
Reborn in MCU to be the Invincible Ghost

#marvel, #mutants, #multiverse travel This is my first story on Webnovel hopefully you guys will like it I got the inspiration of this fan fic from another novel in the app called fanfic ideas. this story is about a guy who is brought into the multiverse of marvel by one above all to add a little spice to the boredom of one above all and Loki the god of stories. after experiencing the same type of story every time one above all gets mc from real god to see what fun changes he will make to the plot. Mc gets a system when he dies at the hands of a certain big tin can and goes on to become the invincible ghost. follow the journey of the mc as he faces the challenges that shape him to who he is.

Rebelcombat_1 · 映画
27 Chs

Chapter 10: meeting with Hank Pym

Chapter 10: meeting with Hank Pym

After reaching San Francisco we first decided to rest around somewhere as constantly changing cars waiting for other cars and we have barely even eaten any thing on the road and we had to move on the road walking for the parts where we couldn't get a car.

We were exhausted and not in the mood for any more travel on the way here, on the way here mom kept asking why was I so adamant on getting to San Francisco to which I replied "after reaching there I will tell you."

That is why we decided to rest for some time and look for some ways to earn a quick buck well considering it is nearly 1998 I don't think there were any heroes in this time period but Hank Pym has already resigned from shield in the year 1989 and has hidden his research on Pym particles feeling them dangerous for anyone handling them carelessly as it was with Janet Van Dyne as she went sub atomic in order to destroy a missile.

After which he also has given up on being the ant man as well. And I am sure he isn't one to agree to my conditions outright as it clearly goes against his current principles. And only took Scott Lang as the one to hold the mantle of ant man from him only when Darren cross has already made his own Pym particles and forced hank to choose Scott Lang as he is a brilliant thief and skilled in electronics expert.

So hopefully he will choose to help me as it plays a very big plan of mine depends upon the words of hank Pym.

After days we didn't get to meet hank, he is like a fucking addict he is constantly drinking and laying low and not even properly taking care of his daughter she usually looks down when coming and going from the house upset and after waiting for many days she was apparently transferred to a boarding school.

Another two weeks have passed today we finally met with the one and only Hank Pym and after hearing our request he straight up denied and went around us and entered his home well I can't blame him he has recently lost his wife and also sent his daughter to a boarding school.

He is a lonely man and is more susceptible to depression and considering his bad temper it does make sense that he will ignore us.

Now I am thinking am I just that special that every one denies me anything I want. But the most outrageous thing is that in almost all the fan fictions I read in my previous life about marvel the protagonist clearly gets anything he wants with a shake of his hands like he wants to join shield and director fury directly visits him and offers him to join shield he wants money and he has apparently a few houses which he sells and buys stocks in Stark Industries and becomes rich. He wants to make tech way ahead of time and he apparently gets anything he wanted in a general store. The only fucking thing that can make me a protagonist is that Deadpool came to save me only when I was about to die.

And here I am getting rejected here and there and killers following me struggling to find enough food for both me and my mother and I am still waiting for one above all's promised system. I am losing all hope on becoming a hero and being a villain now seems more and more appealing.

It is ok I think my mom should apply for a job in Pym technologies here and now I shall leave her alone and not burden her by sticking alone to her. I told her about my plan to her I said "mom listen to I failed regularly and I can't drag you with me every time I do anything so why don't you follow my advice and apply for a job in Pym technologies with your degree in chemistry and biology you should be easily able to get the job. And I will also look for a job and then we can help each other only when the need comes."

After saying that I was about to leave when mom hold me tightly and said "I don't want to leave you on your own. You are the only one who can remind me of my dead husband. And now even you can't stay with me and you are only a 14-year-old kid what job do you think you can get."

I just looked at mom and said "don't worry about me I can think of a way but you should stay safe first then only can I be assured and do my things clearly and from this day forth you don't know me. Otherwise, the ones attacking me might come after you if I don't want to always be worried about your well being so be careful and hope you get a job."

After that I left decisively, she was just standing there and after some time I lost sight of her. After walking around, I came across a computer store which sold and repaired the used computers after thinking for some times I decided to get a job there and easily got used to the job here.

But after three years I was again job less as the previous owner of the store died in an accident. After three years I am more than good looking than before and I am also ripped as I continued with my exercise and training the boss actually died right in front of me in a fight between the x men and an unknown assailant and even in this world, people are very obsessed with mutant hate they receive hate even from their own kind. As any normal looking mutant would discriminate against those that are not good looking.

I also met wade Wilson though not the Deadpool one as universe's wade has yet to become that cancer filled faced guy. But this wade is not inferior to Deadpool with his nearly offensive joke and all that he also became my teacher in guns he has taught me for around one and half years I also learnt sword fighting from him.

I also met my mom many times in these years we usually meet in a secluded café which has no cameras in the surroundings and yes tony stark has modified a camera for the military which can stand bullet fire and not get destroyed after which he sold the design to a company which made them fit for the public usage and many people have already made use of those available for the public usage and almost every road has four such cameras and every junction has many such cameras.

This café is one of these places which are not monitored by these cameras and even after three years there is no camera in the surroundings.

After all these years I have the perfect plan for my early income I will move back to New York my company will work under the Stark network meaning I will employ viruses that will make the server monitor report normal readings and I can host on the many servers tony made to operate my app and it is astonishing that even till this date no one has ever tried to replicate my app though some tried they ultimately failed as they were not well liked by the public.

But for me to enter stark industries server room is impossible till I don't become an employ at the company or am one of the guards who patrols around the server room. Becoming a server employ is a piece of cake but that will make me be easily monitored but a guard can easily be fired can enter the server room to check around but I don't need that much I just need a computer connected to the server the public server of course and I am fairly sure Jarvis doesn't check every file or code running in the public server as these are the ones that every one in the company can use.

And after entering the server I will release the app and then I will have to monitor the progress for some time as it is risky to just use up the servers of stark industries and leave it there as Jarvis usually checks the server usage every month and I had also programmed the app to work on every server I put it into in different intervals like let's say today I put my program into starks server then I put the program in hammer industries server then put in Pym technologies server then in many other companies who already have servers.

The app in the first server work for a week then send a signal for other servers to activate and after the activation of the other server it will go dormant like it never existed in the first place and I believe only stark has an perfect Ai as the one controlling its servers well it would have been second in the early years as Shuri didn't want to give her Ai full automation unlike that is why Starks Ai got first place in early marvel years well if you exclude Zola as well as he has made his own consciousness enter the servers to save himself from dying.

And that is my grand plan which I implemented immediately. I joined stark industries as a security guard then within two months I found a computer connected to the servers then uploaded the virus as well as my apps source code as the virus's job is to protect the source code it will evolve with the servers as well but it will never move away from its purpose and go destroy itself as well as the source code only if it is unable to hide the source code.

And after five months I left stark industries and joined the other industries that have a server I uploaded the virus and the source code into the servers of every company in just five years some took longer as it is not that easy to gain access to their server rooms the most easiest were hammer industries the hell man it only took me a month to get access to a computer connected to their servers. So much time because I was allowed any where near the computers only when on petrol duty inside, they don't even let me connect to the Wi-Fi but once I got a patrol duty inside, I found every computer there is connected to their server it is like inviting me to hack them but it was fairly easy to enter their servers.

Well after I finished the installs I started to upload the app into the internet.