

Endeavor POV

"We've done the best we can, sir. The burn is severe, but he will recover in due time." A man clad in doctors attire spoke casually as he flipped through a clipboard. "I'm aware that he will recover. What can you do about the potential scarring?" I could see the man become nervous at my question. "About that..-" A frown spread across my face. "- Unfortunately, the scarring is.. permanent." He sounded as if he was trying not to say the wrong words.

"Permanent.." I pinched the bridge of my nose and took a deep sigh. 'Not all together terrible. As long as it doesn't interfere with his quirk usage.' The scar would definitely be eye catching, but as long as it didn't conflict with his training, it was nothing to stress over. Nothing so small will get in the way of Shoto becoming the next #1 hero.

3rd POV

"When will we be allowed to leave then?" Endeavor asked the man with a neutral tone. The man seemed to breathe a sigh of relief before giving a small smile. "Well we'd like to monitor him for a few hours if that's no issue. He seemed to have more injuries on top of the burn, and while we trust your word, the procedure is that we question the child as well. Since he passed out right before we began, it will take some time before those questions begin." The doctor's nervous attitude from before returned.

'Things will become troublesome if the boy mentions his training.' A small scowl spread across Endeavor's face. "I left my number at the desk of the front office. You will contact me when he wakes up and will not question him before my arrival. Understand?" Endeavor took a step closer as to intimidate the man. Successful in doing so, the man fumbled with his clipboard as beads of sweat rolled down his face. "Y-yes, sir! We'll be sure to do so!" With his terrified reply, Endeavor turned around and walked out of the hospital.

Once inside of his car, he sat in thought. It had been a long, painful day, and it was only midway through. His thoughts made their way to Ruka, and by extension, Kyojuro. He felt little sympathy for not being there for the boy, but he did feel sympathy for the loss of his mother. Such a jovial woman, gone from the boys life. After a few seconds of thought, Endeavor deeply sighed, starting his car and driving off to the home of his deceased love.

-Ruka/Kyojuro Home-

The house was fairly average. A medium sized, 3 bedroom and 2 bathroom brick house settled in a normal neighborhood.

Endeavor parked his car in front of the house. It was hard to believe that she had stayed in the same house for so long, 12 years, if his memory served correctly. He reached down and went for a key in his glove compartment. 'Keeping the same locks for 12 years is foolish... but there's always the possibility..' Taking a quick look around to make sure no one was in sight, he quickly exited the car and made his way to the front door.

"Hrn.." Endeavor grimaced slightly. Sure enough, the key didn't work. Rather than discard the useless key, he slid it into his pocket before grabbing a hold of the doorknob. In a matter of seconds, the knob turned into a molten metal mess allowing for easy access of the home.

Stepping inside, the overwhelming red and yellow design of the home immediately caught his eye, as well as the many pictures of Ruka and Kyojuro. The feeling he got at seeing so many pictures of them together troubled him. He couldn't quite place the emotion he felt.

He continued on to the boys room, where hero action figures covered the floor and posters of Various heroes littered the walls. Most of those posters included the boys mother, Flame Pillar. She wore a brown gakuran jacket, a white belt around her waist and tattsuke-hakama pants. Over this, she wore a haori with a white-yellow gradient pattern and red flame-like ridges at the end. She also carried a sword on her hip with a flame shaped guard.

In the poster, she wore a bright smile and had the words "A hero's work is never done!" printed at the bottom of the poster. After staring at the poster for several minutes, he continued on to the master bedroom. Taking a step inside, he glanced around the room. She still had clothes on her bed and mail on her dresser. 'She never was a tidy one..' Endeavor thought with a fond smile. The only area that seemed to be well kept looked to be a shrine with her sword resting on top of her neatly folded haori.

Taking a seat on her bed, he picked up one of the dresses from the pile of clothes. There was nothing special about it, nor was there anything eye catching about it. It was simply a plain red dress. Bringing it up to his nose, he took a deep inhalation of the scent. The smell of smoked cinnamon filled his nose as he took another deep wiff of the dress.

Just as he was about to smell the dress again, his eyes caught a journal resting on the nightstand right beside him. He knew that he probably shouldn't have opened it, but his curiosity got the better of him. He flipped through the pages at random, and read small portion from them.

"August 1st, Kyojuro just said his first words! It took a lot of time and effort from my little baby boy but he did it! Mommy is so proud-"

He flipped the page.

"August 13th, My little Kyojuro just drew the cutest picture of us ever! I can't wait to frame it and embarrass him with it when he becomes my not so small Kyojuro!-"

He gritted his teeth and flipped the page again.

"December 3rd, Kyojuro just turned 4! He's becoming a little man right in front of my eyes! Can't wait to-"


Endeavor slammed the journal down, flames erupting from around his eyes. He felt the same feeling as before when he saw the pictures of Ruka and Kyojuro. 'This feeling.. am I?' Endeavor thought to himself. He wanted to deny it, but it was all too obvious what this was.

Endeavor was jealous.

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