
A new adventure

Its already 2 months before I have done anythink crazy the sole reason of my adventure this time was to clear my unease and seek the truth of that sentence I remembered how it increased my strength when I was little .. Now my mental strength has reached another level it can put 10times as much gravity on anything but I only trans at 3 times reguraly that is my current limit I can aldo lift pretty heavy weight now like 600kg that was the normal with 900kg being my current limit .

I also want to go to another places like any region outside this place where was price every where.

Just like this another 2 months have passed during these three months I was basically collecting information of new places basically the overall condition of our planet (so did he get the clue of kami.?)

I Founded out that there are 3 major parts on earth. 1) the area ruled by king of earth

.2) secondly the areas rulled by monsters, gangsters and other armies

while the third one was the area that was undiscovered and rumers says that it contains treasures and has ancient ruins and I also cam to know about that there is a god on earth that is called kami??.

otherthan this I mastered my buff form further that gave me 3 times the boost of power and I could use the lightning surge at my base with minimum of 3 hours that was 40 minutes initially . and I have another mastery over qi surge and I have thought of a new technique that can draw power from the 6 dots that were achieved from englightment as a power up for qi surge technique.

Now I have a perfect plan of how I will spend my next 2.5 years of traing .firstly I will simply try to make a little bit of name and cash from regions ruled by gangsters and evil armies and then I will discover the area of undiscovered lands or the ancient ruins.hah.. that's the term people are using to describe the lands.

I headed toward my first goal that was the region under the blue army and I heard people saging that someone just anhilated the red ribbon army so I guess I can take out the blue army?

I reached out there I am well informed about what kind of people they are they just terrorise the civilians and uses their high tech missiles and weapons to conquer land and kill the innocent it was just another red ribbon army And I know the perfect way to clean them because I needed all their higher ups to be killed I infiltrated their main base as a powerful recrute who was send out by the remains to red ribbon army to protect them against the one who who annihilated their base (although the rba was complely wiped out but they didnt know it till sone time). and on the next of my examination where grouped all the higher ups I chargec my full powered kamehameha toward them .and killed them all In one go(Yeah I was ouside the building ,who wants to get buried by doing reckless things.)

After that I pretty will cleared all their armies in 3 days .it took me a whole month to clear some other minor functions of this area before securing their lives .I also went to take a look if there is anything left of their treasure where I find a copy of flying nimbus in the combined project of red ribbon army and blue army..which I took glady and started my journey with it because I could barely fly around 2 hours at maxm it wad very tearing and nearly depeats my qi.

I was still wandering and training along the way to get any one news about the ancient ruins or undiscovered land .it wasn't before I get to know about some cat god from goku whom I meet when he was going near some town . after which I sparred with goku a little bit and headed to find korens tower It took me nearly 10 days as I was far away from there .when I saw the gai t tower of korens it cant to climbed by flying so I have to use hands. to climb up which I did to strengthen my body ..After a quite effort I reached the tower and saw a white quit odd cat ?? with a stick .He asked me the purpose of my arrivel .as I wad staring at him.....