
So,you are old huh?

i was doing nothing ,but stairing at that gaint odd white cat.while i was half hanging on the towers edge.Then he suddenly spoke up

Koren:Tell me boy, what is the reason of your visit.

i thought internally that"Oh i have gas problems',but i replied that : I got to know about you from my friend goku and he topd me that you couod help me in my traning. and other question that i might have.

He look at me for few seconds and before saying ; ohh, so you are goku's friend and yes i can help you in your traning but you have you earn it.

i was confused at asked: Do i have go do labour or give you some money.

He look calm.and said :Boy, you have to caught me and after succeding you can get divine water as prize.it might help you with your questions

then i said you then i began to ask about general history of earth or if he know about kami.

and i was shoked to know that this cat is 800 years old ,and is the senior of kami ,while he is the protector of tower and kami is the gaurdian of earth .and lives on lookout post above tower and i have to find orignal peice of flying nimbus or extending pole and some ancient occean artifact might work.