
Rick and Morty: Jerry Prime

[DISCLAIMER] Read the tags. ---- In Universe T-76A5, Jerry Smith is no longer the bumbling fool everyone knows. After merging with the soul of a cunning man from another universe, Jerry takes control—armed with knowledge of the Rick and Morty show and a plan to steal Rick's genius for himself. But to survive, he must keep his true intentions hidden, playing the role of clueless Jerry while plotting to outsmart Rick. Every move is calculated, and every step brings him closer to his ultimate goal: seizing control of the multiverse. ---- No: Yaoi, Yuri, Smut, dumb mc. Yes: Villain with an agenda, action, genius mc, Rick and Morty multiverse, conquest. Romance: who knows.. AU Novel The updates depends from you.

Concept_Author · テレビ
23 Chs

Chapter 16: The Game Expands

Reached 50 stones, here the bonus chapter!

Next: 100 stones!


I watched as the message left my terminal, vanishing into the vast digital web of the multiverse. Somewhere out there, Jerry would receive it, and he'd have no idea that this was the beginning of a much bigger plan. He'd think he was still in control, still making his own choices. But that's the trick. Let people think they have a choice, and they'll follow you wherever you want them to go.

That's something Ricks never understood.

I stood from my desk, the cool hum of the Citadel's machines filling the silence of my quarters. Ricks always assumed they were the smartest ones in the room. It's that arrogance, that belief that no one could match them, that makes them weak. And Jerry, Jerry was their blind spot. A Jerry outsmarting a Rick? It was inconceivable to them. That's why I could use him. That's why he was valuable.

As I walked through the halls of the Citadel, I could see the tension everywhere. The Ricks were losing their grip, and they didn't even know it. The Council was scrambling to track down Jerry, sending out squads to investigate every anomaly, every ripple in the multiverse. But they didn't realize they were already too late. The moment Jerry took Rick T-76A5's mind, the game changed. They were playing catch-up, chasing shadows while the real moves were being made elsewhere.

And now, I was making my own move.

The campaign for leadership was progressing smoothly. Ricks and Mortys alike were beginning to see that the old system was failing. They wouldn't admit it outright, not yet, but the cracks were there. They were scared, and fear was a powerful tool. The Citadel wasn't as untouchable as it used to be, and I was the one who would break it.

I stepped into the Citadel's central plaza, watching the various Ricks and Mortys go about their business. It was a perfect system in their eyes, a society built to reinforce the idea that Ricks were the pinnacle of intelligence and Mortys were nothing but sidekicks. But I knew better. I knew the system could be torn down, and Jerry, Jerry was a crucial piece in that process.

The message I sent him was simple, subtle. No mention of the Citadel or my candidacy. Just an offer, an offer for a partnership, for power, for control. Jerry wouldn't resist. He wanted more, and I could give him the tools to take it. What he didn't realize was that he was the tool, and I was the one using him.

As I walked past the plaza, I couldn't help but let a small smile creep onto my face. The Ricks were clueless. They were running around, trying to track down Jerry, completely unaware of how far ahead I already was. They thought they were hunting him, but the truth was, I had already set the board. Every move they made from here on out would lead them closer to exactly where I wanted them.

Because while they were focused on Jerry, I was focused on the bigger picture. The Citadel was a machine, and like any machine, it could be broken. But you don't just smash a machine apart. You find the weak points, the parts that hold everything together, and you dismantle them piece by piece.

Jerry was one of those weak points.

I'd been watching him for a while now. Ever since he took down Rick T-76A5, I saw the potential. Sure, he's still Jerry, he's not a genius, not like a Rick. But that's what makes him dangerous. He's unpredictable. Ricks think they've got him figured out, that he's nothing more than an idiot who got lucky. But luck isn't what took down a Rick. There's something more going on with Jerry, something the Council hasn't quite understood yet.

And that's where I come in.

The Council sees Jerry as a threat to be neutralized. But I see him as a weapon. A weapon that could be aimed in the right direction, with the right influence. He's hungry for power, for control, and that makes him useful. But he's also reckless, and that makes him easy to manipulate.

I passed through the security checkpoint, nodding to the guards as I made my way into the upper levels of the Citadel. My candidacy for leadership was already causing ripples. Some Ricks were suspicious, but most of them didn't see me as a real threat. Not yet. They were still too busy underestimating me, just like they underestimated Jerry.

But that was all part of the plan.

I reached my private war room, the door sliding shut behind me as I activated the holographic displays. Data from across the multiverse flickered in front of me, reports from agents I had placed within key dimensions. They were keeping an eye on the Council's movements, tracking their every step as they scrambled to contain the Jerry situation.

"Idiots," I muttered, my fingers tapping against the console as I pulled up the latest reports on Jerry's movements. He was still out there, making moves of his own, draining the knowledge of other powerful species. The dinosaurs had been his latest target, and from what I'd gathered, he had succeeded in taking what he wanted.

But it wasn't enough. Not yet.

The Citadel was still chasing him, coming closer with each passing day. They didn't realize that they were playing into my hands. Once they found Jerry, I'd be there, ready to turn the tables on them all.

I leaned back in my chair, my eyes narrowing as I considered the next phase of my plan. Jerry was just the beginning. The Council had its sights set on him, but they didn't realize that by the time they caught up, the Citadel would already be mine.

I'd let them play their game, let them chase Jerry around the multiverse, thinking they were in control. But when the time came, when the Citadel finally crumbled, I'd be the one standing on top. And Jerry? He'd serve his purpose.

The Citadel was a system built on lies, on the false superiority of Ricks over everyone else. But I was going to tear it apart, brick by brick, until there was nothing left. And when I was done, I'd be the one holding all the power.

Because I'm not just any Morty.

I'm the one who's going to win.


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