
Reborn in MCU to be the Invincible Ghost

#marvel, #mutants, #multiverse travel This is my first story on Webnovel hopefully you guys will like it I got the inspiration of this fan fic from another novel in the app called fanfic ideas. this story is about a guy who is brought into the multiverse of marvel by one above all to add a little spice to the boredom of one above all and Loki the god of stories. after experiencing the same type of story every time one above all gets mc from real god to see what fun changes he will make to the plot. Mc gets a system when he dies at the hands of a certain big tin can and goes on to become the invincible ghost. follow the journey of the mc as he faces the challenges that shape him to who he is.

Rebelcombat_1 · Movies
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31 Chs

Chapter 9: First time shooting someone

Chapter 9: First time shooting someone

After half an hour the kid I called arrived then I put my hand forward to which he placed a bunch of crumbled twenty-dollar bills after which I started teaching him math.

The men just watched our exchange with amusement in their eyes. I looked at my friend who is reading honestly, he is the son of the local gang leader and always carries a gun in his bag.

As I was teaching him, I wrote a letter in the sheet I took to solve a problem he couldn't it read "keep quiet and listen to me first and act like everything is normal.

I then gave him the letter he took it happily and started to read through it then his eyes widened and he then looked at me with inquiring eyes to which I just blinked he then returned the paper to me I then asked did you understand anything I wrote.

He then replied with a yes, then I continued writing "give it to me under the table and how many bullets does this gun have if you have not put the mag in then you should also hand the mag to me as well, I am in a pinch, I will return the gun to you though am not sure about the bullets though"

He took the paper then carefully read through it he then gave me a side eye to which I just shrugged lightly he then said "I only have one question remaining "Mr. C has two boxes of peas and every one of them is full if box is x+1 and the other has x and the total no of peas is 20 and one of the peas has fallen from the box b find the value of peas in both boxes."

I looked at him then said OK give me the book for today I will explain the question to you tomorrow let's go I also should get home mom should be waiting for me then I took his bag in which he put his books into put it on and move out with him along the way we kept quite then at the junction we parted ways.

By chance I looked into the mirror of a car parked nearby and saw some people following me I then call mom and asked if she is doing well in a low voice.

She then said it is ok and she is not being followed by anyone. Then in a normal voice I said her that I am coming home so prepare dinner. As I was walking around the community, I hold the bag in the hand and opened the chain of the pocket in which the gun is placed.

Then I put my hand into the pocket got a grip on the gun handle then I flicked the safety open and just left it there then I continued walking calmly.

Around a secluded corner I suddenly turned around and saw ten people around the square not together but not far from each other either and most of them were doing random things like one is reading newspaper upside down one is smoking a cigar someone else is smoking cigarettes; some are strolling around their actions are exactly like those lame datives who follow directly behind the suspect in those third rated movies but I couldn't find the ones I thought to be hydra members.

I looked around but still couldn't find those three so I turned back and continued walking while muttering that I thought someone is following me while inwardly I am very angry these people are interrupting my every plan at first, I planned on using the servers present in mom's company to host the apps I created of course secretly but that shattered because mom works in oscorp and those black clothed people tried to kidnap us which left us with nothing to our name and when I thought I might make a name for myself by making face book these people also took that chance away from me as they must have checked the computer and I don't believe they have the password to stop the virus from doing its job which means there is no face book any more in the whole web.

And now they are following me after destroying my whole year worth of efforts it is so frustrating to think about it. If only I had a super backing who could not only protect my rights to the app but also save it from intruders who want to steal data about people from it.

I had thought about Tony but he is not the best choice he is not even a choice as he like to take the projects that are successful from the people and names it in his own way and also publicizes them as his own creations like he did with Quentin Beck.

This guy made hologram tech that can not only be used for military purposes but also be used for many other things and after bit more tinkering he might have made actual Vr tech.

Cause this hologram technology could have changed lives it is like a watered-down version of reality stone. But due to Tony's actions Quentin Beck became a villain who caused various levels of destruction to the society.

Now that I think about it, I should recruit him with me he can be considered a good guy who had gone astray.

But back too topic I also considered joining shield but that would be a lot of hassle considering I have to hide my identity and also, I don't like working under others especially under hydra.

And now I am considering Hank Pym. Well, he is a well-known genius though he has a bad temper likes to play with ants, also very cautious but the only favorable property he has is the PYM particles he created and with his help I can create many wonderful things that might not only help me but also many others. The first thing I can get with his help is a super computer with enough processing power to maintain the server of the face book of the whole world running smoothly even if the whole world is online at the same time in the palm of my hand only if he helps me that is.

As I was thinking I neared the end of the secluded corner at which I saw the three whom I thought to be hydra coming from the front.

At which my whole body was tense and I am ready to take action any second. They came straight towards me with those behind following me from behind they were trying to corner me and this allay didn't even have anyone coming or going.

I am fairly nervous should I take action or not should I just shoot the three then run away but if my aim misses even a bit I will be dead meat. Let's first hear what they have to say.

Then I stopped walking and looked at the three in front of me and then turn around to look at the ones behind me then I said look uncle I don't know who you guys are but I still will give you all the cash I have but I only have the amount I have given you. I pay protection money to the local boss also his son learns from me you only take the money from me and leave I don't want any further troubles. With that I put forward the money I was given by the son of the local boss with my left hand while my left hand is still holding the gun handle tightly.

The three In front came close to me and asked "is the app face book made by you?"

I looked at him dumbly and asked "pardon"

He then said "the app face book is made by you write". He said it as if he is very sure but I am sure I didn't leave any traces of my involvement in the development of the app.

I then looked at him and said "uncle, are you sure your head was not his by a donkey when you were a child. Can someone make apps what are apps any ways before you came to me asking a seemingly impossible to solve problem and now you are asking me about apps or whatever I just want to teach and earn money to support my mom and you people are bothering me with such things. If you guys don't leave, I will definitely call the police." After saying that I directly called the police but the call didn't connect.

Then I mumbled the cops are even more unreliable than thugs at least the thugs take money and come once called.

After saying that I was about to dial the number of the local boss when the lady next to the man snatched the phone from my hand. I looked at the lady and said "aunty please give me my phone back my mother and she has bought it with all her savings".

Which was not exactly a lie and after dialing a number she hung up and handed the phone back to me and then said you have to come with us and then she signaled the two next to her to make a move but the ones at the back frowned at that and voiced out "we didn't have the order to apprehend anyone we are just here to investigate the origin of that app and that's all."

After he said that I am fairly sure that the ones in the back are not with hydra but are shield well apparently not all of them as after he said that he was knocked out and another seven followed after him. Now I think I am in trouble as there are six opponents who are obviously highly trained and I am alone with a gun in hand and I don't know about the six but they must have weapons and fairly dangerous at that.

But if I catch them off guard, I can kill them but I only have 10 bullets in one mag which might cause a problem but I should first kill the three professional hydra men first and as they are fairly close, I can aim easily as it is a Glock 19 with a burst fire I have to change the mode after three shots as only 10 bullets aren't cutting it because after these three guys there are another three behind me with tranquilizer if I get caught it will have serious consequences.

After that as the three people in the front were closing in the three in the back were just looking at us in amusement probably thinking a 14 years old kid will be easy to beatdown.

As the three in the front were in about one meters of me, I took out the gun and started firing blindly while aiming at their face and by God thanks to burst fire each of them had at least one bullet in their face.

But I can feel my hand bone is probably fractured even with the daily high strain exercises I am never trained in gun fight and hand to hand combat and the body of a 14 years old isn't cutting it so after firing the shots I moved forward grabbed one of the falling bodies and went behind it for cover while I changed the mag after looking into the mag I was dumbfounded who in their right mind will give a kid a burst fire weapon with nine millimeter bullets that doesn't make sense, well lets forget that but the pain from the shots I fired is starting to get unbearable.

After changing the mag, I changed the burst fire mode to single fire then I started firing at the three who were standing behind me two of whom got shot one at the heart while the other in the head but the last one has taken cover behind the ones tranquilized and I cant shoot them as they were from the good guys and I don't think the nine mm can penetrate two people with thin Kevlar uniforms only by shooting them in the head can I conform them dead and I don't have many bullets left. I have like four bullets no another one in the other mag let me add that as well.

After adding that bullet to the gun I put the mag in, then engaged the safety then I stood up dropping the dead body of the man I was hiding behind then ran a little distance before stopping and directly falling down I turned around to see the one hiding behind the tranquilized man was just about to stand up. Then I started firing blindly after I emptied all the rounds did, I look the man had fallen and is looking like he had lost his life but from his heaving chest I can conclude he is still alive so I went near him and asked why is hydra trying to get him. At which his eyes widened he then looked at me laughed sinisterly then bit the capsule hidden in his mouth and said "they will come after you kid no matter where you are hail hydra"

After that he died with foam coming out of his mouth I just frowned and quickly went to the warehouse after which me and mom too the taxi and went to OHIO first then left the taxi then went to Chicago in a truck after which we went to United states then to San Francisco we also threw the sim we were using near the location of the warehouse and after four days of travel we arrived in San Francisco on the road we had to change many vehicles.