
Reincarnated in the world of naruto?!

A lot of people are reincarnated in the world of Naruto with different systems, powers, bloodline limits, inheritances and ninjutsus, which in the future will change the history of the world in some way or another. However, our protagonist has been reborn in the village of Konoha, but this could be both a blessing and a curse. Note: I'm writing as a hobby of sorts, so there will be days when I get bored and don't want to write anything, and there may come a time when I just drop this entirely without any warning.

OnlyCatsWith9Lives · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

Chapter 10

"This place is worse than I thought," I said to myself sitting high up in a tree, while in the distance I could see a bunch of small children hitting another child for no apparent reason, or rather, because it seemed fun to them to see the child cry.

Meanwhile, on the playground, there were several small children insulting and hitting others who appeared even smaller.

This has given me a very bad impression of the children and adults in this place.

You may wonder why I have a bad impression of both children and adults, and it's actually quite simple.

Children usually learn by imitating, so these behaviors must have been seen in other people or in other children.

And I know that this takes us in a small chain to the last child, who apparently had no one to imitate, so he imitated an adult.

Although these may not be enough evidence, I have to say that all of this could be fixed with a well-educated adult who sets limits and scolds them.

However, I don't see an angry adult scolding the children anywhere.

In fact, on the contrary, I can see several adults watching the children fight and insult each other, talking and laughing while making bets on who they will hit next.

But I can see that I'm not the only one unhappy with this, as I can also see a quartet of small children who look exactly alike in the distance.

However, they are strange, not only because they are playing alone, but because they seem to have the same opinions as myself.

I even saw them making eye contact with each other, as if they were talking in some code that I don't know, although that's only at first glance.

If I really have to say something, it's that these four are reincarnated.

The four were siblings in their past lives, and even their systems and tricks they chose seem to have been selected to compensate for their defects.

As for how I know this, it's actually quite simple: cosmos.

I really thought that controlling the cosmos would be more difficult, but I can't complain, as this has greatly accelerated my plans and helped me avoid many failures.

But anyway, what I mean is that I intercepted their mental communications.

Although it may sound difficult, it's actually quite simple, as their communications are completely unprotected.

They're literally begging for me to listen to them make their plans.

But their plans are simply childish, as they're literally planning to infiltrate the government and form a government organization to protect themselves.

Actually, I can say with 100% certainty that these guys have no idea about the power of ninjas, as they probably only think that ninjas are normal people with good fighting skills.

Anyway, that's not my problem.

What really interests me is that these guys have several systems at their disposal that were quite similar to the ones I had seen on my list, but with some variations.

But let's quickly explain them: one of them has the same system as me, the selection system, and currently has 4 powers based on the mind of a series I had seen.

It has the power of the protagonist which is immunity to all psychic attacks/abilities (only to himself), the power of the "villain" that completely nullifies all psychic powers (any designated target), the power of the villain's right hand to "get into everyone's minds" without them noticing, and the power of the protagonist's daughter, which is quite rare, as it has to do with probabilities/luck and doesn't seem very powerful at first, as there are several conditions for its activation.

In fact, I'm quite upset about that, not because he has the ability to know that I am a reincarnated person, let alone his power of "luck", since at this moment I am not even slightly inferior to that guy, and he has no chance of knowing that I am a reincarnated person as with a small barrier of cosmos under my skin, all of that is solved.

The reason I'm upset is that this guy's selection system is much more complete than mine, as his allows him to freely choose the person he wants from the world he wants.

Although this has some restrictions, albeit minimal, as the biggest restriction is that you can only select one world at a time. Therefore, it doesn't matter if he has 100 or 1 million selection opportunities, he can only select them from a single world if he has accumulated them.

But that doesn't matter, as they give you one opportunity each year, which is simply a trap, as in each selection, you can choose the power you want from the world you want.

And I'm extremely envious.

Anyway, another one of them has the simulation system, and it's more or less the same as what I had read on my system list: a fairly inaccurate system that, if you don't have all the information, doesn't work well.

Although apparently, this one can give you a small reward with chakra or anything you learned in that simulated life.