
reincarnated as Sanji from one piece

i got reincarnated as Sanji. i'm a guy?! could my day get any worse?!

Smiley_faceXD · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

Chapter 1

Y/n walked around serving people food, being nice to get a good tip. Y/n is a woman who works 2 jobs and is 24 years old. Y/n is a normal girl working hourly for herself and the bills. Y/n would be considered an NPC. Y/n would consider herself average and her lifestyle is average and repeats every day.

Y/n huffed and wiped the sweat from her brow with her arm. She smirked, noticing the time and cheered silently since it was time to clock out. She walked to her boss's office and clocked out. She liked her boss due to her boss being a 39 year old female who is laid back and doesn't care about what time she clocked in as long as she is there for her shift, shifts are usually 7 hours.

She walked to the break room and took off her apron and shoved her tips into her pocket. She exited the establishment and she suddenly felt a hand grab into her arm and pull her into an alleyway. She noticed three masked men wearing black masks and clothing. She hissed and looked at them

"What the hell, who are you three? I was just about to get home and before that go to the liquor store!"

The first masked man to her left jabbed her side with a gun.

"The hell you think you talkin' to punkette. Give us the damn cash, and stop the damn sass"

She huffed and clicked her tongue

"I don't have any money

The second masked guy put a knife to her throat

"You dun said you're gonna go to the liquor store, squirt"

She cursed to herself

"I don't have any-"

Suddenly a shot rung out and she felt a pain in her skull

"Rob 'er boys"

She felt her vision fade in and out getting blurry. She closed her eyes and everything went dark

She woke up to a flash and gasped

"Was it a bad dream…"

She muttered, turning off the alarm. She sighed.

Her eyes widened and she groaned. She rubbed her forehead and trying to feel for any damage of a Concussion and she pinched her arm. She got out of bed and she wobbled a bit. Since when was she this tall, she walked around the room for a moment and blinked. She….this didn't feel like a woman's body.. Her breasts were replaced with pecs. She gulped and searched for a mirror finding a hand held one and holding it close to her face. Two swirly eyebrows and blue eyes looked back at her from the mirror. She had blond hair and smelt like fish, sea salt, and cologne. She also had a beard

"Wait… A beard?!"

She yelled out a scream and backed away from the mirror, the mirror dropped to the floor and broke. She shook and look down at herself. She has on boxers and a plain t-shirt. "The hell is going on…"

She said and noticed her voice as masculine.. The body she was in had a slim figure, thin waist, lean body, and thick legs and thighs. The hell was going on

" Baby Eggplant, keep it down! No one needs to hear you scream! Its the middle of the night!"

A shout was heard in hallway. She gulped and sat on her bed still in shock. Why was she a guy…she hummed and looked at herself. She decided to go back to bed figuring it'd be a dream…

A voice awoke her from the dark.

"Ah! ❤ a mellorine is controlling my body and movements!

She looked around noticing… A guy. He was the same guy of the boy she took over. She gulped as he grinned

"I am Sanji! Blackleg Sanji! And you Ms…? Whom took over my body…"

"What?! What do you mean took over your body"

"Well.. You are currently in this mind talking to me and i got kicked out of my body and up upon this consciousness…"

She was shocked

"Of course there are a few things we need to discuss.. Since you can't really give me control I'll be your guide to help you figure some stuff out. Of course mellorine if i had the choice i would do it for you but unfortunately… That won't happen..oh yeah! What's your name! For a beautiful woman like yourself"

He had heart eyes like an anime guy and his name was sanji? Cool i suppose…

"Y/n.. Y/n L/n"

"Well it's nice to meet you!"

He twirled around and smile

"I suppose you have to wake up now… By the way mellorine! And don't be surprised if you hear me! I'm just helping out!"