
Not in Kansas anymore

Gwen runs up to me asking me if I'm okay, the people around us come closer checking the location of the scream. Of course, just like the brothers they see me and go back-and-forth from the statue to me. Furious I run into the hotel, to my despair the clerk is blushing, astonished by the resemblance "the keys to my room please sir" Gwen has already headed it up. The clerk trembling at my tone is attempting to hand me the keys "yes… Yes, ma'am, I apologize" I grab the keys and run to my room that Gwen should already be in. I get in and lock the door then fall down to the ground my back against the cold metal door cooling me down from embarrassment. "What did we sign up for!" sighing I hear footsteps leave the bathroom my eyes shut trying to catch my breath "I don't know Ari, but let's find out."

That voice, I recognize it anywhere, Startled I open my eyes to see Matt outside of the bathroom standing in front of me in just a towel, steam spilling out of the background. Attempting to just look at his face, my eyes betray me and gaze at his perfectly sculpted abs. "Like the view?" A chuckle escapes the mocking smile on his face "it's only fair since I've seen all of you now"

"no you have-, oh that" realizing the naked statue of me outside, then realizing he shouldn't even be in this room "where is Gwen? Why are you here? Oh my if lex finds out of this-"

"CALM DOWN ARI! Gwen wanted to be with Lex, I was supposed to be with Elijah but Petra preferred him over you."

"Of course Petra wants Elijah… well I guess I'm stuck with you," I say in my most sarcastic voice mocking him and walking over to the king-size bed in the room "sooo everyone shares a bed?" Matt replies to me with a smirk written face that screams yes, again I catch myself blushing "well, I'll go shower while you dress"

"Anything you say princess… oh I forgot I can't call you that anymore; Reina" Matt replies mockingly I throw a towel to his face but he catches it instead laughing wholeheartedly and dramatically falling on the bed. Oh, how I love his laughter and how my body tingles everywhere when he calls me princess shaking my thoughts away I head into the bathroom.

I've been in love with Matt for as long as I can remember and if my intuition is correct I think he feels the same. But Lex always seemed to chase every guy who seemed interested away. I've always felt he was too overprotective sometimes. No guy would dare come near the little sister of LEX. At times I'd appreciate it; except when it comes to Matt. In my Middle Ages, I had my first kiss, the poor guy got the beating of his life and the message was received by all others. I hope it's different with Matt. His older brother Elijah is Lex's best friend, maybe for that alone Lex will let it be. Bravery hits me in my hopelessly romantic heart. I close, lock, take a deep breath then unlock the loud echoing bathroom door. Maybe Matt will get the message though I doubt it.

The shower is running, I begin to undress in the steam-filled room then slip into the shower and close the sliding glass door that's been fogged up by the steam. The hot water runs strong and loud, finally, I relax and let myself go while washing my hair with a soothing massage to my head. I rinse out my curly hair moving it to one side. It's so long they reach my navel. I hear the glass door and choose to ignore it and continue. As I grab my loofah to wash my body I suddenly feel a kiss placed on my neck as I sensually tilt my head back and hands begin to move around my waist making the kiss feel all the better. The warmth of his tall body brushes against my back, I shudder at the instant of another kiss behind my ear "hey" his hoarse voice whispers to me.

I turn my gaze to look upon Matt's beautiful dark brown eyes that look back at me with hunger. I sense his arousal and a passionate kiss is placed on my lips, turning me around to face him as if we were doing a dance. My arms easily find themselves around his neck, one hand grabbing at his brown hair pulling him more and more to me as this kiss feels stronger and eternal. His grip on my waist increases, the same as my own. I'm lifted from the shower floor and pinned against the freezing shower wall but I could care less so long as he warms me up. water dripping all over him as his heat makes up for the coldness on my back. Our bodies explore each other's tongues in a continuous dance. We stop kissing as my hands seem to run down his chiseled face and body engraving it to my memory.

Water still slightly on me he stops everything to gaze briefly at me then slowly kisses down my neck and makes his way to my breast giving them attention. Arching my back to encourage his direction both my hands around his neck clinging onto him shuddering at every ounce of his touch. Again he pauses, this time he looks in my eyes with the sincerity of the world and speaks "Aria… I love you, I always have and think I always will'' the happiness within me strikes me silent. I grab his face and kiss him deeper than before briefly then smiling ear to ear I reply "I love you too Matt" at my response he carefully takes me to the bedroom.