
Set Your Heart Ablaze!

Born the bastard child of the #2 flame hero Endeavor, Kyojuro Todoroki's upbringing was rough. The loss of a mother, the travesty of fatherhood that was Enji Todoroki, and the cold shoulder from his half siblings were things he could only push through with a smile. Possible small harem. no more than 4 girls.

Gold2109 · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Training Begins

3rd POV

Kyojuro sat in the chilly, empty room for hours after assuring Fuyumi that he would be completely fine. He was only a child, so naturally this wasn't true. He just wanted time alone with his thoughts. He brought his knees up to his chest and rested his forehead on them. It felt as if several days had passed when in reality it was merely one. His fatigue was slowly taking over his body. His eyes struggled to remain open, until they gave up and allowed him to rest.

--The next morning--

"Kyojuro.. Kyojuro.. Kyojuro!" A familiar voice spoke loudly. Kyojuro's eyes fluttered open to reveal that he was not only woken up by Fuyumi, but also was no longer inside of his room either. Before he could question it, Fuyumi seemed to sense his confusion and gave him an explanation. "Toya found you balled up in your room. He carried you here and let you sleep in his bed. He crashed on the couch for the night." She said with a small smile.

'Toya.. I'll have to say thank you when I see him..' Kyojuro thought to himself. "*ahem* Anyways, Dad wants you and Todoroki to meet him in the living room. Good luck.." She gave the young boy a sympathetic expression. This only worried the boy. 'Did I do something wrong?' He thought as he wracked his brain in search of what he could have done, but to no avail.

With a small yawn, he made his way to his feet. He figured that he was probably overreacting. Hopefully overreacting. He couldn't be sure, especially after seeing how cold the man could be yesterday.

Kyojuro was so deep in thought that he bumped into a taller boy with Mostly red hair than had small patches of white in it. Looking up, Kyojuro quickly apologized for his spacing out. "S-sorry. I should've watched where I was going." He said. "Yeah. You should have." He responded in a monotone voice. This only made Kyojuro panic and fumble with his words for the right response.

"Just kidding. Welcome to the family, new little brother." The older boy, Toya, walked around the now red Kyojuro. "Th-Thank you for letting me use your room!" Kyojuro called out, only to receive a thumbs up and no verbal reply. With a small sigh, he continued on his way to the living room.

--Living Room--

Kyojuro walked into the dull, gray living room and was met with the sight of the towering Enji Todoroki standing in front of a much smaller boy with red and white hair divided evenly on either side of his head. "Kyojuro." The man called out. "From this day forward, you will assist Shoto in becoming the future #1 hero." Endeavor declared bluntly. The statement made Kyojuro do a double take. "Excuse me but, wouldn't it be better for someone older to train him, sir?" Endeavor sent the boy a slightly impressed look. The statement would have been common sense coming from an adult, but coming from a 4 year old, it was a bit surprising.

"Yes that's true, however I wish for your quirk to grow in sync with Shoto's quirk. This is also to prove to Shoto the superiority of his fire." Upon the mention of his left side, Shoto balled his fist and began to shake uncontrollably. The rage he had felt towards the side was unfathomable. This side was the reason his mother was gone. Why did she despise his left side? Endeavor was why.

"Kyojuro. Your quirk is essentially your Mother's quirk. You can enhance your speed and strength for as long as you can hold your breath, and because of your father, you can apply flames to objects." Endeavor explained, still preferring not to drop the fact that he was the boy's father. Shoto had already swore off the use of his fire, he didn't need the boy rebelling even more at the fact that he had an affair with his mother.

Kyojuro simply kept quiet, absorbing everything the man said. "As for now, Shoto will simply observe until he regains vision in his left eye. Kyojuro on the other hand, will spar with me." This woke the butterflies in his stomach. To say that Endeavor was big would be an understatement. Compared to Kyojuro, he was HUGE. His arm alone probably weighed more than the small boy. On top of having a huge size advantage, he also has the combo experience. This wasn't helped by the fact that Kyojuro had never thrown a punch before.

The look Endeavor gave Kyojuro told him that there was no room for argument. This was going to happen whether he wanted it to or not. "Follow me." The man ordered, making Kyojuro mindlessly follow and Shoto hesitantly follow.


"Now Kyojuro, come at me." Endeavor stood a few feet away from the boy, waiting for him to make the first move. Only it never came. Kyojuro was thinking of a way to do this without getting hit, because the size of Endeavor's fists told him that one hit would KO him. 'Maybe..' He had a plan. A stupid plan.

He leaned down and took off the slippers he wore. "It's dirty out here, Mr. Todoroki. When I used to play in the sandbox, my shoes would always get dirty." The boy explained his actions. "Do what you wish. Hurry along though." Endeavor said with an impatient tone. After a few seconds, Kyojuro stood back up. "Good. Now, I'll allow you to use your quirk for this spar. Come." With that, Kyojuro tensed up. He was familiar with how to use his quirk, since his mother essentially has the same one. She taught him how to use it, but also told him that it was for emergency uses only.

A dull warmth spread across his chest as he gritted his teeth. He took a deep breath of air and launched towards Endeavor. "Hm.." 'He's fast, but charging in is reckless..' Endeavor thought. As Kyojuro jumped to Endeavor's height and reeled back his small fist, Endeavor raised his guard.

Before contact though, Kyojuro opened his hand and let a fistful of sand fly into his face, much to the surprise of Endeavor and a spectating Shoto.

Before he could react, a tiny fist slammed into his cheek.