
Chapter 1

"Ahhh!", Atem exclaimed as he awoke from a terrible nightmare. He was having another one of his nightmares, which was the fall of his servants and people. He was feeling sick, due to these monstrous issues. He paints slowly as he lays back down in his chamber. "These nightmares are getting worse, I haven't never felt such reality in a dream, before. ", he thought to himself. "I must refrain from having such dreams, when I don't know what they mean, it's killing me to find out. Why am I having these when I should be focused on the war to come.", as he continues to monolog to himself.

His mistress, Anzu, comes in as she is wearing a see through, night gown. She is dressed in silk, and her hair is dazzled, with diamonds, and rings, with curling brown extensions. Her nibbles are pierced, and her nails are done. She states at the pharaoh as he sits up, again, lost in thought. "Does my pharaoh need a moment to himself, when he has such an elegant, women to arose himself with.", she speaks in a sexual tone. He glances over towards her as he moves himself slowly out of bed, he is wearing nothing but his ancient jewelry, and stands their naked in front of her, and he sighs. "Yes my lady", he speaks.

She then slowly lets her silk dress drop to the ground. She makes her way up to him as she speaks to his face, with words only he would understand. "You are a great King, you shouldn't make you're deeds, more cunning, then they already are. You should not, seek what you cannot do, instead what you can do. You have achieved great things, and you as well as I know, that when the time is right, all secrets shall be revealed. ", she says in a silent tone. He nods to her as she kisses his lips gently, and he picks her up and sits her down on himself, as they are pushed back into the bed. She wraps her legs around him, as she moans in the pleasure. He then positions himself in varies of movements as they make love. She grips the sheets more, as he grips her waist and the moon gleams in the light.


"Battle, Fight, Honor, Death, those are the keys to freedom, and heart", a man exclaimed. "We shall not go down, when we have heart and passion for our lands. We are free men, with free women, who only see glory at the end of this battle. ", he continues to speak to his troops, as the other man approaches him.

"Glory? Hmph. Is it glory you seek, or has you're minds been clouded with ludicrousness."

The man approaches, wearing a God like attire, as he has short brown hair, with a trim mustache. He is short and looks up at the taller man who turns around and has the millennium ring around his neck, he wears a upon him, a white and gold robe. That has length, with a cape, like attire in the back of him, as he has a hat, with a symbol moon crest for the top.

"Ah, the snake comes forth, as he has nothing to say but ignorance."

The man says. "Oh please Mahad, you are only bringing chaos and war, to these people, the man says vigorously. And why would you say that I wonder? "

as the king Atem approaches in a solid white rounded Egypt pants, with a shirtless attire, and a red cape with his rings and head gear. The man and Mahad bow as they see the King and Queen approach them.

"My King, My Queen, I was just entertaining you're weekly guest"

Mahad says.

"I can see that, thank you Mahad, but I'm sure we can, make sure our guest is well deserved for what he's truly come for." Atem proclaims.

Mahad nods in agreement as the man walks with Atem down the pathway towards the outpost, as he speaks neck to him.

"My king, I do not to make this longer than what you already know, the time as come from this war and hatred to end. It's best to surrender to the God Anubis, then to be in his path. We aren't fighting for glory, as you're so serpent claims, we are fighting for no cause, when this blood shall be on the lives of women and children."

as the man speaks, Atem looks past a upon the women and children of the others as he sees blank faces, and faces of worry. He then stops as he sees the blooms from the flower trees, he rotates around, he sees his Queen. He rotates again, and sees Mahad, and his soldiers as he turns back to the man and chuckles a little, with anger.

"I shall not surrender when lives of women and children are here to be beaten, slaves or worse! You want me to not assist in this battle when I for one have only tried to bring peace to these lands, my father and the father before him! I shall not rest until I have made sure these men and women are safe from chaos! "

Atem says tempestuously. The man gets frustrated as he hears those words, and he then walks up the Atem, as their faces are close and he speaks "You're words, shall only bring down you're Kingdom, when you cannot see reason. You have just cost the lives of many, and you shall walk around with that blood a upon you're hands now. " he says timidly.

Mahad, holds his sword steady, as he is ready to kill the man. Atem blinks as he stares at the man back and speaks furiously "I shall not allow anyone of my people to fall, I will sacrifice myself! Before harm ever approaches my city steps! You can either believe that, Phineas, or you can either eat you're own words. " Atem says in a fierce manner. Phineas, then steps back some and smirks as he chuckles to himself before leaving away.

Mahad approaches the pharaoh as they both turn to see him leave. "I do not like this man, he seems, unreasonable, and not understanding. " Mahad speaks. " I agree, Ma, however, rest assured I do not intend, to allow Phineas to come to my kingdom with those words of uncertainty. He shall rule the day he came with that message.' Atem says proudly. Mahad and Atem, both stand there speaking as Phineas, mumbles to himself before crossing over the city gates.


The guards allow him to leave the kingdom as he walks through the light forest and he stops as he hears the howling of the winds. He then glances his eyes as he smirks again and turns around slowly "I've tried to let him see reason, however I hope you know you're king is a very unreasonable man." The women steps out the shadows as she is wearing a white silky dress, with her hair covering her breast, as she walks up to the man slowly, and rubs his chest and speaks in his eyes. "Then we shall have to kill him, the God Anubis shall return, and when he does, Atem will be so foolish, as to go after him. Little does he know, we shall be waiting for him." Phineas smiles deadly as they both kiss passionately and wrap their arms around each other as the sky goes dim, and the sand howls around them.

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