
Reborn In Marvel With Space Manipulation

Title: Reborn in Marvel Universe with Space manipulation Synopsis: In *Reborn in Marvel Universe with Space manipulation*, Axel, a disillusioned fan, is granted extraordinary space powers by the deity All For One. With newfound abilities, Axel embarks on a journey through the Marvel Universe, seeking redemption and purpose. As Axel navigates the intricate web of super heroic alliances and cosmic threats, he is driven not only by his mission but also by a deep yearning for familial bonds. Despite the chaos surrounding him, Axel strives to build meaningful connections and establish a family of his own. Amidst epic battles and personal trials, Axel grapples with the moral implications of his powers and the complexities of relationships. Each encounter with familiar faces from the Marvel Universe presents Axel with unique challenges and opportunities, shaping his understanding of heroism and the true essence of belonging. *Reborn in Marvel Universe with Space manipulation* invites readers on an exhilarating journey filled with action, emotion, and the enduring quest for connection. Through Axel's adventures, we explore the Marvel Universe in a new light, where the line between fan and protagonist blurs, and the power of love and companionship proves to be as potent as any cosmic force

The_Legit_Writer · Movies
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Chapter 5: The Start Of A New Era

1 month later 

The world was abuzz with the talk of Baymax. Technological advancements in the 19's had soared compared to the Marvel universe, largely due to Ray's influence. For every innovation Tony Stark introduced, Ray had a counterpart ready—a computer from Stark, a phone from Ray; a laptop from Stark, a phone with camera capabilities from Ray. The competition, dubbed "The Battle of Wits," captivated onlookers, with no clear winner emerging.

Initially, Baymax was distributed to hospitals across the U.S. Then, it became freely available to citizens, sparking both excitement and skepticism among the populace.

The news cycle was dominated by the extraordinary capabilities of Baymax, captivating the attention of the world. With its unparalleled versatility, Baymax became the coveted asset of not just medical facilities, but also military and other organizations seeking its aid. Despite numerous attempts by various scientists and enthusiasts to dissect its intricate mechanisms, none had succeeded, fueling further intrigue and driving up the value of Baymax to unprecedented heights.

Meanwhile, Tony Stark, ever the innovator, wasn't content to let Baymax steal the spotlight. He embarked on a mission to unveil a trio of inventions that would rival Baymax's technological prowess and cement his own legacy. First came the Solar Panel, a marvel of engineering that harnessed the power of the sun and converted it into electricity with unprecedented efficiency. The world marveled at Stark's ingenuity, grappling to comprehend the implications of such a breakthrough.

But before the world could fully process the implications of the Solar Panel, Stark unleashed his next creation: The Drones. Though not as groundbreaking as their solar-powered counterpart, these drones showcased remarkable versatility, proving their worth in various applications, from surveillance to search and rescue missions. Stark's ingenuity knew no bounds, and with each new invention, he solidified his status as a titan of innovation.

Yet, it was Stark's third creation that truly shook the world: Global Phone A.I. Maria. Named after his beloved mother, Maria Stark, this AI surpassed even Baymax in its capabilities. M.A.R.I.A. was not just an assistant; it was a technological marvel, capable of performing a myriad of tasks with unparalleled efficiency and precision. From managing personal schedules to coordinating complex operations, M.A.R.I.A. was the epitome of Stark's genius, proving once and for all that he was unrivaled in the field of advanced technology.

While the world marveled at Stark's latest inventions, deep within the confines of the Hunter Mansion, two young prodigies were engrossed in a project of their own. Tony and Ray, fueled by their insatiable curiosity and boundless intellect, delved into the mysteries of immortality. Inspired by tales of individuals who defied death, they embarked on a quest to unlock the secrets hidden within Wolverine's genes, obtained from blood samples collected by S.H.I.E.L.D., but both boys didn't know that, They just knew Their aunt Peggy had met someone who can't Die and collected blood samples from him and this intrigued the two human geniuses

"Tony, how's it going on your end?" Ray asks, taking a break from typing and strolling over to the fridge for a cold one.

"Man, I'm stuck. Can't crack the code on this new DNA blend," Tony groans, showing Ray the laptop screen.

"We've been grinding for two months now. Any clue what this new lead might be?" Ray asks, running his hand through his disheveled silver hair.

"We gotta wrap this up before Aunt Peggy's birthday in three days. What are we overlooking?" Tony sighs, feeling the weight of exhaustion but still fueled by their passion for the research.

"Wait a sec, I swear I've seen this DNA sequence before," Ray exclaims, his eyes lighting up with realization as he scrambles to his laptop. After a few minutes, his face lights up with surprise and triumph.

"Hey Tony, check this out!" Ray shouts excitedly, showing Tony the screen with a DNA sequence that mirrors the one they've been dissecting.

"Okay, so hear me out. I tried this wild experiment, mixing the DNA of a starfish with a human, and bam! We ended up with DNA similar to Wolverine's. It's all about that mix, you know? So, if we blend in some DNA from an animal known for its long lifespan and filter out everything else except those longevity genes, we might just fulfill Aunt Peggy's lifelong dream of living longer" Ray explains, his voice filled with genuine excitement as he prepares to delve deeper into the project.

"And hey, why not throw in a little extra? We can add in some regeneration properties from the starfish to make sure she's tough as nails," Tony chimes in, equally enthused as he gears up to tackle his part of the experiment.

As Peggy Carter's birthday approached, the air crackled with anticipation in the makeshift laboratory where Tony and Ray had spent countless hours toiling over their groundbreaking device. It was a culmination of months of tireless experimentation, fueled by equal parts scientific curiosity and the desire to make a tangible difference in the world.

With each passing day, their device grew more sophisticated, its components meticulously crafted and calibrated to perfection. They had pushed the boundaries of genetic engineering, creating a tool capable of filtering out DNA sequences from any animal and seamlessly integrating them with human genes.

As Peggy, the esteemed matriarch of their small team, neared her milestone birthday, Tony and Ray approached her with a proposition: to become the first human subject in their daring experiment. It was a proposition fraught with both promise and uncertainty, but Peggy, ever the adventurer at heart, accepted with a mixture of trepidation and excitement.

And so, on the eve of her birthday, Peggy stood at the threshold of a new frontier, ready to embark on a journey that would forever alter the course of her life. With the gentle hum of machinery in the background, she placed her trust in the hands of her colleagues-turned-pioneers, knowing that whatever lay ahead, she would face it with courage and resolve.

The experiment commenced with a flurry of activity, as Tony and Ray meticulously guided Peggy through each step of the process. The air was charged with anticipation as they watched the intricate dance of science unfold before their eyes.

Hours stretched into days as they monitored Peggy's progress with bated breath, every fluctuation in her vital signs a potential harbinger of success or failure. And then, as if by some miraculous stroke of fate, the moment of truth arrived.

With a gasp of astonishment, Peggy felt the first stirrings of transformation coursing through her veins. It was a sensation unlike anything she had ever experienced, a heady mix of exhilaration and apprehension as her body began to undergo a metamorphosis unlike anything science had ever witnessed.

In the days that followed, Peggy's transformation continued unabated, her once-aging body now infused with newfound vitality and vigor. It was a sight to behold, a testament to the boundless potential of human ingenuity and the indomitable spirit of the human soul.

But with each passing day, Tony and Ray grappled with the implications of their creation. For as miraculous as Peggy's transformation was, it was not without its drawbacks. The increased energy demands placed a strain on her body, necessitating a delicate balance of care and caution to ensure her well-being.

And yet, despite the challenges they faced, Tony and Ray pressed on, fueled by a shared determination to push the boundaries of what was possible. Late nights turned into early mornings as they tirelessly worked to refine their creation, each setback met with renewed resolve to overcome whatever obstacles stood in their way.

As the months turned into years, Peggy's transformation became a beacon of hope in a world fraught with uncertainty. 

But as the dawn of 1991 approached, a sense of foreboding loomed on the horizon. And a piece of news broke the sense of their peaceful experiment as the news of Howard and Maria reached the ears of the young scientist



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