
Rise of Android

The story follows a transmigrated individual who has no knowledge of the Dragonball world. He will be an Android with a slight twist. He is mostly neutral toward all the main cast and villains. This a DBZ/DBS AU because I’m bound to mess up with the story. P.S. I don’t own any DB characters or stories other than the OC.

Zeroskii · アニメ·コミックス
31 Chs

Chapter 23: Training

As he walked, Enzo reviewed in his mind the techniques and moves he wanted to practice with Turles. He was determined to improve his skills and become even stronger.

Finally, he arrived at the door of the training room. He pushed it open and stepped inside, seeing Turles already waiting for him.

"Let's begin shall we?" smirks Enzo.

"Yeah..." says Turles knowing full well this is going to be a one-sided beatdown.


<3rd P.O.V>

"Don't think too much...just fight like your life is on the line" says Enzo

Enzo and Turles stepped onto the training platform, both ready for a spar. Enzo knew that he was the stronger of the two and was confident that he would be able to defeat Turles easily, so he opted to hold back considerably.


The spar began, and Enzo immediately took control. He was quick and agile, darting in and out of Turles' reach. Turles struggled to keep up with his speed and was hit with a series of rapid-fire punches and kicks.



Turles tried to defend himself, but Enzo's strikes were too powerful. He felt his bones crack with each blow. Despite the pain, Turles refused to give up and continued to fight back.

Enzo continues to dominate the spar, landing powerful blow after blow on Turles and causing multiple fractures and broken ribs.

*POW* *POW* *POW* "ArgHHhhh"

Despite Turles' attempts to fight back, Enzo's superior strength and technique leave him unable to mount any significant offence.

"DAMMM!! IT!!" Yells Turles

Turles becomes increasingly frustrated and aggressive, launching a series of reckless attacks that leave him open to Enzo's counterattacks.

*BOOOOM* "Ughhhh"

Enzo capitalizes and takes advantage of Turles' mistakes while continuing to land powerful blows on him, causing multiple fractures and injuries.

Enzo however, was not waiting for him to recover. He saw that Turles was weak and kept up his barrage of attacks, striking him with incredible force.


Turles screamed in agony as more of his bones fractured under the impact.

*Huff* *Huff*

Despite the pain, Turles refused to give up. "HAAAAAAAAAAA"

He tried to counterattack, but his movements were slow and uncoordinated. Enzo easily dodged each of his attempts by a hair's width and continued to strike him with powerful blows.

*POW* *POW* *POW* "ughhh"

Enzo then lands a powerful punch on Turles' ribs, **CRUNCH** causing him to wince in pain and stumble backward. *Cough* *Cough* Enzo sees an opening and takes advantage of it, landing several more blows to Turles' abdomen and legs.


*Cough* *Cough* Turles coughs and spits out blood as his vision starts to get hazy.

The spar continues with Enzo dominating the fight, relentlessly pounding on Turles with a barrage of punches and kicks. Turles tries to defend himself, but his injuries slow him down, leaving him vulnerable to Enzo's attacks.

As the spar wore on, Turles' injuries became more severe. He could barely stand, and every movement sent waves of pain through his body. Enzo saw his weakness and delivered a final blow that sent Turles crashing to the ground, unconscious and with multiple fractures all bloody and bruised.

Enzo looked down at Turles, satisfied with his victory. He knew that he had won the spar easily, but he couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret at the sight of Turles' broken body. He may have called it a spar but in the end, it was just a brutal beatdown.


Turles is helped off the ground and taken to the Medbay by Enzo.

Once they arrive at the Medbay, Turles is placed in a healing pod where the pod's advanced technology quickly goes to work repairing his multiple fractures and bruises from the intense fight. It also starts monitoring his vital signs and administers any necessary medication to aid in his recovery.

<Scene break>

<3rd P.O.V>

Knowing that Turles healing process is going to take a few hours Enzo makes his way back to the Training room to continue his training.

'AI...arrange a mock fight to the death between me and Raditz with maximum difficulty'



Enzo is pulled into AI Program.

As the program began, Enzo felt himself being transported into a virtual world

The virtual environment materialized around him, and he found himself standing in a deserted city. He knew that the AI will create a simulation of a formidable Raditz, one that would challenge his skills and test his limits.

Enzo's opponent materialized before him. *Woosh*

Raditz stood tall and still, his arms crossed over his chest as he gazes out at his surroundings with an unchanging expression on his face. His eyes are dark and piercing purple, seemingly able to see through anything they lock onto.

Enzo can feel the weight of his presence and the intensity of his gaze.

Raditz doesn't say a word, but his body language speaks volumes. He seems to radiate a sense of power and danger, causing Enzo to feel uneasy.

'Heh...wow he definitely wants to rip me to shreds. Looks like this won't be a walk in the park like the last spar...' Thinks Enzo and he looks back at Raditz with a feral glint in his eyes.

"I don't know who you are, but you're about to find out why you don't mess with Saiyans," Raditz sneered.

Enzo simply cracked his neck and took a ready stance. "Let's see what you've got."


Raditz was the first to make a move. He charged at Enzo with incredible speed, delivering a powerful punch. But Enzo was ready, and he dodged the attack with lightning-fast reflexes.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

In response, Enzo launched a series of energy blasts at Raditz, who blocked them with ease. Raditz countered with a barrage of ki blasts, forcing Enzo to dodge and weave through the air.

*Woosh* *Woosh* *Woosh*

The two fighters exchanged blows, each one trying to gain the upper hand. Raditz's strength was impressive, but Enzo's speed and agility gave him an advantage.

The two fighters circled each other, studying their opponent's movements. Suddenly, Enzo launched himself forward, throwing a punch at Raditz's head. Raditz effortlessly dodged the attack and retaliated with a swift kick to Enzo's midsection.


Enzo grunted in pain but quickly recovered, launching a flurry of punches and kicks at Raditz utilizing his speed. Raditz blocked most of the attacks, but a few managed to connect, sending him flying back.

*Pow* *Pow* *Pow*

Enzo regained his footing and charged at Raditz, throwing a punch that would have knocked out a lesser opponent. But Raditz was no ordinary fighter.


He blocked the punch with his arm, then launched a powerful energy blast at Enzo.


Enzo managed to dodge the blast, but it left a smoking crater in the ground where he had stood. He knew he needed to take the fight to the next level if he wanted to defeat Raditz.

As the battle intensified, Raditz began to take the upper hand. He launched a flurry of punches and kicks at Enzo, who struggled to keep up with the Saiyan's power. Enzo managed to block most of the blows, but a few landed, sending him reeling backwards.

*Boooom* "Ugh"

Not one to be deterred, Enzo gathered his strength and charged back into the fight. He threw a powerful punch at Raditz, who countered with a powerful kick. The two attacks collided with a thunderous boom, sending shockwaves across the landscape.


As Enzo continued to attack, Raditz saw an opportunity and charged forward with a flurry of punches and kicks. Enzo tried to counter, but Raditz was too quick.


His blow connected with devastating force, sending Enzo tumbling backwards.


Despite his initial surprise, Enzo quickly regained his composure and began to fight back with more intensity. His attacks were precise and powerful, and he managed to land a few hits on Raditz.

*Pow* *Pow* *Pow*

The fight raged on for what felt like hours, the two warriors evenly matched in their strength and skill. The city around them shook with the force of their blows, and the ground beneath their feet crumbled and cracked.

Enzo blocked and dodged each attack with ease, moving with a fluid grace that was almost machine-like. He counterattacked with a powerful punch to Raditz's midsection, causing the Saiyan to grunt in pain.

Raditz growled and charged at Enzo again, this time with an energy blast in hand. Enzo sidestepped the attack and retaliated with his own blast, which collided with Raditz's and caused a small explosion. *BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM*

"Arrghhhh" "Ughhhh"

The two fighters continued to trade blows, each trying to gain the upper hand. Enzo movements were precise and calculated, while Raditz's were wild and unpredictable.

Enzo utilized his advanced combat skills, combining hand-to-hand combat with energy blasts to keep Raditz on the defensive. Raditz, in turn, relied on his immense Strength and Endurance to overpower Enzo.

Raditz's power and endurance seemed almost limitless. The two fighters were evenly matched, neither able to gain a clear advantage.

Finally, after a particularly brutal exchange, Raditz let his guard down for just a moment. Enzo seized the opportunity, launching a powerful energy blast directly at Raditz's chest.

*BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM* Raditz was caught off guard, and the blast struck him directly, sending him hurtling backwards.

For a moment, it seemed as though the fight was over. But then, to Enzo's surprise, Raditz rose to his feet, a look of fury in his eyes. "Is that all you've got?" he snarled spitting out some blood.

Enzo was taken aback. He had thrown everything he had into that blast, but Raditz had somehow managed to withstand it.

The two warriors continued to fight, their attacks becoming even more brutal and intense. Enzo unleashed a barrage of energy blasts. *TA**TA**TA**TA**TA**TA*

Raditz deflected them effortlessly. Raditz countered with a powerful energy wave *HAAAAAAAAAAAA*, but Enzo managed to dodge it just in time. *Woosh*

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Enzo saw an opening. With lightning-fast speed, he closed in on Raditz and delivered a powerful punch to the Saiyan's chest.

*BOOOOM***CRACK**There was a sickening crack as Raditz's ribcage shattered under the force of the blow.

"ARGHHHHhhhhh" Raditz let out a cry of pain while taking a few steps back creating some distance and knelt on the ground.


Raditz got back up, bloodied and bruised, but still determined to win. He charged at Enzo once again, this time unleashing a powerful energy wave. Enzo stood his ground, his arms raised in defence, and absorbed the blast with ease.


Enzo charged up his energy, his body glowing with power. Raditz frowned, knowing what was coming next.


Enzo unleashed a massive energy blast, the force of which shook the entire battlefield.

Raditz was caught off guard, his Saiyan armour unable to protect him from the blast. He was sent flying backwards, crashing into a nearby mountain with a thunderous impact.


Raditz lay on the ground, barely conscious. *Huff**Huff**Huff*


Enzo stood over him, ready to deliver the final blow.

Watching Enzo about to end the fight Raditz's face twisted into a scowl as he felt his rage building inside of him. He gritted his teeth, his muscles tensing as he began to channel his power.


His aura flared to life around him, a fiery energy that radiated with an intensity that could be felt for miles around.

Enzo was pushed back by this phenomenon.

He noticed Raditz was consumed with rage. His eyes blazed with an intensity that matched the fiery golden energy of his aura. He was an unstoppable force, a warrior driven by pure fury.

Raditz's hair stood on end, rising higher and higher until it seemed to defy gravity itself. The ground shook beneath his feet as he let out a roar of fury, his power exploding outward in a shockwave of energy.


His aura erupted around him, a raging inferno of energy that consumed everything in its path.

'What the fuu.....' *Wooosh*

With a blinding flash, Enzo was completely eradicated.


*Simulation Complete*

*Huff* *Huff* *Huff*

Enzo was completely dumbfounded by what he just witnessed...

He never used his Ikari mode since he wanted to go toe to toe with an evenly-matched fighter...but now he's certain even his Ikari would have fallen short against Raditz form.

Enzo can't help but wonder what might have happened if this had been a real fight. He had assumed Raditz to be the weakest between Piccolo and Nappa.

OH!! how wrong he was.


A ruthless aura emanates from him thick and foreboding as the air around him turns heavy and dark.

It seems to seep out of his very pores, suffusing the air around him with an almost palpable sense of danger. The energy crackles around him like electricity sparking off a live wire. His eyes gleam with a cold, unfeeling light.

"AI can other passive hosts also unlock Unique skills or Transformations?" Asks Enzo


*Affirmative Host*


Thanks for Reading (Zeroskii)

{To clarify Raditz tapped into the False Super Saiyan state in Rage. He did not turn Super Saiyan}

{Any suggestions you guys have for planets to explore or unique races to encounter and assimilate would be helpful.

If you also have any suggestions for members to add to MC's squad do let me know. I am looking for about 3 more members. Though I already have some members planned I am open to suggestions for unique characters}

The updates will get a bit slower due to my work but I will endeavour for a few chapters a week.

Please leave some reviews and feedback :)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Zeroskiicreators' thoughts