
Reincarnated in dragon ball

作者: Parteek_Arya
連載中 · 6.1K ビュー
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What is Reincarnated in dragon ball

WebNovel で公開されている、Parteek_Arya の作者が書いた Reincarnated in dragon ball の小説を読んでください。...



The Bet

When Jason and Darrelle make a bet involving Darrell's dating life, he thought it would be easy since women were usually his strong suit. What he didn't know is that he would end up with Nia Graham, a lawyer who became well known after defending a wrongly accused black man. Nia had been by herself for so long without a man, she had learned to live without one, her independent nature makes it difficult for Darrelle. Darrelle stays persistent knowing that the Preston deal would be his greatest deal yet, but when Darrelle finds himself falling for Nia will he end the bet? Sneak Peak "What about her?" Andre asked. "Who?" I asked he motioned to a group of women specifically the one sitting down, I couldnt really see her because of the dim lights and the group of friends she had around her. "No," "Why not?" Jason asked I took another sip before saying. "She is sitting with her friends," "And?" Andre asked. "Her friends are drunk," "And?" Jason asked confused. "She is the only one with a beer and look at how she continuously checks her phone every five second," "And?" "The beer isn't strong which means she is the designated driver her friends are drunk which means she has to leave soon, and the phone just shows that she would rather be anywhere but here, like she has much more important things to do. Which let's me know she probably won't give me the time of day because I'm not the most important thing in her life right now," "She is the one, she is the one you got to date"

Honesty577 · 都市
45 Chs

Echoes of Empire: Rise of Vijayanagar

When Arvind, a young man from the 21st century, suddenly finds himself in the heart of the Vijayanagar Empire, he is unprepared for the complexities that await. He wakes up as Vishwanathan Varman, the third prince in line for the throne, and grapples with not just the politics and culture of a bygone era but also the haunting memories of his past life. Each prince vies for dominance, with sibling rivalries threatening the stability of the empire. Vishwanathan, though disadvantaged by his position and sudden arrival, finds an invaluable ally in Dhananjay, his personal advisor. The two navigate the intricate world of court politics, facing threats from external sultanates and internal conspiracies. Vishwanathan's unique knowledge from the future offers an edge, but it also brings challenges. As he introduces modern solutions to age-old problems, the empire experiences a renaissance, but not without resistance. Throughout his journey, Vishwanathan battles with the essence of destiny, love, loyalty, and leadership. He questions the nature of identity and wrestles with the dualities of his existence. But as he dives deeper into the annals of the empire, Vishwanathan discovers a cosmic play at hand. Transmigration, prophecies, and ancient wisdom point towards a destiny bigger than the empire itself. Amidst it all stands the Third Prince, a beacon of hope, poised to either usher the Vijayanagar Empire into its golden age or witness its heartbreaking fall. Echoes of the Past: Rise of the Third Prince is an epic tale of time, identity, and destiny, where the future and the past converge in an enchanting dance.

Venkat_Reddy_0628 · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Evil Dominating husband

Resting beside some glowing see, surrounded by the greenery all around, an island appears to be a true version of paradise. While there are many beautiful islands in the world, there are many other islands that pose great threats to their visitors. Scientific Mystery has carved out a list of such islands to which a person should avoid visiting at all costs. In fact, the respective territorial-governments of some dangerous islands don’t allow the visit to them.   She wants the best place for her experiments so she can create new species, she was the half Indo- American girl and born with a silver spoon, her parents left so much money for which no one can count, she is not only the billionaire but a very dangerous, sharp-minded beauty with the very dangerous mind. Humans only use 10% of their brain but Neha knight she used 45% of her brain. She is phsyco scientific and a doctor too. She tried to create new species but unfortunately, her experiment went wrong and she destroyed the 10 thousand lives, yes because of her failed experiment they all become zombies, a walking death. Her second experiment was worse than the first one, she sends some signals in space and invited the aliens on earth by mistakenly. But this phsyco scientist is madly in love with Hercules who paid for Simran's, yes Hercules becomes a zombie but Simran wasn't ready to end the life of her love. What happened when aliens come on earth and one alien fell in love with that phsyco scientist Simran and now he wants to take her with him to his world, what happens when Simran sits inside the time machine to protect her zombie boyfriend from those aliens and other walking dead creatures. What happens when Simran third experience, her Time Machine took Simran and her Hercules to that age where Vampires and Lycans exist. Now how she'll save her boyfriend from all those creatures, will her life end up, will she let her boyfriend die, how she'll conquer those very dangerous and dark creatures. Join the journey of simran's madness...........................................

butter_cup001 · 都市

Technomancer: Using Technology To Clear the Tower

Alexander Kingsley is a 42 year old single father, who is about to lose his position as project manager at a multimedia advertising company, to a younger employee who just so happens to be related to the CEO of the company. The unfair demotion leads Alexander to have an angry outburst, and during which he accidentally shoves another employee to the ground. The employee ends up hitting their head on the corner of a desk, and sues Alexander! Faced with charges of assault, and legal fees he can't afford, he opts to kill himself so that his debt cannot be passed onto his only daughter. Alexander took a jump off a bridge, down towards the icy cold river beneath, but when he jumped he began to regret jumping. But it was too late. As he plummeted towards the water, he was overwhelmed with regret and guilt. Guilty that he would do something so selfish instead of making things right. Leaving his daughter to deal with the death of a parent. These were the thoughts that Alexander thought as he watched the surface of the water fill his vision. Right as he hits the water, his thoughts seemingly slow down. He felt face hit the surface of the water, which retained it's surface tension, and his bones break upon impact. He felt his neck snap. One vertebrae. Two. Then his vision went black, and he thought death had finally claimed him. But instead he found himself laying on the floor of a dark cave. [Welcome to the Tower of Wishes!] [Floor 1 will now commence.] [Activating Gift.] [Technomancy Gift awakened!] [Hosts health critical! Performing emergency treatment with materials on hand.] Alexander found a new, mysterious lease on life, and finally figured out a way to potentially solve his financial problems.

LibrarianOfTheosis · ファンタジー
5 Chs


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  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


