
reincarnated as Sanji from one piece

i got reincarnated as Sanji. i'm a guy?! could my day get any worse?!

Smiley_faceXD · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

chapter 5: Don Krieg 1/3

Chapter 5 part: ½: Don Krieg.

" oh! Damn geezer I'm the sous chef here. What do you mean by 'no longer need me'?!"

I turned him, I knew this was going to happen..

" you often get into trouble with customers. You flare your nostrils every time you see a girl". I flush, embarrassed, " you can't even cook a decent meal to your dead weight at this restaurant, that's what I said." I frown ' at least he didn't sugar coat it…' "Oh.." 'Say that again' I could hear Sanji say in shock. I can hear the laughter of the other Cooks. I grit my teeth. " Also, the other Cooks steer clear of you so good be a pirate or whatever and just leave this restaurant already!". 'Fine..' 'N/n-chan..You better not.. The damn geezer will run his mouth off. He needs me..' I ignored Sanji's plea and just bit my lip. I thought I'm normally silent I heard Sanji say again 'y/n please.. presume and give that shit head a reality check'. I found and walked to zeff "I won't let you trash talk about my cooking.. I'll become the best chef you have ever Heard of." I gently grab zeff by the collar. I was instead grabbed, raised, and thrown to the table. I groaned and lay there for a moment. Sanji yelled in my ear as I rose and sat on my ass. I rub my back and huff. I feel conflicted. I feel a hand rest on my shoulder, as I slightly lean into it. I've always been an extremely affectionate person, I suppose, in my old life. " All right! you have permission now you can become a pirate!". I hear Luffy say as I puff my cheeks deciding to be stubborn even if I know I'll go. "No way!". I got up and assessed the damage and gently set the table back up. I poured everyone's drink and moved to Nami last. Sorry about that everyone" I chuckled and set a dessert on the table. I straightened up my suit and bow gently, pouring juice/ wide in nami's glass. " sorry about the drama, princess, hopefully this makes up for it." I winked and stepped back, Nami smiled and stared up at me. " wow, thank you! you're so kind". I was slightly flustered by the flattery. I just chuckle and scratch my cheek, " anytime". I can hear usopp complain and grumble, " no services for us.m I'm going to sue you, you stupid love cook". I frown and pout, my nose close to his, " I'm serving you tea aren't I? thank me for that long nose" "huh? you want to fight I don't go easy on you". I Rose a brow moving away setting the Tea on the table. "Beat him up Zoro" "do it yourself" "stop! please don't fight because of me". I just chuckle and pat her head, "of course, sorry princess" " who said it was because of you?!" " by the way you know.." "Huh? Yes?". I tilt my head to the side as she shifts to the side. " The food you have here is delicious..". I get flustered, blushing slightly as she gently cupped and rubbed my chin. 'Wait is she trying to get a free meal?'. I move away slightly. "Fine.. It's on the house..". I moved away embarrassed, women have never flirted with me before.. Then again I am a guy now..that was weird. I felt arms wrap around my neck as i froze flustered again, "thank you!". I gently patted her back, "yours are not free" "wha-?!". I gave a teasing smirk, "you're too predictable". I hear luffy laugh, i move away from Nami and Cook luffy in the head. I began to drag him back, my elbow around his neck. "What are you sitting around for?! When customers sit down, bring them moist hand towels". I said while dragging him with me. "Yes Sir"


I looked up, a shadow casted over my body and the restaurant, "A ship?" I mutter, cigarette hanging from my lips, "What a huge ship! You think gin came back to repay your kindness.". I heard Luffy talk to me, I shove my hands in my pockets. "I seriously doubt that's the reason". I frown, "it's something else.." "Hm?". Out of the corner of my eye luffy looks at me.

"Woah, what do you think happened to it, looks like they sailed through a hurricane or something" "i don't think it was damaged by weather or cannons.. In fact it doesn't look man made at all" "hm.. Then maybe it was a tornado hurricane!". I gave him a side eye and raised a brow, 'dawg…. Bitch I just said it doesn't look like weather caused it'. I see a man walk out. I squinted my eyes, 'who's that?', I thought squinting.

(Mini Timeskip)

I walk down the stairs, hands still in my pocket, a bored look on display. 'Skinny ass hips, pretty holdable'. I thought while running my hands down my hips. I zone out for a moment and shake it off. I purse my lips seeing gin and a man. "I beg you.. I need food.. And water…" He was shaking, my brows furrowed slightly. A pang in my gut, 'starvation..me and sanji are more alike than i thought' "we have money, lots of money.. Please, it's been so long since I remember the last time I ate..please sir..i need food and a drink..". I look at gin a pained expression on his face. I straighten up, staring down, "Please.. I'm begging you". I stared at them for a moment and began to walk up the stairs. I could feel Luffy's eyes on my back. I made it up the stairs and grabbed ingredients. Hunger was the worst pain to feel then dying… I should know that for a fact and I believe so does Sanji.

(Mini Timeskip)

I walk down the stairs and hum, "hey step aside patty". I kicked his face into a wall. I had a bottle of champagne in Hand and a bowl of fried rice, the same I gave gin. I continue and walk down and set the bowl in front of Krieg. "Here's something for your captain" "thank you sanji.." "Thank you!". I watch him use his hands to take mouthfuls. I gulped down a breath I didn't remember holding, A tight feeling in my chest. 'Familiarity..' I got back up, hands in my pockets. I smile softly, I hear yelling and ignore it stuck in thought. I blink as Krieg slammed the bottle to the floor. I shift slightly, I shift my head back following his movement. Realizing his movements too late, he slammed me to the floor. I could feel a slam in my windpipe as I felt the cold floor. I cough as my back hits the floor, I choke up and my breath sputters. I heard my name being called as my cigarette hit the floor. I tale a gasp for air panicked. I heard Sanji yell 'n/n-chan! Are you Okay?! Damn it men can't hit woman.'.

I landed on the floor with a thud, I could hear a bone cracking or being dislocated, "gin?". I mutter my voice hoarse. 'Damn me and my fucked morals and mind. Morals.. Go fuck yourself.

I could taste iron, I heard the words "ship" and "I'll take it. I got up and grinned, "Right I see."

I ignore his words, my leg shaking, itching for a fight to kick this guy's dick in. "Sanji.." I looked up immediately at who called for me, it was gin "Sanji.. Sorry.. I didn't mean for this to happen…". I ignore patty's screams, focusing only on gin. I frown etched on my face, I stood silent for a few moments. I got up, a shadow casted over my face. I began to walk up the stairs silently. "Hey! Where do you think you're going?!", I can hear Patty shouting, "to the kitchen." 'Before i lose my fucking marbles'. I decide to leave that unsaid and just smirk, wiping off the blood, "looks like I'll be cooking 100 more meals today.". I smirk, "Sanji.." "Sanji?!". I stood still. "What?!" I can hear everyone shouting. "Are you crazy?!" "Good hop to it". I side eye Krieg, glaring at him, 'Lying ass bastard'. Suddenly everyone pointed giant cutlery items at me. I just shift to the other foot. "Tell me the truth Sanji, are you his spy or something" "we can't let you go anywhere near that kitchen". I raised a brow and a frown etched my features, "we're fed up with you acting insane.". I just spread my arms out wide, "alright.. Stop me if you wish". I tilt my head up, "i know it's no secret that Son Krieg is a terrible, ruthless, maniac" 'and a bastard and hoeless'. I left that part unsaid, "but that doesn't matter to me. It doesn't matter after we feed all these..bastards who know what's going to happen. I am just a simple-" 'complexed' "-cook no more no less. If someone is going hungry it's my duty to feed them" 'Even if they are a hoeless bastard or a crack crew' "- that's all I know, what do you say". I opened my eyes after I previously closed them during my speech, "-is that wrong?". I felt something hard hit my head causing me to grunt and fall forward. I grunt and hear ringing. I look up weakly and push one arm up, my brows furrow in slight irritation. I see patty grab something as my eyes go wide, 'the fuck is that? It looks like a bazooka..'. I duck and cover my eyes due to the bright light, but I heard an impact. I got up and raise my eyes, "so what are we gonna do with all these guys left in that hoeless bastards ship" i say unfiltered. I heard Krieg get up and my eyes widened, 'why does he have clocks everywhere in his armor? . Rounds were shot as I ducked and covered my head, "all those guns." I glare as I see.. 'Zeff..' A slight fondness in my eye. I stare at his back. I stare at his back, "you're Red Leg Zeff*. I can hear the floor creak under Zeffs pegleg. I gulped, and looked Down ' Zeff.. You're just like my old boss.."

(Small Flashback)

Y/n was just kicked to the curb at 12 years old. Her stomach growled and she begged for food every day. It started out rough, she had no blanket or bed and she soon lost fat, to where she could see her bones. Day 40. Y/n felt a tightness in her chest as she scraps out of the trash can, tears gave way in her eyes. Food was so good. She eyed the homeless man and suddenly, a chill went up her spine. She was suddenly tackled to the ground and mouth bit her arm. She pushed the guy off," This is my territory and those are my scraps for the day!". They got into a fist fight after that. She ended up with a few broken teeth, a bloody lip and a bruised eye. Day 89… she hadn't found food in a few weeks, her Guess was she was slowly rotting as the food was taken by the homeless guy she fought previously. She tried to get a job but no one would accept her due to her low credit score due to getting caught stealing a few times due to pangs of hunger. Though the pange slowly stopped coming. She sat on the sidewalk running her fingers through her thin hair feeling her job caved into her cheeks. She licked her dry lips, no water in a few days. She teared up, ' it's like I'm drew by gods left hand'. The rain started as she shivered because she didn't have an umbrella. She didn't really feel it due to her already being cold and her clothes already soaked due to a bunch of rain puddles in the back alley she usually hanged at. A story to rain more heavily, she didn't feel it. She looked up and saw a woman holding an umbrella " come on child". The woman said brashly with a hint of hoarseness in her voice. She saw a light and she was grateful so she followed it.

(Back to present)

I bit my lip, stopping the tears from flooding down. 'I get it now Sanji, I will fight.. For him and for her..".

I look up at Zeff and then at Don Krieg. I glared and rose up, 'damn shit talker I'll make sure your ass is kicked so hard your mom won't even recognize you.'

yo, so like is Gin used with an H or nah?. anyway. this is part one. you cam see in some of the parts that Sanji is in his head while y/n is also very conflicted. So you know. comment ;) your opinion. i upload once a week twice if i'm nice >:)

Smiley_faceXDcreators' thoughts