
She Always Knew

Within the intricate web of Eliza Ruskin's life, a question echoes-did Liya always know the truth? As the painful aftermath of their breakup haunts her, Eliza grapples with the mysteries of their past. Why didn't Liya share what she knew? What unseen forces led to their separation? Eliza, a talented detective from a prestigious family, found love and pain for the first time in the arms of Liya Chasen, a renowned artist in the entertainment industry. In Eliza's monotonous life, Liya was the exception-a miraculous and incomprehensible force that defied logic. Their connection was absurd, insane, and yet, an integral part of their existence. Liya, a closed-off soul, faced rejection from a world that failed to understand her. Her solace lay in her passion for photography, a refuge from a desolate life. When fate brought Eliza and Liya together, it sparked a transformative journey, creating profound changes that neither could escape. As they grappled with the pain of separation, their connection endured, a testament to the enduring power of an inexplicable bond. While their love was simultaneously the most beautiful and painful aspect of their lives, they parted ways uncertain of their future happiness. Little did they know, destiny had intertwined their fates, and they were the missing pieces meant to complete each other's lives.

Alencica · LGBT+
8 Chs

Chapter 7: Her Collection

Eliza had her ceremony three days later on the weekend. Though they don't get vacations even on weekends, they have to take time off on special occasions.

Eliza was given a vacation for four days till Monday because of her injury. She was free after a long time and felt relaxed. She didn't call her family as they get worried and that makes it hard for her to deal with them.

When she joined this field, they were all against her. She was already not good at talking so she couldn't convince them. She ended up saying with an emotionless voice that she would become a detective cause that's all she wanna be.

That resulted in her family getting upset with her. No one talked to each other for a while and there was a tense atmosphere. She was busy studying and practising every day.

In the end, her sister was the first one to let go and accept it. Her parents were still very opposed to it but couldn't say anything as she wouldn't budge so they let her do the job.

However, they made her promise that if she ever comes into a life-threatening situation and almost dies, then she will never go back to it. Though she didn't agree in her heart, she agreed to them.

That was precisely why she didn't call them. Moreover, people's concern makes her feel uncomfortable. Even if she's sick, she doesn't like to be treated kike one. At that time, all she wants is an empty and silent atmosphere. She likes to be alone and have a nice rest.

That's all she does on her time off. She really likes sleeping comfortably in bed. She likes watering her plants and cooking herself a meal. She likes reading books and gaining knowledge. She likes learning new things and things like puzzles.

Other than these, she also loved soccer and basketball. She plays some other sports too but she doesn't have partners so she usually plays alone. Her sister plays with her sometimes.

One of her biggest passions for which she spends a fortune is her collection of firearms. She had the license and she collected them legally. She had a fabulous collection that every man would love.

She had knives, swords, pistols, guns, hunters and a lot of weapons. Her family was quite wealthy so she was never short on money.

She bought a separate place after becoming a detective. It was half an hour away. It was a two-floor classic apartment with two basement floors.

In one basement, there was a garage with her cars and bikes. In another, was her decorated and cool collection of weapons. There were also some other things like the storeroom.

On the ground floor, she had a living room, a kitchen and a guest room with a common bathroom. There were also two small rooms for workers. Her home was unnecessarily big it was like a bit luxurious apartment. On the upper floor, there were two rooms and the rest were huge balconies. There was a comfortable swing on the balcony.

She had a small beautiful garden. Sometimes, she couldn't come home for a while so she hired a housekeeper. The housekeeper also waters plants when she doesn't and takes care of other things. She was picked by her parents and was trustworthy.

She doesn't always live there but comes to clean and all. Eliza didn't like people around and she was aware so she usually avoided Eliza and did her work.

Eliza read a book on her phone and played some games. After that, she ordered a simple porridge and ate. Then when the nightfall came, she went to sleep. There wasn't anyone at times like this around her but it didn't seem to affect her.

She got discharged early by requesting the doctor. The doctor told her to visit in the evening to change the bandage. Then she went home. She called the housekeeper in advance to say that she was coming.

She didn't tell the housekeeper about her injury but asked her to make light food for the next four days. There was a piano in the living room. She would sometimes play it. She also has a guitar and violin.

She passed the time these two days and then the weekend came. Though the doctor told her to not bathe, she covered her wound and took a bath as it was getting too much for her. When a little water slipped in, it hurt but she ignored it.

Then she got ready for the ceremony. She wore her formal uniform with a blazer and badge. It looked handsome on her. Unlike some other countries, the girl's formal uniform didn't have a skirt. So she wore pants and black boots. Then lastly, she wore a cap and took off with her car keys.

At 1 pm, the ceremony started. The deputy chief and captain gave a small speech and then they they held out the ceremony. Before her, some others in smaller positions were promoted to senior detectives and all.

She was the last one. Her ceremony was held proudly and she was praised by all. She got a new badge and two new stars on her collar.

Her colleagues made a plan for dinner after they got off work to celebrate her promotion along with some others.

Then they went back to work and she was free for a few hours. She decided to go out as she hadn't been out of the house since she got injured.

She didn't take out her uniform and went to a park. After taking a stroll and roaming around, she felt a little hungry. She had a craving for ice cream.

So she went to a grocery shop. She didn't have much to buy so she didn't take a trolley. As she passed by the entrance, there was a narrow space where several people were standing. She moved a little to avoid them and looked up.

Her eyes met a gorgeous pair of golden eyes and she was stuck in them. They were so deep and so beautiful and she stared back without realising.