
Reverend Insanity the Final arc- Fan edition

I am a BIG fan of reverend insanity and was so sad that the ending was never finished as the author has been blocked from publishing more, I realllllly hope that he comes back and finish the book but in the meantime, I have been so filled with ideas on where the plot goes I decided hey why not write my own ending for it, why don't I try to pick up what Gu Zhen Ren left, maybe it'll be good, maybe its shit but I really love the Gu world and I hope this inspires other writers to use Gu in their world. I do wish to one day write my own fantasy book but since RI left so much stuff behind it'd be a shame to leave it all. That said please don't take anything here seriously this is a FAN EDITION, not cannon and I am not claiming credit for anything, please go and support the original author I believe he has another series called infinite blood core, and please do go read the original Reverend Insanity.

zulbucks · Book&Literature
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221 Chs

Chapter 2356 

"So let me get this right. Either I let you half-assedly control my main body, or I nurture a soul to be my partner?"

Heaven's Will nodded: "That's right."

Spectral Soul's face was twitching with anger.

Those were the 2 worse choices possible!

He had to leave his body in the care of Heaven's Will, not to mention trust that he would give it back unaltered.

But in the event the other 3 venerables find out, his main body would have to rely on the instincts of Heaven to fight them.

The alternative was to give half of his special constitution to a complete stranger!

Of course, Spectral Soul could nurture her or make her loyal to him, in the short run, but who's to say the other venerables won't find a way to free her?

Or worse since she was going to be at the venerable level herself, who's to say the restraints would be enough?

It was tough for even Star Constellation Immortal Venerable to control him, and that was only because of Verdant Great Sun, even then eventually he fought his way out, but Heaven's Will delayed him from regaining full sanity.

"That's a terrible plan, I've been in both situations, and worse I don't want to make an Achilles heel for my enemies!"

"Don't worry I have a plan for either scenario."

"That makes it worse! You've clearly thought matters through; how am I supposed to trust you?"

Heaven's Will was getting annoyed at Spectral Soul's lack of trust: "Hmph, do you think I will resort to schemes."

Spectral Soul's doubts were further enhanced.

Infuriated Heaven's Will replied: "Fine, since you don't trust me don't use it then, watch as the other Venerables accumulate resource and power, you don't even have a foothold in the 5 Regions hmph."

"You!" Spectral Soul was tongue-tied: "Since when was a being older than the world so petty!" he thought to himself.

"Fine, I see your point, but I need some form of assurance that you will return the main body and not do anything to it!" Spectral Soul stressed that last part.

"Tsk, he was that cautious." Heaven's Will offhandedly remarked.

This made Spectral Soul internally infuriated: "He's really playing with me here!"

"Then how about an alliance oath?" Heaven's Will proposed.

"An alliance agreement, you wish you're Heaven itself how does any agreement supposed to bind you when you regulate them!" Spectral Soul was exceptionally livid

"Do you take me for some kind of child?"


Killing intent was oozing out of Spectral Soul so much so that people across the Gu World noticed the particular tint of red permeating throughout Spectral Heaven.

"If you would calm yourself down for a moment and let me continue you would know that an alliance oath does not require any Gu worms."

This piqued Spectral Soul's interest: "Oh, what do you mean?"

"An agreement oath transcends me and you, it is swearing an oath to the universe!"

"Every soul is unique, like a fingerprint, by using your soul to communicate with the Universe as your witness."

"It leaves no room for wiggling and may cast decisions with the impartiality of a machine and the wisdom of a human, be very careful if you want to proceed would you break the agreement then not even, I can stop its punishment."

Spectral Soul thought about it: "I'll agree how do we proceed."

Heaven's Will nodded: "First we must draft the agreement to cover with incredible scrutiny, we must mention things like the length of the agreement, the terms, and the penalties for breaking the agreement, you know if you don't want it to default to death, etc…"

Thus, a grueling battle took place in Spectral Heaven between Heaven's Will and Spectral Soul Demon Venerable!

The consequences of the battle would shack the Gu World forever!

If anyone could be bothered to sit through an arduous and painstakingly boring conversation about codes, penalties, terms of the agreement, and other boring bureaucratic and mundane paperwork.

After what seemed like an eternity Heaven's Will and Spectral Soul had come to an agreement that both sides could tolerate.

1. This contract will last until Heaven Refining Demon Venerable is killed.

2. The belongings of Fang Yuan will be split among Spectral Soul and Heaven's Will in the following manner:

- Fang Yuan's aperture will belong to Heaven's Will

- Its contents will belong to Spectra Soul

- The body will be destroyed

3. In addition, Spectral Soul will get to keep his unique Constitution but, not be allowed to make a new Sovereign Immortal Fetus Gu or any Gu of similar specifications.

4. Both Heaven's Will and Spectral Soul cannot make an attempt that would intentionally harm the other party.

Thus, the most trusted team of the whole Gu world was formed!

"Okay, now can you go inhabit the Yin Body and leave Spectral Heaven to me."

Spectral Soul nodded and separated his Yin and Yang bodies.

"From this day forth this body will be known as Guang Xin[1]!"

In the Southern Continent

Amongst the peaks of the mountain, a solitary figure could be seen traversing its terrain.

Her visage blended in with the snowy mountains she was tranquil and gentle, her skin made snow envious, and her face was so beautiful that it caused flowers to hide in shame.

Naturally, it was Bai Ning Bing!

She had returned to Gu Yue Mountain where her life with Fang Yuan first began, on the way back she had visited many of the sites that she and Fang Yuan had journeyed through.

She felt no fondness for their trip and with each past that she recalled, nothing but anger and a desire to surpass him filled her heart.

From every step in their journey, she was used as a tool, even after escaping his clutches she was used by Shadow Sect.

After finally separating from him she decided to flee back to the Southern Continent to prevent Fang Yuan from finding her.

With all the attention around the 4 Venerables, there was no time for him to waste tracking her down, but with his numerous subordinates, it would not take long for her to be found if she hid in the Eastern Sea.

Central Continent and the Northern plains were also out of the question, as both had venerable who would be more than happy to use her as a tool to locate and deduce about Fang Yuan.

She did consider the Western Desert but some of Fang Yuan's subordinates were located there so she didn't want to take a chance.

That left the Southern Continent, home.

"Now that I'm here I should focus on myself, the world is becoming more exciting," As Bai Ning Bai walked up the mountains, she noticed that most of the damage had already been repaired and that there was now a small mortal Gu Clan living on the mountain.

Bai Ning Bing swiftly walked through the village with them none the wiser of her presence.

Mortal life was too simple and unattractive to Bai Ning Bing who was too disdained to even touch their lives.

To not cross paths at all was better for her.

She walked up the mountain passing the ruins of the Bai clan without a single glance back.

That Clan meant nothing to her, what she was here for was the first thrill of her life of overcoming incredible odds facing and killing a Rank 5 Gu master as a Rank 3 by self-detonating herself.

The thrill of victory, coupled with the scent of death was so intoxicating to her it gave her life true meaning and upon arriving at that fated site she saw a female figure with her back turned, surveying the land.

Bai Ning Bing could sense that the figure was a peak rank 6 Gu Immortal.

Although she seemed weaker Bai Ning Bing had picked up Fang Yuan's cautious nature, never underestimate the enemy.

Bai Ning Bing called out to the figure: "Fellow Daoist who might you be."

The figure turned around: "That voice! I'll never forget it. After all these years you return to the scene of your first crime, welcome home Bai Ning Bing and, go to hell."

Metal chains burst out from under the ground darting towards Bai Ning Bing.

But of course, Bai Ning Bing had prepared killer moves, and she quickly used a movement move to dash towards the female figure.

Looking at the face that was greeting her now she recognized it to be the annoying righteous path Gu master that pursued Fang Yuan and her back during their Gu master days.

It was none other than Tie Ruo Nan!

After all these years she had managed to ascend and become a Gu Immortal.

Meeting Fang Yuan again had given her more drive and motivation to pursue strength as without it a Demon like Fang Yuan managed to ascend to Venerable status!

"If only I was stronger", she thought: "then none of this would have happened Fang Yuan would have been caught and killed before ever-ascending! How many lives are lost because of my lack of strength? No matter I will at least right 1 wrong today."

And she burst forth with Rank 7 aura! Charging straight at Bai Ning Bing.

"Hmph, you want to go!" Bai Ning Bing snorted

Immortal Killer Move ------- Bai Xiang!

Instantly Bai Ning Bing became an ice giant that was capable of endlessly regenerating so long as the Gu Immortal had a single piece of ice left.

Even for a Rank 8 Gu Immortal, this move was troublesome to deal with.

The giant pummeled into Tie Ruo Nan who flew backward into the mountain.

Luckily her defensive killer move ensured her protection and allowed her to keep her concentration.

Immortal Killer Move ----------- Demon Suppression Chain!

Dark steel chains rose from the found and pierced through the ice giant, and wrapped themselves around the arms and legs, immobilizing the giant.

"Not good she knows the weakness of Bai Xiang is its high expenditure of Immortal essence, and while I have a lot of Immortal Essence Stones thanks to the treasures I took from the Earth Treasury, I can't afford to carelessly waste them."

With that Bai Ning Bing canceled the Bai Xiang form.

The chains then had no target left to bind and thus, chased after Bai Ning Bing.

Bai Ning Bing used her movement Killer Moves to dodge the chains as she ran towards Tie Ruo Nan.

"Her chains should be less effective if I'm point-blank in her face."

As Bai Ning Bing grew closer Tie Ruo Nan's chains increased their ferocity and her face revealed a trace of desperation.

But Bai Ning Bing had been battling Gu Immortals at the level of Pseudo-Venerables, these chains were slow and less scary compared to them.

As she was a mere foot away from Tie Ruo Nan she was the smirk on her face.


Chains erupted from the floor piercing into Bai Ning Bing.

Tie Ruo Nan had laid a trap the moment she was separated far from Bai Ning Bing!

With her foe immobilized and severely wounded Tie Ruo Nan walked to her captured foe.

She grabbed Bai Ning Bing's beautiful face by the chin and tilted it up to her: "One day I'll make Fang Yuan share the same fate."

Bai Ning Bing smiled: "With your skills as they are you'll need to train for a hundred years before you're even my match."

"Hmph, what are you even saying even as we speak, you're bleeding…" Tie Ruo Nan's eyes opened in shock.

The Bai Ning Bing had shown no signs of blood or any internal injuries!

"Hehehehe" 'Bai Ning Bing' suddenly emitted a burst of white light.

"Shi…." Was all Tie Ruo Nan could say before 'Bai Ning Bing' exploded in her face!

[1] It kinda means Spectral Heart, don't look into it. It's probably wrong not only is it missing a lot of words but I think it's not technically right but you know what it sounds not bad so we're rolling with it. Guang Xin is Spectral Soul's Female name and has no particular meaning ahhahahah

Today, I sat there thinking hmm how can I bring back Bai Ning Bing and then I thought to myself hey she's from the Southern border and who's another person from the southern border that is close to her strength? Tie Ruo Nan! 2 birds with 1 stone. Now you might ask how Tie Ruo Nan is Rank 7 when she was last seen at Rank 5? Yes.

Though seriously though I can see her willingness to put aside her long-term benefits in the pursuit of Strenght just to have the hope of catching up with Fang Yuan.

So let's just go with she rushed it.

As usual, I'm am deeply encouraged by all the comments, collections, and power stones that yall send. I sincerely want to thank each and every one of you who reads this silly little book of mine. With that said lookout for another character who lives in Southern content and is related to Fang Yuan ;)

And as always I'll see you at the next one.

zulbuckscreators' thoughts