
Not in Kansas anymore (2)

Looking around I see this was planned with Gwen's help. No doubt the room is surrounded by my favorite, scented vanilla lit candles filling the room white roses as well. I smile at the thought that this Greek god of a man knows me so well. This was only the beginning of the bliss I was feeling "are you sure?" He asks "yes" if anyone will be my first it will be him. Upon my answer, his arousal was even bigger than I thought it could be. He gently placed me on my back and after a gentle kiss he entered into me. At first it was a pinch of pain then from gradual uncomfortableness it began to feel pleasurable with each thrust it felt as if he got bigger. It was impossible to control any on my reactions. It was absolute ecstasy at the end of our climaxes. Then a peaceful sleep in his embrace, the one I love.

I wake to a few kisses on my head leading to my back, sun shining brightly in the room Matt's face lit and I realize it wasn't all a dream "hey princess, wanna go down for breakfast?" Gods I love when he calls me princess, sitting up with a smile slapped on my face last night was amazing. Looking over my own naked body remembering all the caresses that still linger on my skin, remembering the ecstasy of having him inside me that way.

"Yes, of course," I answered.

"get dressed then" he yawns out to me while leaving his place on the bed. I'm caught watching his tall sculpted figure gracefully put on clothes. I'm instantly red when our eyes meet "it's okay to look ari" he can't help but laugh after his statement "I know" I reply embarrassed and join in his laughter. I can't imagine what would happen if Lex found out, oh shit Lex.

At that exact thought in my head, there's a banging on the door. "MATT !!!" Lex shouts through the door.

I rush Matt into the bathroom quickly, get dressed, and answer the door. Lex is fuming suddenly. I process that though he was happy to have Gwen keep him company he was led to believe I was with Petra. "I'M GONNA KILL HIM... MATT COME OUT" sadly he might actually do it . shaking I try to calm him down begging him please not to. He bangs on the bathroom door so hard I think it might just collapse "MATT GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE! YOU'RE DEAD YOU HEAR ME! DEAD!" Filled with instant rage I grab lex by the ear and bring him to my eye level "LOOK AT ME!" I practically command it out of him, lex is in complete shock; I've never yelled at my brother before this isn't like me, and yet I continue as he trembles at my tone "YOU WILL NOT KILL HIM" after that, I instantly calm down and collapse as if drained by something. That wasn't even my voice and yet it felt familiar, it was angry and echoed with violence. Looking in lexs amber eyes i apologize "i don't know what just happened I'm sorry" sad as ever lex joins me on the floor "sorry ari, Matt i won't kill you, you can come out- not today at least" lex says while holding me, his concern turns to me "did you two?"

"yes" the answer to his obvious question "and I don't regret it either, not one bit" I can't stop the tear that falls down my cheek Lex nods looking defeated something I'll probably never understand. After a few moments he gets up tells me he'll be waiting downstairs then leaves. After closing the door behind him I catch my breath and knock on the bathroom door. "Matt? Are you okay?" A wide eyed Matt steps out of the bathroom holding his ear, trembling "ari? You.. you yelled…" he pauses then walks closer to me turns his face "you yelled.. and this happened". He lets go of his ear and I find myself panicking internally because his ear is bleeding. "Oh… my gods,are you okay?" I ask."I think, I just don't understand how this could happen… I don't think I've ever heard you angry let alone yell, especially at Lex" Matt then hugs me in a tight embrace. We gaze at each other both clueless to what just happened, then he goes to wash the blood out of his ear.

We both head downstairs together hand in hand. As we approach I scan the room for Gwen whom I find glowing, smiling from ear to ear. Letting go of Matt's hand I go to sit next to my dear best friend "FINALLY" Gwen shouts.

"it's about damn time" Petra sneers with an eye roll. Oh my dear frenemy Petra, how refreshing her attitude can be. Lex confronts Matt with much hostility Matt tries to break the ice "hey, Le-" Matt's greeting was interrupted by lex suddenly using his face as a punching bag. "You hurt Aria I swear that will be just the beginning of what will happen to you" Lex says while towering over Matt on the ground then walks away without waiting for a response. Of course as if my dear Matt hasn't bled enough today now his lip is busted so he goes to get ice.

Petra not to our surprise went to comfort Matt; we know not to expect any less from her . All Petra cares about is the boys, especially my brother. That's why she's my friend mainly to get close to him but she doesn't mind the company of the other two guys either. My brother is surprisingly shy despite his endeavors. I've always felt he's infatuated with Gwen anytime she's with me he's soooo close. Gwen, as resilient as ever, yells at Lex for punching Matt. It's hilarious to see her little 5'2" figure yelling at a man about 7" tall. As odd as it sounds I've actually haven't been happier to watch everyone like this; since my father died it's been hard to have moments like this. We needed this; especially myself.