

What happens when a normal anime lover gets reincarnated into the one piece world. this is my first time writing a novel. so keep the criticism coming. DISCLAIMER: I do not own any rights to one piece or DBZ. all the rights belong to the original authors.

Kai_sensei · アニメ·コミックス
66 Chs


Robin looked shocked. 'When did he get here?' she thought, crossing her arms. "Wait! Don't worry, I am not going to attack you," said Gohan. Robin calmed down. "Sorry, but you are a dangerous man, so it's obvious for a person to be careful around you, Death Demon Gohan," she said while smiling.

 "Oh! But you yourself are pretty dangerous, Nico Robin," said Gohan with a smile. Robin became terrified and used her ability on him. Multiple hands grew out of Gohan's back and clasped his head. Everyone else looked terrified. "What!" "Gohan!" they shouted.

 Robin looked at Gohan and said, "Clutch." But nothing happened; Gohan's head didn't move at all. Gohan kept smiling at Robin. "Why are you panicking so much? Didn't I say I am not going to harm you?" Robin looked even more terrified.

 'He is too strong to be only worth 50 million. I have to escape from here' she thought, while looking at Gohan with full vigilance. "Don't worry, I hate the World Government just like you. And if I wanted to kill you... you would have died before knowing how you died," said Gohan while looking into Robin's eyes.

 Robin looked at Gohan for a while and canceled her ability. The Hands that were holding Gohan's head disappeared. "So cool! If I had that ability, I could eat much faster" said Luffy with an amazed look. Robin looked towards luffy and started smiling again.

"I almost forgot," Robin said and threw a Log Pose towards Vivi, who caught it. "This is an Eternal Pose for Alabasta. The island you're sailing towards is called Little Garden. If you go there, you guys will be wiped out," said Robin.

"What?! Luffy, let's not go there," said Usopp. "Is she a good person?" said Nami in confusion. 'What should I do? If I don't hurry up, many people can die,' Vivi thought, while looking at the Eternal Pose. Suddenly, Luffy started walking towards Vivi. "Who cares about that?" he said as he reached for the Eternal Pose.

But Gohan beat him to it. "Gohan!" shouted Luffy. But Gohan hit him on the head. "Calm down, you rubbery idiot. We will not change our course. But think about it, what if it took months for the resetting of the Log Pose? Are we going to wait there? What would happen to Vivi's country?" said Gohan.

Luffy calmed down and said, "Sorry, Vivi! I didn't think of that." Vivi looked at Luffy in surprise. "What an interesting crew," said Robin. She got up and said, "If you guys survive, we will meet again." "Goodbye! It's been a while since I got to talk with a smart person," said Gohan while waving his hand.

'Is he calling us stupid?' thought everyone else. "Oh! You have a cool ride!" said Gohan to Robin. Everyone else also went to see. There was a big turtle next to the ship. Robin jumped on its back and sat down on the couch. "Let's go, Bunchi!" she said as the turtle started swimming away from them.

Gohan looked back to find that everyone was looking at him weirdly. "What?" he asked. "How can you talk to her like she's a friend or something?" said Zoro.

"How do you know her name?" asked Nami. "She's a bad person. She tried to kill the curly-haired old man," said Luffy.

Gohan looked at them and sighed. "No! She is not a bad person, Luffy. If she wanted to kill Igaram, he wouldn't have survived," said Gohan. "Then she's a good person," said Luffy. "No! She's not. She's been helping Crocodile for a long time," said Vivi.

"You know her name, is she famous?" asked Nami. "Yes, Nico Robin. She has a bounty of 79 million berries," said Gohan. Everyone looked shocked after hearing that. "Don't make that face. Her bounty is high not because she is strong or something. It's because of something else," said Gohan.

"And what is it?" asked Sanji. "That... I won't tell you right now," said Gohan with a smile. Everyone got irritated by this. Gohan looked at their annoyed faces and said, "All you guys need to know is that she has a big burden on her shoulder. She doesn't have any friends or family, and nowhere to belong. She is just a lonely girl," said Gohan.

"What about her home?" asked Nami. "Her home?... It doesn't exist anymore," said Gohan with a sad face. Everyone else looked sad as well. "Then why is she helping Crocodile?" asked Vivi. "Because he knows her identity. If she doesn't help him, he will tell the world government about her. She doesn't have a choice," said Gohan.

"Then we will have to save her," said Luffy. "Huh???" "What???" said everyone, while Gohan had a smile on his face. "She's a good person. So we have to save her from Crocodile," declared Luffy. Everyone was speechless except Sanji, who was dancing in joy. Gohan walked towards Luffy and patted his shoulder. "That's what I expect from a captain," he said with a smile.

Luffy started grinning after hearing that. "Ok! Next stop, Little Garden," shouted Luffy. But Gohan said, "Ok! Everyone back to your training." Everyone looked crestfallen after hearing that.

After that, everyone started training, and Gohan had a sparring session with Zoro. Well, his punishment was not over.




After an unknown amount of time, they finally reached Little Garden. When they entered the island, they saw a big tiger. "That's a huge tiger," said Gohan. But suddenly, the tiger dropped down to the floor. "What? This is not normal," said Nami in panic.

"Yes, this place is dangerous. Let's get out of here," said Usopp in fear.

"Yes! We will wait quietly at the ship until the log pose resets, then we can go to Alabasta," said Nami while looking around nervously.

"It's no use. Look at Luffy," said Gohan. They looked at Luffy, and he was shaking in excitement. "Sanji! Make lunch for me, I can smell an adventure," he said while grinning. Nami and Usopp dropped to their knees.

Vivi also opted to go with Luffy. "Does anyone want to come with me?" asked Gohan. "No! I think I will wait here," said Usopp. Nami nodded as well. "But it will be dangerous to stay here by yourselves," said Gohan.

Sanji and Zoro also went out to complete. Nami and Usopp looked at each other in panic. "Wait, Gohan! We are coming with you," said Nami. "But what about Merry? We can't leave her here," asked Usopp. "Don't worry, I will be able to sense if someone tries to harm Merry. Then I will be able to come back in an instant," said Gohan with a smile.

After a few minutes, they were walking on the island.

"There are so many weird-looking trees," said Usopp as he and Nami looked around nervously. But suddenly, the ground started to shake. "What's happening?" asked Nami in panic.

"Oh! Look, it's a dinosaur!" said Gohan. It was a huge T-rex. When it saw them, it roared and charged towards them.

Gohan looked at Nami and Usopp and said, "You guys! Go take care of that lizard." "What?? No way!!" they shouted. Gohan jumped onto a tall tree and sat on its branch. "Well... don't die then," he said with a smile.

Nami and Usopp started running away. But the T-Rex caught up to them. Just as it was about to bite them, Nami attacked it with her staff in panic. The T-Rex cried out in pain. Nami looked shocked by this. "It hurt him?" she muttered in confusion.

"Why do you guys keep forgetting that you are pretty strong? You can take down that T-Rex pretty easily if you want to," said Gohan. Nami and Usopp looked at each other and nodded.

"Usopp, I will fight him with my staff while you support me with your ki blast," said Nami.

The T-Rex got angry after getting hit; he started attacking Nami with his tail. But Nami kept dodging the attacks with ease.

"He is very slow compared to the guys in the crew," thought Nami. Suddenly, Usopp hit one of the T-Rex's eyes with the ki blast, which destroyed the eye. The T-Rex screamed loudly in pain. Nami used that chance to hit it with consecutive strikes.

The T-Rex couldn't hold on any longer and fell to the ground. Nami and Usopp started cheering, but in the next second, the ground started shaking more violently. A big shadow cast over them. Nami and Usopp looked up and saw a giant looking at them with curiosity. They fell to their knees and wailed, "Why is this happening to us?"


 PS: Please support me with your power stones.