Okay that's enough, you pervert!" Kushina snapped, freeing herself from his hands as she turned around to face him. She then hastily grabbed Konohamaru by his blue scarf with her left hand, while her right hand was clenched into a fist, hovering threateningly in front of his face.
"Shit!" Konohamaru screamed, knowing he was in for a beating. Still, he couldn't help but think that it was worth it. But why had she not stopped it earlier? In an attempt to escape the beating he would eventually receive, He tried to pull himself backwards, but he couldn't move since Kushina had a firm grip on his scarf, and she overpowered him and easily keept him in place. With all of his might he pulled backwards, causing himself and a shocked Kushina, who couldn't believe his strength, to both fall down on the ground. Konohamaru fell backwards while Kushina fell on top of him.
They landed with Kushina laying on top of him, Konohamaru's hands were around her while their faces were close enough for their noses to touch. It was at this moment that everything changed as they stared into each others eyes, for what felt like minutes but in reality was just a few seconds. Konohamaru could no longer deny to himself tha the was crushing badly on Naruto's mom. As for Kushina? Well, she really liked being where she currently was, laying on top of Konohamaru. It didn't last long though, as it ended with both of them getting up, blushing furiously as both of them had turned completely red.
"I'm sorry Naruto's mom, really" Konohamaru stuttered, which was very unusual for the otherwise very confident Sarutobi. He also choose to use the less rude nickname that he had for the Uzumaki woman. Calling her old hag, probably wasn't going to help him much in this situation, after all.
"It's okay-ttebane!" A completely red faced Kushina said, not being able to look at him "T-The sandwiches will be r-ready in a minute.." she stuttered, which in turn was unusual for her as well.
"O-okay" Konohamaru said as he sat down, waiting for her to finish the sandwiches that he and Naruto would later share. They didn't say another word to each other after that and it only took a minute for Konohamaru to be out of the house and be on his way to Naruto's training spot. Kushina had to sit down on the couch to collect herself after that. Her heartbeat had raised and she was still blushing, while remembering what had happened. She couldn't help but think, why did he wait so long to "prank" her, when no one else was around? Because she wouldn't mind if they did more of that. It's pretty obvious that Kushina has romantic feelings for Konohamaru, she is in love with him even. She hasn't realized it yet, even though all the signs are there. She is still in complete denial about that fact, even though it is so obvious.
Konohamaru returned to Naruto's training spot, holding a basket filled with sandwiches and snacks. Naruto raised an eyebrow due to how weird he seemed to act. He looked like he was lost in thought, in his own little world, while blushing slightly. That was due to Konohamaru not being able to get what had just happened out of his mind. And damn, if she didn't have the best ass in the whole world. Even his favorite target in the academy, Sakura, couldn't compare to her. But Sakura was still Konohamaru's second choice, when it came to the best ass.
"Hey, stop acting weird" Naruto said as he grabbed the basket. Naruto sat down and began eating the sandwiches, while watching Konohamaru who just sat there, still seemingly out of it.
"Did something happen?" Naruto asked.
"No" Konohamaru said quickly, looking a bit nervous "Nothing happened, boss" he said in an awkward manner. He couldn't let him know what had just happened. Naruto would probably kill him if he found out. Konohamaru will just pretend that it never happened, and avoid Naruto's house as much as he can, to make sure that Kushina can't get the payback that he thinks she wants.
"Good" Naruto said with a raised eyebrow, he then handed Konohamaru a sandwich "Eat, you won't be able to train on an empty stomach".
Konohamaru nodded as he accepted the sandwich and took a bite off it. As he ate, he once again appeared to get lost in his thoughts, while blushing slightly. He was thinking about Kushina's pretty eyes this time, as they had been really close after falling down on the ground, staring directly into each other's eyes. Naruto nursed his forehead in annoyance. "That little pervert must be thinking about doing something perverted to Sakura, I don't understand why he likes her so much" Naruto thought as he shook his head. Naruto's thoughts were interrupted by a very cheerful yell off "Hey Naruto-kun, look who is finally back!"
He turned around to see Anko coming towards them, looking directly at him, while smiling. Anko ran up to Naruto and sat next to him, leaning her head on his shoulder "Training with your annoying little friend?" she asked.
Naruto nodded "Yep", his eyebrows twitching due to how fast Anko got over to him to start her daily teasing.
Konohamaru hissed at Anko "Get out of here, Anko-nee! No pesky girls are allowed here!".
"What was that!?" Anko said in a threatening manner as she walked over to Konohamaru. Konohamaru gulped "I was joking, please don't hurt me, Anko-nee!".
"How else will you learn!?" Anko yelled before she launched a couple of snake summons at him. They were completely harmless but Konohamaru didn't need to know that. Naruto laughed as he saw Anko and her snakes chase a screaming Konohamaru around. Happy to see that Konohamaru had returned to normal. While that was going, Kurenai sat down next to Naruto. She just sat there, watching them together with him, both chuckled at their antics. Those two always got in a fight somehow. After Anko gave Konohamaru the beating that Kushina likely should have given him, under normal circumstances, she ended up joing the two of them training for the rest of the day.