
Reverend Insanity the Final arc- Fan edition

I am a BIG fan of reverend insanity and was so sad that the ending was never finished as the author has been blocked from publishing more, I realllllly hope that he comes back and finish the book but in the meantime, I have been so filled with ideas on where the plot goes I decided hey why not write my own ending for it, why don't I try to pick up what Gu Zhen Ren left, maybe it'll be good, maybe its shit but I really love the Gu world and I hope this inspires other writers to use Gu in their world. I do wish to one day write my own fantasy book but since RI left so much stuff behind it'd be a shame to leave it all. That said please don't take anything here seriously this is a FAN EDITION, not cannon and I am not claiming credit for anything, please go and support the original author I believe he has another series called infinite blood core, and please do go read the original Reverend Insanity.

zulbucks · 書籍·文学
221 Chs

Chapter 2357 

The shockwaves traveled down the mountain stirring up an avalanche that swept away the mortal clan on the mountain.

No lives were spared, it came too suddenly and without warning.

From the site of the explosion.

A hand emerged from the snow.

From afar it would have been hard to discern this hand as its skin was as white as the snow around it.

The hand was dainty and delicate. It was slender and poised with a sense of sharpness.

The rest of the people soon emerged from the snow, she was a beautiful woman, the snow complimented her gentle looks and angelic face. It looked as if a Snow Fairy had just emerged.

Naturally, it was Bai Ning Bing!

Although it looked like she had dispelled Bai Xiang what she did was shed the rest of the body and use the ice around her to form an avatar that resembled her!

But as she was still in the Bai Xiang form, she could resurrect herself as long as a single shard of ice remained, and there were plenty that Tie Ruo Nan ignored as she did not know of the profundities of this move.

Bai Ning Bing then closed the gap between herself and Tie Ruo Nan with the intention of self-detonation as she knew she would be able to revive.

Of course, she did not know that Tie Ruo Nan had set a trap, but she could guess from how the former conducted herself that it was likely.

Thus, Bai Ning Bing decided to use Tie Ruo Nan's plan against her!

"That bastard Fang Yuan may have been a scheming asshole, but you have to hand it to him schemes are terrifying." Bai Ning Bing jotted down in her heart: "Over-confidence is deadly."

"Hmm? She's still alive!?"

Bai Ning Bing flew to the side of Tie Ruo Nan.

Her Killer Move had detected signs of life.

"Tch, she's hanging on by a thread, Metal Path certainly has its uses."

Bai Ning Bing prepped an Ice Spear ready to end the job, but she thought back to how Fang Yuan would handle things.

"If I was him, I would make the best use of every opportunity, she's definitely a higher up in the Tie Clan killing her would net me no benefits and only enemies especially with how 'righteous' these Tie Clan dogs are."

But it then occurred to Bai Ning Bing: "Wait, I'm a Dragonmen now, which means I naturally specialize in Enslavement path! I wonder…"

Treasure Yellow Heaven

Bai Ning Bing stood in front of a stall hesitant to approach.

"Was this really the best method?" Bai Ning Bing thought to herself.

On the one hand, the benefits would be immense but on the other, it may be suicidal.

She kept internally debating when the store owner called out.

"Bai Ning Bing, what brings you to the Great Love Alliance?"

Bai Ning Bing jolted from her deductions, she was not afraid of death, but that person still scares her, as much as she resents him.

"Could you be here for the Immortal Component of the Yin-Yang Rotation Gu?"

The voice belonged naturally to, Fang Yuan!

"Unfortunately, that Gu is not for sale but if you join the alliance and earn contribution points, I can exchange it to you for 20% off since we go way back."

His smile seemingly taunted her.

"Enough talk, I'm not here for the Yin-Yang Rotation Gu today."

This intrigued Fang Yuan: "Oh? Then what might you be here for?"

"I want 2 things, an Enslavement Path inheritance an Enslavement Path Gu."

Now Fang Yuan was curious: "Hohoho, so you've decided to switch paths since you've now become a Dragonemen, oh sorry Dragonwomen."

Bai Ning Bing was beyond infuriated, despite being one of the strongest beings in the world he was still so shameless and petty!

In terms of Pettiness and Shamelessness, Fang Yuan might be the only Rank 10 in the world.

"I of course have an abundant amount of both those things but the next question I should ask is, why should I help you?"

Bai Ning Bing bit her lips as she struggled to give her answer.

"I want to enslave a Gu Master!"

Fang Yuan was taken aback.

"Go on."

Bai Ning Bing then explained her plan to Fang Yuan: "I have just captured Tie Ruo Lan, and I want to use her to steal from the Tie Clan. As the person sponsoring this, I will give you 40% while I take 60%"

"Interesting, what makes you think I have any need for your offer?" Fang Yuan smiled while rubbing his chin.

"I know you would never say no to a plan that is low cost and risk with high rewards, think about it even if it was traced back to you would Tie Clan really dare offend a Venerable for mere Gu materials? You and I both know the hypocrisy that is the righteous path, sure they claim that they would die for a good cause, but do you think they would be willing to risk their lives just to slightly affect the Great Heaven Refining Demon Venerable's reputation?"

"Its Great Love Immortal Venerable but yes I agree your plan is solid but are you sure you're going to trust me so easily and Vice versa." Fang Yuan smirked as he looked at Bai Ning Bing.

"No, I don't trust you, won't and can't trust you but you can trust me because no matter whether we do an alliance agreement or the fact that you could always expose my plan or dispel my methods on Tie Ruo Nan, I have no bargaining power to trust you but you have enough to trust me, so final deal I'll take 40 and give you 60."

Bai Ning Bing could tell that even after all these years Fang Yuan would want to suck dry every bit of profit he could get.

He was in the superior position after all, could Bai Ning Bing betray him? No. Could Bai Ning Bing seek restitution? No. She was helpless but at least with this deal, she would not be penniless.

"Ha Ha Ha, you've grown a lot Bai Ning Bing, good I applaud your thinking."

Fang Yuan then took out an Enslavement Path inheritance that he specially created for Bai Ning Bing and a Rank 7 Slavery Gu!

"Here, and also have these Guts Gu to grow your Soul so that your control wouldn't be weakened."

He tossed a bag filled with Guts Gu.

"You can keep the 60%, I just want one thing from Tie Clan."

Bai Ning Bing raised her guard: "What"

"Nothing much I just want the recipe for the Gu House Beacon Tower."

"That's it?" Bai Ning Bing replied.

"Yup, that and my 40% and you're free to go."

"You're not going to use this Gu to track my location and hunt me down?" Bai Ning Bing's danger sensor was on high alert.

"My dear Bai Ning Bing, if I wanted to find you," Fang Yuan's gaze turned serious: "I would just do it."

Bai Ning Bing then felt a poke on her face in the real world and she quickly exited Treasure Yellow Heaven and slashed at her surroundings with an Ice blade.

But there was nothing there.

She was panting heavily causing her chest to sway back and forth.

Her hair was a mess, but her eyes remained vigilant.

That touch was real!

She began to compose herself as she looked at her Aperture and found Fang Yuan's enslavement path inheritance, guts Gu and Slavery Gu!

First, she glimpsed through the inheritance, and the first page contained methods and information on how to control other Gu Masters.

"Enslavement Path in the short term relies on asserting one's own will on others, this, however, will cast a burden on both the caster and the target, limiting both their potentials, at its highest attainment Enslavement Path can make a target Enslaved by their own free will, willing to do the bidding of the master of their own volition."

Bai Ning Bing began to sweat even harder as she knew that the words in this inheritance largely implied that Fang Yuan's 'management' style was a form of Enslavement Path!

And that was the Truth!

Fang Yuan had mastered the Human condition, people won't listen because they're scared of death? Don't worry I can revive you. People are scared of not having a roof over their heads? No worries the Sovereign Immortal Aperture has plenty of space.

But the truly scary thing is that although they work for Fang Yuan, they also depend on him. Can anyone of his subordinates leave, sure they could if they wanted to but what about their clan, and their children's future? Even the Gu worms they use belong to him.

The scary thing isn't that he provides you with everything you need, it's that he takes away your independence!

And they were the ones who surrendered it to him in the first place!

That was the truest essence of the Enslavement Path, Fang Yuan had begun to touch upon the level of Supreme Grand Master.

"How scary, since the beginning of our journey he has always made me rely on him for anything whether it be Gu or money he was in control, even now I struggle to be truly independent, am I not still bound to him?" Bai Ning Bing could only smile wryly.

She chose not to focus on such things now and instead used Slavery Gu on the unconscious Tie Ruo Nan.

Slavery Gu split into 2 halves one with the brand of the slave entered Tie Ruo Nan and was imprinted onto her very soul!

The other half that bore the crest of authority branded itself onto Bai Ning Bing's soul soon an invisible connection was formed between the two.

As soon as the process was over, Tie Ruo Nan began to awaken.

"Good you're awake."

Tie Ruo Nan's eyes began to focus and when she connected the voice to Bai Ning Bing: "It's You!"

Tie Ruo Nan jumped to her feet and tried to launch her Killer Moves at Bai Ning Bing but as the thought formed in her mind, she experienced a great shock.


The shock was so great it brought her to her knees.

"*Huff* What did *Huff* you do to me?" Tie Ruo Nan amazingly managed to speak despite the intense shock.

"Hehe, nothing much it's just that from now on when we're alone you will address me as master understood?" Bai Ning Bing smiled sadistically.

"I would rather die."

"Too bad, I order you to kowtow and call me master!" Bai Ning Bing's hand glowed with the crest of authority.

The slave mark glowed on Tie Ruo Nan's soul and forced her down: "Yes Master."

Tie Ruo Nan's face was filled with indignation.

To call a demoness her master was unacceptable.

"Just kill me."

"You wish, no you're going to serve for the rest of your life."

"Arggh." Tie Ruo Nan then activated her Killer Move.

Bai Ning Bing just smiled: "It's futile to resist you can't hurt me, even if the pain doesn't stop you the mark will ensure you can't. The pain is just a bonus."

The chains stopped just right in front of Bai Ning Bing's face

Tie Ruo Nan was panting extremely hard: "*Huff* I know *Huff* It's not for you it's for ME!"

The chains then darted back aiming straight for Tie Ruo Nan's heart!

Wow we're like 20 chapters in and finally brought back Bai Ning Bing yay but she's so weak boo. Don't worry I have plans for her and her new 'friend' Tie Ruo Nat, won't they make an interesting duo ;) Besides that, I also decided to make Fang Yuan's Enslavement path play a more important role in the future. So stay tuned.

99% of you watching this have not added this book to your library so please do it helps give me a lot of motivation :)

Thank you once again to everyone who supports this book with your views and power stones, I never imagined being able to convince, well anyone to read my stories.

I'll see you guys in the next one.

zulbuckscreators' thoughts