
So its Goku huh?

When i saw them talking about something I shouted aloud from there "Hey Tailed boy"

and i came near them by running and asked what is going on and what was that sound... before i could say anything more bulma again started to ask him for his dragon ball while ignoring me. but he was looking toward me and said i am not tailed boy my name is goku and asked ahh! are you also here for my dragon ball i am not gonna give it to you . I said I am not..

again cutting my sentence bulma looked toward me and shouted you arn't getting this dragon ball its mine , goku again argued no!! its a treasure of my granpa i am not gonna give it .. i got tired and shouted between their quarrel and said :Ahh!! I am just here to see what thaf sound was and you both are making a rukus. and bulma said :- look shortie...

that reminded me that i should use the dragon ball to widh to increase my height as it wont grow that much ,that i came to know from my glimps.

After a liitle bit of more chit-chat goku does gave bulma his dragon ball on one condition that he would go with her to adventure the world . on which she agreed i feel deserted during their whole conversation and i chimed in that i would also like to go with them on which bulma denied but goku said excitingly Yeah, you look strong lets have a fight on which i agreed and bulma look annoyed.

Goku launched at me with a kick which i doged and tried to hit him with my knee that was blocked by his knee. countinoued by blows of punches and kicks bulma was shocked by this level of strenghted and thought that she was gonna get two strong body gards for free.

we continued our fight for 15 minutes i shocked that goku was much stronger than i imagned or was i overestimating myself , but lukily i am a bit stronger than goku that lead to my victory by a straight punch in his stomach by which he collapsed on ground followed by me on ground as well coz i was just a little stronger than him.

After the fight goku packed all his stuffs and we headed toward next dragon ball with bulma.

We set our camp inside a cave and i know a lot about whats gonna happen next .bulma opened her capsule house that shoked goku and he asked where did this house come from?? she looked at him and explained about it while i was admiring the size of house ,she lookex toward me with a smile and i know what she was thinking :: hahaha. look at them seeing the capsule house coming from thin aur this a cave man ..

I shouted and said i knoww what this think is ok dont look at me like this i also have capsule items with me ,but she wad still smilling weardly.. After that me and goku took a bath and went to sleeping next moring i awakened as i have suspected from the shouting of goku that says..ahh no balls !! .

I went there and laughted but to my surprise she was still sleeping.

After a while we heared a turtle at our door and i know where it was going.. i had my plans that i will again seek that truth with the traning of master roshi.(now that i think about it i can also hear sounds in my glimps as well likd their name ,situations etc,, as i was refering to goku as tailed boy).

Me and goku both went near the turtle who asked to take him near occean on which i agreed but goku said to me silenty without hearing what the turtle was saiying cant we simply eat him i am hungry i quickly looked at him and thought where is thst bear who is gonna become his lunch.. soon bulma said from behind that we dont have time for all this.but nobody listened to her and a bear did came for goku's food (No, he was the food )

after agreeing to help him we all toom him to master roshi after a while we get to the occean where master roshi was . (but i didnt see myself in this scene of glimps why didnt the future change or was it recored i thoughted to myself)

For helping his turtle he gave goku his flying nimbus on which he rided easily i thought to myself that orignally i wasnt able to ride the nimbus maybe be i can give a try. much to my surprise i was able to ride it with a liitle bit of difficulty. that shocked bulma. she also tried to ride it was fall straight to ground..

<wait how did krillin become pure hearted , was it due to his mental power or the fact tgat he died virgin in his past life.?😂>

As for my gift i asked to be his disciple and traning on which he agreed. I left both goku and bulma from there wuth master roshi after convencing goku to be ready for a rematch as i will be much stronger. but master roshi inqured if goku is also gonna train under him he will start my traming with him but for the time period he can only help me to increase my skill efficency and tecniques on which i agreed because maybe master roshi didnt want to give me a head start.

We departed there and goku went with bulma for dragon ball ..