
Reincarnated as a Low-level Villain in Star Wars Universe

I was reincarnated as a crappy villain from Star Wars. What the hell am I supposed to do? And my first appearance is in a fight against Anakin Skywalker and his Jedi companions. I am going to get wrecked!

DaniilTheWise · 映画
5 Chs

Chapter 5 - Successful Failure

So it really is here. Star Wars the Clone Wars didn't really show how Lok Durd built his frontier outpost, and whether it was built before or after his first interaction with the Lurmen. However, given its sophistication and size, it would make much more sense for it to have been built beforehand. It was a bit of a gamble, but I am glad that I turned out to be right. Hopefully the Jedi have not arrived yet. 

As the space ship landed inside the base Lok Durd began braving his second encounter with the landing ramp, when he was approached by the officer battle droid.

"General, you have a call with Lord Dooku scheduled in a 30 minutes. You will have to report on your progress with the weapon tests." 

"30 minutes?! Do you think it would be alright to not conduct the first experiment before the call with Count Dooku?" 

"...Lord Dooku will be expecting results."

Crap. I was really hoping to not conduct any experiments today, since the Jedi will likely be in the neighborhood. And I would like to avoid creating a misunderstanding and antagonizing them, by showing off a weapon the sole purpose of which is to destroy organic life on a large scale. It's not hard to imagine the Jedi assuming that the only reason a Separatist general would come to this remote planet is to test his evil weapon on intelligent beings and then to cover up his crimes. 

But antagonizing Count Dooku is not wise either. Let's just pray that if a misunderstanding with the Jedi does occur, I will be able to resolve it. After all, I have official permission from the Lurman elder. And I left a communication device with him. 

"Officer, come fetch my adjutant and prepare to roll out the tanks, as well as the Defoliator. We are going to test the weapon in the nearby field! 

"Yes, General." 

"And one more thing - use all the available droids, besides the tanks and a squad of battle droids we are taking outside, and put them on guard duty. Make sure that the compound looks as secure as possible, at least temporarily." We need to create an image of an impenetrable fortress, so that the Jedi won't feel like attacking us. Or at least they won't feel like doing so in the daylight. 


"It is still not clear where the spy droid was headed" - Commander Bly vocalized what everyone else was thinking. 

"Maybe we can find their base from up there" - responded Aayla Secura pointing at an oversized tree, which by its height resembled a 10 to 15 story building.

After waiting for Anakin to catch up, the group began ascending. Although, to be more accurate, it mostly involved Jedi Secura working hard and levitating everyone else to the upper branches, where they would have a good line of sight and sufficient cover among the leaves.

Strangely enough, the green-yellowish foliage was not equally giant, with individual leaves being the size of a grown man's hand or slightly bigger. Perhaps due to the ample sunlight available on this spot and the lack of competition in the naked savannah, the tree did not need to expand much energy to absorb sufficient amount light for photosynthesis. 

"There they are!" 

"That's quite a fortified base of operations. My body feels better, but I am not sure I am ready for this level of defense." Anakin reached for his bandaged abdomen, which was healed by Wag Too. Whether the oil from the pod actually had significant medicinal properties, or Anakin's force meditations were just that potent, his physical state was quickly improving. 

After scanning the Separatist base further, Skywalker exclaimed: 

"I see it, they had a shuttle after all! That's our ticket off this rock."

"It's not going to be easy sir. There does not seem do be any flaws in their security line."

"Yes, but they are rolling out their tanks. Let's take a look at what they plan to do. Perhaps if they split their forces, we will have a chance to do something about that shuttle." As the tanks began to roll out, the team noticed that one of them was missing its top cannon and instead carried some kind of attachment. This accessory seemed to be centered around a wide tube-like object, with what looks to be a control panel and a seat connected to it. Additional wires and the exposure of the control panel (along with the person who has to operate it) to the elements, as well as to potential enemy fire, clearly indicated that this device was still in stage of development. 

"Apparently, the Separatists have a new toy. Rex, Bly. See if you can get a closer- ah. Actually never mind. It looks like the tin cans are being thorough for some reason and are actually sweeping the nearby fields." 

"Let's just wait here and see what they are up to" - concluded Aayla. 




"Ahsoka, father is calling for you."

"He is? I thought he would never go against his principals. Was what he heard from the Separatist general so vile that it made him change his mind?" 

"I'm not sure... I would also like to hear how his talk went."

'This situation is serious, but I am looking forward to getting better treatment from the elder, now that he finally realizes the danger of the Separatist Alliance.' - thought Ahsoka to herself with a slight smirk.

The two proceeded towards the elder's tent, entering inside.

"...You are still here? I guess I should be grateful that you made a poor attempt to conceal yourself, instead of engaging in battle with the General in the middle of our village." 

Ahsoka's triumphant expectations only made the Leemur's words hurt more. 'He was the one who called for me, this hairy old lemur!' "I can't believe this." 

"Father! The jedi and the clones retreated to the tall grass to avoid endangering us! Ahsoka simply came back to check on our well-being. We should be thankful that she is here, in case-" 

"We should be thankful? Thankful for putting us in danger with your presence?" 

"We are not the ones putting you in danger! The Separatists..!" 

"General Turd turned out to be a reasonable man. We did not show hostility towards him, and in return he has not done harm to us."

'General what?' - asked herself Ahsoka, questioning her sanity after having to hear the elder's insults. 'And reasonable?' 

"In what world would a Separatist be reasonable? Tell us what threats he used." Ahsoka paused, considering a possibility that the Lurman was trying to put up a brave front. "Do not loose hope. If you share with us his plans, we might be able to come up with a way to avoid the annihilation of the village." - she said, after gaining a degree of composure. 

The lurman's expression changed from a stern look to a look of annoyance, realizing Ahsoka's misunderstanding. "The safety of the village has already been guaranteed by the General. Although bound by his profession, he desires to complete his business on this planet with the least possible amount of harm done to us. What is more pressing is that he has discovered your presence." 

"This sounds too good to be true! And he has already discovered us? Are you sure he didn't just come up with an excuse to return and ransack this village later on?" - responded Ashoka. 'It would be more likely that General Turd or however he is called, is a secret force user who has brainwashed the elder, rather than him being a understanding individual.' 

"Although I don't fully trust him, he did not use his discovery of your presence to threaten us. Instead, he asked me to give you this communication device." 

Dumbfounded, Ahsoka took a look at the communication device. A tracker or a miniature explosive inside perhaps?

'Sh#t. Looks like he really does know that we are here. Master and the rest are in danger.' 


Blue light has emerged from a device similar to the one held by the elder. But this one was held by two small robotic hands. 

"Sh#t sh#t sh#t, is it already time? Is everything ready?" 

"Yes General, as per your request we have sent two droids ahead into the fields, to participate in the experiment as test subjects. I am receiving a transmission from Count Dooku." 

"Great. Wait, already?! What do I even sa-"

"...General" - a slightly distorted voice came our from the communication device, following by an appearance of a small blue hologram of the Count.

"Ah! Yes C-count Dooku... Emmm, I'm a big fan?" Good lord. This is actually Count Dooku! Dammit, I don't remember if he can force-choke people through a hologram. However, I would like to avoid finding out, if possible.

Dooku paused, likely lamenting assigning this mission to a buffoon of this caliber. 

"Enough with the pleasantries. Inform me of your progress."

"Certainly. I have located a world in which we can test your new weapon." 

"I hope it turns out worth the expense. You may proceed." 

"Yes, my Lord."

. . . 

The whole area fell into silence.

"...What are waiting for General?" - the Count asked after furrowing his brows. 

"Emmm General, we require your command" - followed up droid officer, giving a hint to the confused Lok Durd. 

"Ah, yes! ...Fire!" 

The command to fire immediately, without any time to prepare and aim, brought the arachnid sitting behind the cannon's control panel back from the stupor. The stupor the pilot (currently acting tank commander) has been in since his commander publicly insinuated that his personal values are directly opposed to those of the Separatist Alliance. As if deceased and then brought back to life by an emergency physician with a defibrillator, arachnid's body had what looked like a seizure. He then instinctively pressed something on the control panel, and a projectile the size of a boxing bag flew out of the tank's barrel. 

However, the further the it flew, the clearer it became that the punching bag was not going to land at the intended target - at the two droids loitering in the middle of a field nearby. After realizing the likely place where the fired round will land, Lok Durd's throat started to narrow, his stomach began to make unusual noises, and his arms flopped down after loosing all of their strength. The only thing he managed to utter was: 


The droid next to him actually closed what are meant to be his eyes with its mechanical hand, effectively facepalming. Although this single action could be considered a breakthrough in the robotic industry, as it clearly indicated an emotion that was neither previously seen nor programmed into the droids, Lok Durd gave no reaction. 

"General, in order for the tank to hit its intended target, a 'Ready' and 'Aim' are required at the very least." - said the droid with a hint of annoyance. 

I think I am going to hurl. 

As these thoughts went through Lok Durd's head, the round landed at the base of a giant tree and exploded with fire, immediately lighting up the trunk and the lowest branches. 

"Interesting choice for a target General, but I suppose the experiment is a success."

Evidently, the radius of fire was large enough to reach the two droids, who then remained practically unscathed. But Lok Durd looked anything but happy with the outcome. He knew full well who would be using this giant tree for scouting purposes.

Well, I either killed the Republic's future, or I have just signed my own death warrant. 

If Lok Durd kills Anakin, would he be considered the savior of the galaxy? Or its greatest enemy, since Luke would not get to see the light of day?

DaniilTheWisecreators' thoughts