
Reborn In Marvel With Space Manipulation

Title: Reborn in Marvel Universe with Space manipulation Synopsis: In *Reborn in Marvel Universe with Space manipulation*, Axel, a disillusioned fan, is granted extraordinary space powers by the deity All For One. With newfound abilities, Axel embarks on a journey through the Marvel Universe, seeking redemption and purpose. As Axel navigates the intricate web of super heroic alliances and cosmic threats, he is driven not only by his mission but also by a deep yearning for familial bonds. Despite the chaos surrounding him, Axel strives to build meaningful connections and establish a family of his own. Amidst epic battles and personal trials, Axel grapples with the moral implications of his powers and the complexities of relationships. Each encounter with familiar faces from the Marvel Universe presents Axel with unique challenges and opportunities, shaping his understanding of heroism and the true essence of belonging. *Reborn in Marvel Universe with Space manipulation* invites readers on an exhilarating journey filled with action, emotion, and the enduring quest for connection. Through Axel's adventures, we explore the Marvel Universe in a new light, where the line between fan and protagonist blurs, and the power of love and companionship proves to be as potent as any cosmic force

The_Legit_Writer · 映画
18 Chs

Chapter 4: Ray the Genius

Certainly! Let's expand on the scene:

------Ray's P.O.V-----

The sound of metal clanging against metal echoed through the basement as I meticulously worked on the final adjustments of my latest invention. It had been three years in the making, countless hours of trial and error, but now, as I added the last bolt and tightened the final screw, I felt a surge of pride and excitement coursing through my veins.

This device was more than just a machine; it was a culmination of my passion, dedication, and relentless pursuit of innovation. With its advanced technology and groundbreaking design, I was certain it would revolutionize the world of science and technology.

Even tony my rival who had been beating me in all our previous battles will have to concede defeat when he lay's eyes on my beautiful machine

"Ray, come up here! Your father and I are waiting for you in the living room," my mom's voice drifted down from upstairs, breaking through the rhythm of my work.

With a satisfied smile, I carefully set aside my tools and dusted off my hands. Cradling the red square suitcase containing my invention, I made my way up the stairs, each step filled with anticipation and excitement for the moment I would unveil my creation to the world.

---------Mason's P.O.V-----------

As Ray ascended the stairs, his red suitcase in hand, Mia and I exchanged a knowing glance. Our son had always been a prodigy, displaying an innate talent for science and technology from a young age. But his latest project had consumed him like never before, leaving us both equal parts proud and concerned.

"I wonder what Ray has been working on all this time," Mia mused beside me, her eyes shining with curiosity.

"I'm sure it'll be nothing short of extraordinary," I reassured her, though a hint of concern gnawed at the back of my mind.

Ray was the epitome of perfection in many ways, but his relentless dedication to his work often left me worried about his well-being. He was a brilliant young man, with intelligence rivaled only by Tony Stark himself, yet his single-minded focus on his projects sometimes bordered on obsession.

As Ray bounded into the living room, excitement radiating from every pore, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride mixed with apprehension. His enthusiasm was infectious, but I couldn't shake the feeling that he was diving headfirst into a world of dangers he didn't fully understand.

"Okay, guys, are you ready?" Ray exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with excitement as he approached us.

As Mia and I exchanged a glance, I couldn't help but wonder what the future held for our son and the incredible journey he was about to embark on. Only time would tell if he was truly ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.

"We are ready, son. Now, show us your device," my wife beckoned him, unable to contain her anticipation any longer.

"Well, if you insist, mother," Ray replied, dropping the red suitcase on the floor and making his way toward me.

As he approached, he reached behind his shirt and pulled out a hammer, catching me off guard. Before I could react, he swung it at my knee, causing me to cry out in pain and clutch my injured joint. I couldn't help but wonder if I had ever been this mischievous with my own parents.

Just as I nursed my throbbing knee, a beeping sound emanated from the suitcase, followed by the sudden inflation of a large, robust, white fluffy robot. It emerged from the red box and approached me with deliberate steps, its movement hindered by its bulky build.

"Hello, I am Baymax, your personal health assistant. What is it I can help you with?" the robot announced in a calm, soothing voice as it stood before me, ready to assist.

'A robot? No, this is different. It's almost like it's alive with that voice. I think my son designed it to be friendly and approachable.'

"My knee hurts. Can you help me with that?" I asked, wanting to see if this robot is as capable as they say.

"Sure," it responds, a soft glow emanating from its sensors as it scans my knee. I'm impressed. This robot seems to have advanced technology beyond just AI.

"Sir, you have a minor bruise on your knee. A little treatment spray should do the trick. May I apply it?" it asks politely.

"Yes," I reply, already feeling a sense of trust towards this machine.

As I give my consent, it extends its finger-like appendage towards my knee, releasing a mist of green gas. My wife and I exchange surprised glances as the discoloration on my knee fades away. It's astonishing. This could change everything.

"This is Baymax, an AI-powered robot designed for immediate first aid, regular check-ups, and emotional support. It's integrated with a health app used by hospitals worldwide, making it easy for medical professionals to access patient data. It can even call for help in emergencies. And with its durable carbon fiber construction, it's built to withstand tough situations," Ray explains, highlighting Baymax's capabilities.

I'm speechless. This isn't just futuristic; it's happening now. And my son is leading the charge. I couldn't be prouder.

"Are you satisfied with my services, sir?" Baymax asks.

"Very much so," I reply, amazed at the potential this technology holds.

As Baymax returns to its standby mode, my son discusses the practicalities of making this technology accessible.

"I'm offering Baymax for free," he announces, surprising us once again.

"I want to save lives, not make money off them. But there will be a small fee for maintenance to keep Baymax running smoothly, a cost of 100 dollars would be okay." he adds.

I'm moved by my son's generosity and vision for a better future. Without hesitation, I pledge my support to his cause. After all, this is more than just a machine; it's a lifeline for humanity.