
Reincarnated as a Low-level Villain in Star Wars Universe

I was reincarnated as a crappy villain from Star Wars. What the hell am I supposed to do? And my first appearance is in a fight against Anakin Skywalker and his Jedi companions. I am going to get wrecked!

DaniilTheWise · 映画
5 Chs

Chapter 3 - Master Negotiator




"How are you doing Skyguy?"

"I can handle it Snips. I can get up by myself no prob... Ugh!"

"You must not act recklessly Skywalker. Captain Rex, help general Skywalker to get to his feet. We must leave the settlement to avoid endangering its inhabitants. Commander Bly, please scout ahead. We will be moving into the tall grass."

Two responses followed concurrently:

"Yes, general Secura."/"Yes, General."

"I still can't believe that the villagers are not going to fight! Do they have no pride? Who would be willing to grovel in front of an invader?" - Ahsoka ranted. 

"A lack of courage maybe. They would rather bow down than risk their lives." - responded Rex. 

"I believe it takes courage to stick to one's beliefs. I am sure we have all encountered situations when our principles were challenged to their limits, and when they led us to seemingly worse outcomes. Particularly during this war. However, following our principles is what separates us from our enemies, gives strength to our cause, and proves our righteousness. Wouldn't you agree Ahsoka?"

"...Yes Master Secura."

"I am glad that we are able to understand each other. What we now need to do, for our own survival and to avoid endangering Lurmen, is to find a way off of this planet."

While having his arm around Rex's shoulder, Anakin turned towards Ayla Secura.

"Well, the only ship in the vicinity belongs to the Separatists. Although they arrived on a landing ship, their general probably arrived on a separate shuttle earlier. What say we borrow it from them?"

Captain Rex was the one to answer Skywalker's rhetorical question. 

"Stealing from clankers? Count me in gene... Wait, general Skywalker, wouldn't attempting to steal a ship from Separatists alert them of our presence on the planet? And even in the case of our successful escape, would the Separatists not attack the settlement in retaliation?"

"Ah. Well, as long as we steal the ship without revealing our identity and our ties to the Lurmen, the Separatists will not be able to connect the two together."

"General... Why do you feel confident that on a sparsely populated planet, with the closest signs of intelligent life being the Lurmen settlement, the Separatists will not simply blame the villagers? Since when do we expect their side to act reasonable and consider things like evidence?"

The group fell silent. Anakin paused for a moment and then produced a response: 

"We have no other choice. It's unlikely that Separatists would treat the Lurmen well, regardless of whether we steal their shuttle or not. What we do know for sure is that we won't be able to survive in the wilderness for a long time. And without a communications device we won't be able to contact a Republican fleet to pick us up. Naturally, I hope that they will be able to track our coordinates following the crash. But it might take them more time than we have." 

Master Secura spoke up after making her own considerations: 

"I'm afraid that Skywalker is right. We need to prioritize our safety and hope that by making our stay on this planet shorter, it will put Lurmen in less danger." 

"So much for following principals and making tough choices..." - Ahsoka mumbled to herself. 

Ignoring Ahsoka's muttering Anakin responded: 

"Then its decided. But to steal their ship we need to find their base of operations first."

"I can take a look how things are going back at the village, Master. I'm worried about what the clankers might have done to them."

"Alright Snips, you do that. Don't let them detect you."



It really is Ahsoka Tano. Unbelievable.  I guess I just need to get used to the fact that there are real Jedi located within walking distance from me. And my only way out of here may get high-jacked at any moment by Republic's finest. If I was in their place, I wouldn't be so desperate to return to daily life-and-death space battles.

My train of thoughts was suddenly interrupted by the Lurman elder:

"...Was that performance supposed to be convincing?" 


"You made it look like you had no choice but to land with your forces on this neutral planet. I'm afraid that your theatrics did not deceive me. I do not condone your presence here, General." 

His brows slightly furrowed and his back straightened, Tee Wat Kaa had a stern face of a person willing to stand his ground. However it didn't seem like he was harboring an illusion that his wishes will be respected. 

Well, I'm glad that he mistook my poor attempts at escaping this situation as some persuasion tactic aimed at him. But it makes sense that he wouldn't be happy about a hostile droid army landing next to his colony. It's time for me to accept that I can't avoid this situation. The only thing I can do is to utilize my knowledge of the plot of the animated series to solve my problems. First let's try to establish minimal non-hostile relations. 

"That's totally understandable. If I were in your place, I wouldn't be happy about my presence either." 

Grandpa lemur blinked several times in succession, most likely from getting an unexpected response, but quickly regained his composure. 

A short silence followed. I guess he is waiting for me to continue speaking. 

"I recognize that this is a neutral space. I do not have intentions to occupy your settlement." 

"You do not?" 

"No. My army is here to... To insure my safety. After all, I hold the title of a general in the Separatist army, and the threat of Republic forces can appear in even the most unexpected places. In my experience, neutral spaces are not an exception." 

"...Certainly. However, we are a peaceful people, General. We do not pose a threat to you. If your army is here to protect you, what is your reason for coming here?" 

  "My mission on this world is to perform a number of tests on a certain device."

"A device?"

Haaa... I really don't want to tell him that it's a f*cking Defoliator (the flame canon thingamajig), because I doubt he would react positively. 

"To be more precise... It's a weapon that is especially effective against organic matter." 

Tee Wat Kaa's eyes lowered to the ground as he considered the words he just heard. 

"Organic... No! Do you mean to use our people as test subjects for your horrific weapon?! Were you mocking me with these ambiguous words, thinking that your intentions would remain hidden even as you speak them out loud?!" - the elderly Lurman was enraged. Along with anger, a sense of desperation could also be heard in his voice. After fleeing from war for many years, finding this planet, and establishing a colony despite the harshness of the surrounding environment, his family and all of his brethren will ultimately be wiped out. 'We survived until now thanks to the sacrifice of others. If this is how we perish, what have they laid their lives for?' 

"Your assumptions are false. I do not plan to harm the settlement." 

"...If it is our destiny to be destroyed, so be it. But do not treat us like fools." 

As the Lurman finished, he watched general Lok Durd cover his eyes with his palm in disbelief. 'Is he really that upset that I have discovered his true intentions? It's not like that changes the outcome.' -  Tee Wat Kaa thought to himself. 

This guy is no longer listening to me. How can I persuade him that I don't plan to commit genocide? I'll get destroyed by the Jedi if the elder returns to the village thinking that I am about to erase these people from existence!

"Elder. Tee. Wat. Kaa. Do not portray me as a genocidal maniac. I realize that a droid army coming to a remote world along with a dangerous weapon would arouse anyone's fears. However, despite the overwhelming difference in power between us, I came here to talk, not to trample over you." 

The elder's eyes sparked with a sense of hope for a second, but his experience of fleeing from the galactic war has taught him the disregard that the powerful have for the powerless. The spark of hope disappeared as quickly as it came, and his face assumed an expression of resignation. 

"What are your demands then? We will offer no resistance." 


The force of the shout was enough to make the Lurman's body shake unconsciously. His eyes opened wide, baffled by the fact that his willingness to surrender has been met with such hostility. 'Does this cruel being want us to offer some resistance to amuse him, instead of surrendering immediately?' - Tee Wat Kaa could not imagine Lok Durd, a Separatist general, not plotting something vile. Although he did not believe Jedi to be peaceful or Galactic Republic not being at least partly responsible for the continuation of the war, he was not ignorant of the difference in treatment of civilians between the two sides of the conflict. 

"How can I make it any clearer?! I did not come here to destroy you. I did not come here to occupy you. I would like to avoid harming your people as much as possible. Hurting others does not bring me joy, despite the fact that it is part of my profession. I am a prisoner, shackled by my station, forced by my superiors to engage in acts that go against my beliefs! What is my aim? My aim is to fulfil the mission assigned to me, in the most peaceful manner possible." 

"I-I see." A prisoner of his station? The Lurman has never heard of a Separatist general who despised violence and his own role in it, let alone with such intensity.

Suddenly Lok Durt, who looked like he was about to continue his passionate monologue, paused like someone has just struck the back of his skull with a club. 


I just declared in front of my adjutant and in front of an officer droid that I am essentially opposed to Count Dooku's methods and possibly the CIS in general. At this point I might as well declare to the entire galaxy that I am prime-time traitor material. Let's just quickly take a look at how these two reacted.

Lok Durd carefully glanced behind him. His lips tucked back into his mouth and his eyes expressing a feeling of alarm, the general of the Confederacy of Independent Systems looked like a kid who stole sweets from the forbidden drawer and just heard his mother call his name. The officer droid stood motionless, his thoughts regarding the situation entirely unclear. On the other hand, the pilot of the acqualish species stood there looking like he just got shell-shocked from an artillery round exploding nearby. He seemed to be struggling to maintain balance, with his legs lacking strength akin to a newborn calf. 

Well, it's clear that I won't be able to get away with my remark. I just... Couldn't handle being put in such an abnormal situation, and having the first person I could communicate with view me as a power-hungry maniac... Whatever, I am just emotionally exhausted at this point. 

"Tee Wat Kaa, leader of the Lurmen settlement, I would like to negotiate conditions, such as safety and compensation, under which I would be able to test my device in the vicinity of the settlement. Please lead the way to the village where we can continue our discussion. I believe we have stood here for long enough." 

"...Certainly. I can bring you to the village. The droids and their blasters..." 

"I cannot compromise on my safety, I am sorry. However, given that they have been placed under my direct command, I can guarantee that they will not harm the villagers. I will take responsibility for any possible mishaps.

Officer, make sure that the droids coming with me will have their blasters pointed to the ground. Ensure that they act with the outmost caution and respect towards the villagers." 

"Roger roger?"

"I understand. As much as I am unhappy about armed droids coming into our settlement, I can appreciate the fact that you are doing your best to accommodate our wishes within the boundaries of your duties, General." 




In the mean time Ahsoka Tano has returned back to the village and found the Elder's son - Wag Too, who has previously helped to treat Anakin's injury. He was busy watching the Separatists entering the village. 

  "Why are they doing this?" - Wag Too seemed to be in disbelief. 

Although interested in finding out what exactly the clankers were up to, Ahsoka didn't want to get discovered. However, she had no doubt that the Separatists were up to no good. Without hesitation she responded: 

"Violence, that's what these droids are programmed for." 

"Ehm, then their actions make even less sense" - responded the young Lurman. 

"I'm telling you, these tin cans did not come with peace. You need to defend yourse... What? What is going on here?" Ahsoka's thought was interrupted after she finally peaked out from the back of one of the huts. 

The droid army, which spread violence throughout the galaxy, was carefully walking in a single file after their general, who himself was following precisely in the footsteps of the Lurman elder. The whole procession reminded much less of an invading army and looked more like a march of captured prisoners of war. 

Poor grandpa lemur was probably close to having several heart attacks during that single conversation. On a different note, do you feel that the Jedi stuck with their principles in this chapter, or do you feel that they bended some rules? Do you expect this to change in future chapter? If you know any lesser-known instances of Jedi betraying their principles and disregarding their teachings, post them in the comments!

DaniilTheWisecreators' thoughts