
Royal Blood (Yu-Gi-Oh!)

3000 years ago, an ancient pharaoh lived among his people as the rightful ruler to the throne. Corruption spread across the lands, giving birth to Anubis army and his dark creatures of the night. One pharaoh, and one alone seeks to discover the secrets and power he possesses by master his inner peace. Through, desert sands, blizzard winds, endlessly tides and bloody battlefields. The people of ancient Egypt await for their King's return and protection. A mythological and Egypt setting book. This book contains: Mature audiences only Sexual content War / Gore Blood / violence

Kaalakaua · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

Chapter 2

"Gggrrr aahh", a solider cries as he rushed to attack his opponent who dodges and swipes under his leg. He then falls down hard but continues to speak to himself "I must....  Keep fighting....  For the land of Egypt " he says timidity. He then charges again and blocks the opponents attack and continues to strike repeatedly over and over. The others watch as they battle and the opponent jumps high in the sky as the solider looks up, but is blinded.

He is blinded by the sun, as the opponent cries out and screams as he thrust his sword down to the enemy and the soldier falls down. "Ahhh!" He screams, as the other man approaches and is ready to kill him, as another man's hand goes up to seize the confrontation. "enough" he said loudly. "No more, you're weaker because you allowed yourself to be blinded by the blinded eye.

You need to strike and see like a snake through the enemies lines, solider" the man speaks as he rises from his chair, wearing a white and blue robe, with a key millennium symbol in the front, with a hat that has the snake symbol. He walks with the millennium rode in his hand as he stands there and yells fiercely "Attack again!". The soldiers all then practice fighting as he stands there and glares at them and their technics.

He then speaks to him myself inside his mind, as he closely watches them.

"This shall be a test of might, any soldiers that I train shall be better than ever. I won't let this opportunity slip away from us again, it's not like we have much of a choice. That Anubis shall regret the day he ever crossed paths with the elite high priest's" he says in his thoughts.

Just then mahad approaches the courtyard area, where he glances over and sees him standing there watching, he walks over slowly as he speaks.

"Hello my friend" he says.

"What do you want, I'm a little busy Mahad, so if you don't mind I'll like to- "Ah, you work to much, Seto. Must you need to continue to make yourself work for this position when we all know you're in charge of battle." mahad says as he cuts off Seto.

Seto then glances at him and turns to walk back to the palace, as the soldiers in the distance grunt and continue to clash.

"Ma, you should know better than anyone that I shall not rest until this land is at peace, think of the things we are fighting for.... " he speaks.

Mahad then stops, in the distance and he has a previous flashback of when Atem and him were but children. Mahad blocks Atem getting attacked by a poison snake, and Atem rushes to his side to take the poison out with his mouth.

"Hmph. I remember what I'm fighting for" Mahad claims, but then looks at Seto in his eyes and speaks.

"But I wonder, if you're fighting for the same thing I'm fighting for..... "

They continue to remain staring into each other's eyes, as Seto then smirks a little as he nods slowly and backs away

" Yes, Mahad, I am, more than you can possibly imagine." he walks down the palace hallway as mahad watches him leave, he then remains calm as he continues to watch Seto walk away.

Inside his chamber Atem continues to ponder to himself, on what Phineas had to say. He couldn't help but feel uneasy, and frustrated about this situation. He walks over to his balcony and leans over as he watches the soldiers below stand guard, and others practice their training. He turns around and looks around in his bedroom chamber and walks over to his millennium puzzle and rubs it as he speaks towards himself

"You're the key to all of this, in the end, if it comes to those that have to make such sacrifices for the safety of his people, then I shall be the one to deliver it." he says mildly.

A knock on his chamber doors stuns the Pharaoh as he looks up at his door and then places the millennium puzzle down again and speaks

"Who's there" he replied.

No one answered and he walked slowly towards his door, he would assume his guards would be there guarding it, unfortunately this wasn't the case. He then slowly opened up his golden large chamber door and saw no one. He shirtless and only in his bottom pants robe, walked slowly down the Egyptian hallway, and took a torch for lighting.

He spoke loudly in the hallways "Hello! Anybody here, can you hear me? Is there something you wanted I wasn't sleep." as he looks around.

He sees a figure from the shadow of the wall walk slowly past down another narrow hallway as he calls out "Hey, you stop!" to follow it. The figure rushes down the palace walls, and hallways as Atem chases after it, he continues to follow the figure from out the palace to a passage away from the kingdom barriers.

He continued to follow him until hes figure ended up inside a shallow cave. Atem was panting and took breathes as he looked to see the figure disappeared.

"He or she has to be inside that cave, I won't let them escape until I am given some answers." he said angrily.

He then runs towards the cave and rushes inside as he hears echoes, sounding like souls. He lights his torch by the fire that's inside the cave and walks deeper down the path. He feels himself getting more and more colder as he continues to go deeper into the cave. He then sees steps leading to a pathway deep down into the catacombs of the cave.

"What, is going on. A pathway, someone has been here before, and I don't know for what purpose, but it's clear this pathway was used multiple times." he speaks to himself.

He walks down the steps slowly as he hears the sounds getting louder.

"Mwhahaha, it is almost time, my great God Anubis! For the pharaoh and his followers to meet their ends! Come forth, and take the souls I give to you, and feed on those souls so that you may rise and unleash you're deadly deeds!" The voice speaks, as it is prays to the statue of Anubis.

Surrounding itself with candles and other Dark Goddesses and God's. Atem watches the figure as it is covered with a tan hooded robe and is bend over praying as he sees two swords in a resting place and then glances back over to the figure. The figure stands up and opens their arms up as the ground rumbles and souls of innocences are poured into the pot from everywhere.

Atem watches this for a moment as he grinds his teeth and he makes a glared vicious face, he yells. "That's enough!" as he takes the swords and drops his torch and jumps over the pit of the underworld that's a gap between the shrine and the entrance area. He looks at the figure and points his swords.

"Show you're face you coward! You are nothing but a weak link! You dare take the lives of the innocence have you no mercy. I shall end you, right now!" he says viciously.

The figure laughs as it's a women, and she turns around and Atem is speechless and stunned by who it is. "No! It cannot be true!, ANZU!" he shouts.

He then gets hit with a poison dagger to his neck as Atem grunts and falls to one knee.

"Ahhh!" he then gazes up and sees another person in a robe as they speak and walk towards Atem

"Haha, you fool, surprised.....  You shouldn't be.... Look at you, you're a worthless piece of shit." he says as he takes the hood down and smiles evilly at Atem.

"Aaaa... P.... Phineas..... What...what are you doing, what's...  Going on....?" as Atem tries to rise but is kicked back down by phineas in the ribs.

"You make me sick! You don't deserve to be king, and if it hadn't had been for you're daddy, you wouldn't even be worthy of a woman like Anzu. Haha" he exclaimed.

"Look at you Atem, you have nothing, but something that even the God Anubis would deserve to have, the items. And once we recover them all, you will then be nothing but ash! Consider me the humble servant of Lord Anubis."

Phineas replies as he kisses Anzu on the lips in front of Atem as Atem grows weaker and is unable to stand. Anzu then sends down and picks up Atems face and squeezes it a little as she laughs "I never love you, why would I? When I could be a more sexier woman, with a man who deserves me. You are nothing but a man who will bring his kingdom to dust, and I'm not inclined to watch it with you. You're a no good rotten piece of shit, and I cannot wait to watch you die in misery." Anzu speaks.

At Atem growls at her as she says those words and gets even more livid as phineas kicks him again and snaps his fingers for his servants to drag Atem to the pit of darkness. Atem tries to fight them off and stabs and kills one of the servants as the other one punches atem in the face and he falls back down harder. Phineas shakes his head and makes smacking noises with his lips as Anzu smirks and crosses her arms as Atem is right in front of the pit of no return.

"Look at you Atem." Phineas proclaims.

"You're just keep fighting and don't know when to quit! " he punches Atem again and Atem spits his blood and continues to scowl at Phineas.

"Read these words Atem and remember who did this to you, remember who betrayed you " as phineas speaks Atem's eyes glances angrily and deadly over towards Anzu.

Who looks back vaguely with no expression and Atem yells angrily "I trusted you!" You were my wife! My love! And you...  I guess.....  Even slut's have their moments." Atem expresses as he looks at Anzu as he says it. She walks up and slaps Atem before stepping back and speaking "Throw him in already!" phineas laughs as he motions his servants to release the ropes that kept Atem dangling over the pit of no return and Atem looks at Phineas and Anzu one more time before the final servant slashes the ropes and Atem drops down into the dark pit screaming as he falls. "Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!".