

"My back hurts, give me a massage!" whined Tsunade at Sasuke who was beside her inside a luxurious carriage.

"Right away honey"

~5 minutes later~

"Now my feet", listening to Tsunade, Sasuke complied immediately. " I'm hot, bring me an ice cream!".

"~ugh~ we're in the middle of the road, where do you expect me to get an ice cream? How about I use a jutsu to help you cool down?"

Then, Tsunade started throwing a tantrum like a little girl, "ice cream, ice cream, I want an ice cream, you need to get it for me! ~wuwuwu~

you promised you would take care of me, are you going back on your word? I knew it, you big liar!

You know that when a pregnant woman has cravings for something she needs to get it or it could damage the baby so go and get it for me now!".

Sasuke's face was filled with black lines listening to her unreasonable demands 'you're just abusing your current state...

How could I not know that at this stage you shouldn't be having pregnancy cravings yet...

This is just you abusing your position in this relationship and using stupid excuses to bully me and satisfy your personal cravings...

Why did I have to make that stupid promise?!'

Even if he was unwilling on the inside, he could only show a flattering smile and try to persuade her again, but she just wouldn't relent on this.

In the end, he had to give up and rush at his fastest speed to buy her an ice cream. He even opened the hidden gates and was back soon after.

"What is this?!" she asked looking at the popsicle Sasuke handed her.

"That's the only thing I could find at the closest town".

"I'll forgive you this once, now come and massage my shoulders while I eat", "yes ma'am!" poor Sasuke wanted to cry but had no tears...

This type of situation had happened countless times the last few days...


~back to 5 days ago~

Tsunade had just heard Sasuke mention about her carrying his baby and her mouth was opening and closing but no words came out as she didn't know what to say.

Seeing that Tsunade wasn't reacting yet, Sasuke teased "too happy that you have no words?"

"Say it again!"

"Too happy that you have no words???"

"Not that you asshole, what you said before that!"

"That you are pregnant?"

Tsunade received a jolt by hearing those words and hurried to close her eyes and check her body.

'It's true! Considering the time it should take another week or so to become an embryo'

Then she opened her eyes that were forming tears and looked at the smiling Sasuke. His eyes seemed to contain a deep gentleness and love, making her heart flutter.

"OMG, he raped the little girl and made her pregnant!" the people in the restaurant jumped into conclusions.

An auntie couldn't take it anymore and stood up violently, she shouted at the rest of the people.

"I can't take this anymore, let's kill that bastard! We can't let him keep causing more damage! I have a daughter of her age, what if he decides to go after her too?! who's with me?!"

"Yes, let's kill him!" "I say we cut his dick and make him eat it!"

Realizing what was happening, Sasuke started to get nervous. With his strength, there's no way they could hurt him, but he didn't like the idea of having everyone thinking of him so badly.

"Wait! It's not what you think! She's older than me!" he tried to justify himself but to no avail.

"You think we would believe that?! Are you taking us for idiots?!"

"I'm not lying! Come on Tsunade, undo the transformation and show them!" he said pleading for help.

But the answer he got was "~sniff ~ he was so rough and I couldn't do anything against his strength. I won't be able to marry now ~wuwuwu~".

Sasuke's back was covered in cold sweat now. 'This heartless woman is rejoicing in my plight'

"We are shinobis, she is using a transformation to look younger, like this!" he said as he transformed into his child version.

But Tsunade wouldn't let him go so easily and said while sobbing "see? He's a shinobi so how could a little civilian girl like myself defend against him, he tricked me making me believe he was a child and invited me to play at his house. Then he...~wuwuwu~"

Seeing the way Tsunade cried people believed in her story immediately and started chasing Sasuke around.

"I promise I'll do anything you want to, but please stop this already Tsunade!!!" shouted Sasuke desperately as he evaded the people's attacks.

"Really? Anything?" asked Tsunade inquisitively.

"Yes, just please do something fast!"

"Ok everyone, that's enough of a lesson for him! I apologize for lying to you, in exchange all your meals are on me!" she stopped the people and transformed back into adult form.

Everyone was content with the apology and started ordering the most expensive meals available. Only Sasuke was crying and sulking since he would be the one to pay for this...

Afterward, Tsunade started abusing Sasuke's promise and made him buy whatever she wanted and used him as a servant. She even made him buy the most luxurious carriage they could find or she wouldn't go back to Konoha.

'My money!!!' his poor wallet was being emptied at an amazing pace...


Happily eating her popsicle and receiving a shoulder massage, Tsunade suddenly remembered something she had forgotten because she was too busy taking advantage of Sasuke.

"Hey, what is the thing you are going to talk about in this secret meeting?"

Sasuke hesitated a bit 'what should I tell her? I don't want to lie to one of my future wives...'

Seeing him hesitating, Tsunade felt a bit sad and asked "why can't you tell me? Aren't I going to know anyway once the time arrives? Or you don't trust me?"

Sasuke stopped hesitating and decided to tell her the complete truth. Even if he was going to lie to the rest during the meeting, he wanted his women to know the truth, and as Tsunade had his child he decided she would be the first to know.


Short chapter to make you know I haven't died, yet...

Molkarcreators' thoughts