
Time to wish

After we departed i trained under master roshi to increase my skill efficency it wasnt any physical traning , but i did my own traning with my mental pressure i name it "Pressure surge

" as it was basically a skill i trained under his supervision for 5 months before i rushed to where i dragons ball would be can i already got the glimps of events that the wish would be wasted by that pig oolong so i planned to use that wish for myself i have two choices

First that i can solve my problem of height

or i can wish to gain the truth that i was seeking ..

So i rushed toward where they were i managed to get there on time as the events according to me will taje after after 3 weeks but i reached the pillaf office before 3 hours. i was dropping sweets as i was totally shocked that my chance of wish would hsve been in wain i was a liitle bit late i knocked them all and rushed toward where goku and all other were but i couldnt find any way to free them and sighed that the only way for him now will be goku turning gaint gorilla?

i summoned the shenron and He was litrallly thousands of meter long i orignally that that he would only be 100 or 200 meters long but this... He asked me to make my wish as i wad just staring at it .

Great shenron i wish to seek the truth that i desire ..

i thought that now my uneasyness will be cleared but his eyes glowed red and he said that it can be done but its not in his powers. only someone very strong mental power can do it .. i was almost speechless i doubted what is the truth that i desire that even the shenrone cant fulfill it .. i somehow digested it and said ahmm. ok can you make it like my height will grow upto 1m and 85 centimeter in the future shenrone disappeared after saying you wish has been fullfilled . i can clearly fell my height increase by 4 cm.

After that i left after making the wish but after reaching the kame house did i remember leaving all those guys still trapped there..

After 2 weeks goku came at the kame house on nimbus to get the traning he had grown a lot stronger than last time while i also get a lot stronger and this time i was clearly stronger than goku.We started our traning that was exectly i saw iny glimps at this time i was completely used to it but slowly i started to see less glimps like i was reaching a saturayion point in my mental power

at this point i can use "pressure surge" more efficently like 2 times the gravity after our traning was completely finished by 1 and half year master did tells us about world tournament like i expected but this time it was a little late than orignally maybe bacause me learned more techniques than we originally did in glimps. i can now confirm that the present is liitle different from glimps and glimps are recorded in my brain?

anyone i now have many techniques like 1)kamehemaha ,2)qi surge that increase my physial power and by 2 times by using my mental strenght, 3) Lighning manupliction

4)buff form i was amazed by it as its multiplier can be increased by many times , currently i can only use two times and master roshi can use 5 times..

while goku also learned kamehameha lightning technique but his was differnt from mine and also buff form

It was the time for our tournament (Yeah we did get launch for master roshi orignally i thought that it was to make food for us as he couldnt make this much food us, but the reality was totally different.)