
How it began

The gates open and we get off immediately greeted by a flight attendant reading a file "we welcome you Mr.heart and miss heart-" she looks up finally mid-sentence then begins to stare at me wide-eyed, it was quite uncomfortable and unsettling even and seemed to last long. Upon hearing footsteps approaching I knew it was Lex he always has this power beaming off him but I could sense his irritation. Laying a hand on my shoulder he returns a different kind of stare to the attendant making her tremble on the spot. "What animal raised you to believe it was okay to stare" lex states and it seemed to echo. " la, la..... Reina" she stutters out then runs to the intercom and announces " la Reina es aqui! La Reina! " everyone but lex put there gaze at me as I translate " the queen... the queen is here she keeps repeating the queen" tightening his grip on my shoulder lex turned me toward him and gets down to my level certain desperation in his eyes I've never seen before as if he knew something I didn't.

"Listen, Ari, I really think we should go back now it's your choice alone to make, I have a bad feeling if we continue this our lives will change" everything in me believed him but that was the point I still don't really know what he meant by it all but I refuse to go back. "We stay lex, we stay. Did you forget why we are here? Dad wanted us to see Azeca so we are not leaving" although something in me did believe it. This is the most worried look I've ever seen from him "we will be fine and have fun" hoping to reassure him and myself he nods at the poor attendant who seemed to get a grip of herself and she continued the written form of her welcome " welcome miss heart and friends pardon the behavior my dear it's that you look exactly like the esteemed goddess Blood Reina, Aria she is known to our people as Reina or la Reina first queen of azeca goddess almighty." I'm at a loss for words not only do I apparently look like this woman but we share the same first name too?.

As the group and I move on through the airport I'm staring at the attendant "Aria". I say to her

"yes that is the name of La Reina"

"No! My name is aria… Aria heart"

Tears fall from her surprised eyes, suddenly she stops and drops to all fours bowing. Looking at my friends, to her, then to my brother, who Turns to me and stomps his way backfilled with anger "get… Up!" He commands, she rises up and I'm stuck still not understanding his behavior. Apologizing, the attendant leaves us outside where the cab Awaits."Your stay is in the capital of Zehera Capital city of Azeca.

Marvelous sites are seen from the cab windows architecture, ancient in new buildings, we hear music played, Smell the food. Then we stopped… At a statue in front of the hotel, we get out… A statue… A statue of me!! My likeness in every way imaginable, as if I had a soaked thin see-through robe! Naked with gold shavings as glitter, you see all! All of me!! "What the…" Not being able to process i scream out for Lex. Matt and Elijah have their gazes moving back-and-forth between the statue and me. Petra, furious yet in shock, Gwen, compelled by the smell of food, still hasn't seen it; Lex turns to me with the sadness written all over his face "I… Don't know Ari" He says while whimpering past me then grabs both men easily picking them up and throwing them into the hotel. Gwen turns finally, She sees the statue and instantly screams, Petra sighs loudly while stomping into the hotel.