Reincarnated in to the world of Twilight with the Rinnegan. Arthur note: My grammar is little bad but is working in it. i don't own any of the characters. only my OC. Give me feed back and support of you like the story. I will be updating this between 3 or 4 days put of the week.
Tony's Pov"
I woke up from my meditation, feeling a sense of determination to continue working on my magic core. It had grown significantly, allowing me to sustain myself in a fight for a longer duration. I knew that I had to keep honing my skills, especially since the story was about to unfold, and I wasn't sure what challenges lay ahead. The changes I had made by being here had already begun to shape the events.
In the days following the earlier events, I had chosen to skip sitting at the Cullens' table during lunch. Instead, I sat with my sister, engaging in conversation with her. I wanted to maintain a sense of normalcy while still keeping an eye on the Cullens from a distance.
Putting on a hooded jacket, I decided to go for a run. As I jogged, I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me. Instinctively, I turned my head to the left and caught a glimpse of Alice retreating into the trees. I wondered why she was in this particular area. Perhaps she was searching for breakfast for her family, I reasoned. It wouldn't be fair to assume that she was following me, would it? I pushed the thought aside and continued my run, focusing on my training and the tasks at hand.
After taking a shower and getting changed, I made my way downstairs to join my father and sister for breakfast. As I entered the room, my father spoke up, suggesting that my sister and I go riding together. He mentioned the forecast predicting rain, but assured us that he had put new tires on the truck to ensure safety.
"Okay, dad. We're all set to go," I replied, glancing at Bella for confirmation.
With a nod from Bella, we grabbed our jackets and headed out the door. The rain had already started, making the ground slick. As we stepped outside, I couldn't shake the feeling that Bella was being watched once again. I turned my head towards the direction of the gaze and spoke softly, making sure the person could hear me.
"I can see you."
As I grinned, the person who had been watching froze in a small shock. It seemed that my words had caught them off guard. The anticipation of the story truly beginning was palpable, and I couldn't help but wonder why I needed to continue concealing my abilities from them.
Just as I was lost in thought, Bella, unaware of the presence watching us, was on the verge of falling due to the slippery terrain. Reacting swiftly, I reached out and caught her before she could hit the ground.
"Already falling when we were just warned to be careful," I teased, a playful tone in my voice. "You are very clumsy."
Bella let out a small laugh, grateful for my quick reflexes. Together, we continued on our way, ready to embark on the next chapter of our story, still uncertain of what lay ahead.
Bella: "Thank you," Bella expressed her gratitude for my quick save.
Just then, our father, Charles, joined us outside.
Charles: "I told you so. Anyways, I'll be late for dinner. I'm heading down to Mason County. A security guard at the Grisham Mill got killed by some kind of animal..."
Bella: "An animal?"
Charles: "You're not in Phoenix anymore, honey. They've been hunting it for a week with no luck. Thought I'd lend a hand."
Bella: "Be careful."
Charles: "I always am. You two be careful as well. I'll see you both tonight when I get home or in the morning."
We exchanged goodbyes with our father, understanding the risks he was taking to help with the situation. As he drove off, Bella was left with a sense of unease, knowing that danger lurked in the area. We would have to remain vigilant and cautious as we continued our day, uncertain of what challenges awaited us.
We hopped into Bella's truck and made our way to school. Coincidentally, Edward seemed to be heading in the same direction at the same time. Upon arriving at school, we found ourselves surrounded by our usual group of friends. Bella walked alongside Erick towards their class, while I headed towards mine. Along the way, I caught a quick glance from Alice, who seemed to be worried about something before continuing on her way to her own class.
The time between classes passed quickly, and soon it was lunchtime. I made my way towards the table where Bella was sitting, feeling a sense of being watched. When I turned around, I noticed that the Cullens' table was staring at me. Among them, Edward stood out, likely having already informed them about the morning's events. I waved and grinned, but the only one who reacted was Alice. Her reaction reminded me of an angel, with her ethereal presence and keen perception.
Curiosity piqued, I joined Bella at the table, ready to enjoy lunch and see what the rest of the day had in store for us.
"I see Edward is back, sis."
Bella: "He was back in class today, I know that. He kept asking me things during our conversation, such as why I relocated here. Then he asked me further about you. He gave me the impression that he was trying to read me for some reason."
"I told you. He's strange and seems to be trying to learn too much that he doesn't need to know."
He acknowledged my presence and I glanced over at his table as I continued speaking. The rest of the people sitting with him followed suit, their attention shifting towards me.
"Just ignore him. If he continues to bother you, please inform me. I'll handle it," I assured Bella, who nodded in response. We resumed our meal and proceeded to finish our lunch. Eventually, we made our way to our respective classes to complete the rest of the day.
Although the rain had ceased, the parking lot remained inundated with water and scattered patches of treacherous black ice. Exiting the building, I walked alongside my sister, who began to shiver from the cold. With caution, we maneuvered through the icy puddles, my sister carefully clutching an onion in her hands. As we approached her truck, she glanced across the lot, her gaze fixated on something in the distance.
Edward and his siblings stood near his sleek silver Volvo, preparing to climb inside. In that moment, our eyes briefly connected, and I caught a glimpse of Alice before both she and Edward turned their attention towards a piercing screech that pierced the air, growing louder by the second.
As we pivoted to face the source of the noise, our hearts seemed to freeze in time, the world around us coming to a standstill. Then, in a sudden burst of motion, everything accelerated with a rapid intensity. I instinctively prepared to utilize my unique abilities to shift the van away from its collision course, but before I could act, Alice forcefully pushed me aside, her actions fueled by an unyielding determination to protect us. Simultaneously, Edward swiftly pushed my sister to the ground, shielding her from the impending danger.
The van collided with my sister's truck, causing it to spin uncontrollably, threatening to strike both her and Edward once again. Acting swiftly, I found myself in close proximity to them, utilizing my powers to pull them away from harm's way.
"Universal pull," I whispered, harnessing the force within me to draw them to safety.
Alice's eyes widened in astonishment as she witnessed the extraordinary event unfolding before her. Thankfully, only Edward and my sister were present to witness my ability in action.
As Alice processed what she had just witnessed, her gaze shifted back towards me, her expression filled with contemplation. However, before she could react further, the surrounding commotion caught our attention. The voices of concerned individuals filled the air as they rushed towards Bella, Edward, Alice, and me, their urgency directed towards assisting Tyler.
Bella's gaze fell upon the onion that lay on the ground, shattered just as we could have been. Edward and Alice receded into the background as the rest of the crowd closed in. Eric and Mike hurriedly approached Bella, their concern evident on their faces.
Mike's voice filled the air with concern and urgency, bombarding us with a series of questions. Bella and I exchanged glances, taking in the sight of Edward and Alice's siblings observing the commotion without displaying any signs of worry for their own safety. Instead, they received stern and disapproving glares from their family members. Redirecting my attention to Mike, I responded.
"While it seems that Bella may have sustained some injuries, I'm alright. Let's get her to the hospital for a thorough examination."
With a collective determination, we began making our way towards the hospital. I quickly dialed our father's number, relaying the events that had unfolded. He assured us that he would meet us at the medical center. It seemed that the time had come for us to finally meet the patriarch of the Cullen family...