
queen of the century

Queen of the century talks about the inner life of the palace and story of how princess hung-ok with the help of some people rised up to become the queen of Korea. princess hung-ok thought she had it all the best sister and boyfriend until she felt the bitter betrayal of her sister (princess hung-a) who was only 3 hours older and boyfriend (choi mi ho) which made her through it was all over but what she never expected was the love and support of people she never knew especially the love of Chang min (the future king of Korea)who came into the palace in pretence to be her bodyguard but what princess hung-ok never knew was that there was so much more than what met the eyes. "i need your child" princess hung-ok said "well that's too bad because last I checked I am not married neither do I have a child" park Chang min replied to the princess like she was stupid,then turns to see hung-ok taking slow and deliberate steps towards him which makes him take some steps backwards but unfortunately hits the wall ,still looking at her as he raises his cup to drink more water, finally getting to him hung-ok slowly raised her toes up to whisper to his ear "I mean I want to have your child" "WHAT?"Chang min shouted as water spilled from his mouth please like if you think this novel is worth it,I am in a competition and really need your power stone,and also I would like you to comment to let me know what you think. I do not have rights to the cover photo

Cassandra_George_0312 · ファンタジー
25 Chs



on cue hung-ok ran into Chang min room before he said so with him behind him,

wow so this is where you sleep,hung-ok says as she moved around the place,

stop touching the place,Chang min says as he pulled her hands away from the pictures she touched from behind, making her back at him ,her hands still in his,raising her head to look as his,which was behind her shoulder giving them an awkward position,and for a moment she felt like staying like that,his hands on hers momentarily forgetting everything,his eyes,she so loves his eyes,they made her heart beat,

taking her away from her day dream Chang min says with a frown on his face

"what are you looking at?"

"it seems you are now becoming touchy just because of last night"

immediately,he let go of her hands, moving a save distance away

"I know you didn't come all the way to learn how to cook,what are you up to" Chang min says looking hung-ok straight in the eye

"I found this at my bedside",she says showing him a listening device

"how did ,,,,,,,,,"

,"shhhhhhh, don't let anyone hear you,I am certain there are more of this hidden in my room,Suzy and boss lady also think the same"

"oh I get where you are coming from,but why did you tell me about this"

"you where busy yesterday,that was until you sneaked into my room",

"are we going back to that again ?"

"I am just saying just as a reminder"

She says Looking serious she says to him

" have you gotten any information about what happened that day?"

"Yes it was discovered that after you booked the chefs to come over they were later told that the appointment has been cancelled,so there is no way they could have sent the food over They didn't make any food how would they send the food over especially giving it to the palace chefs"

"We all know princess hung-a and her min ho. Would be involved in this but how are we going to get them that's what baffling ,me i am sure that someone else was the one who made the call ,And we need to find out where The call was made and who it was that called them "

"Yes you're right about that princess it seems you are learning now ,at last"

She turned to look at him

"i don't know if that is a compliment but if it is thank you "

"But you have to be careful till we solve this, the minister's wife over you should be very careful no communication with the outside party ,Because i am sure there are other guys watching you , watching every move you make even right now you've been here with that be reported to princess hung-a"

"So what are we going to do now ?"

Then a mysterious smile came across his face

" for now we cook , isn't that what you came here for to let me teach you how to cook because you don't trust anyone in the palace "

"you are right but your look is beginning to scare me "

"How am i looking at you, i'm not looking at you in anyway ,It's just surprising and it's making me wonder why will you come all the way to my place For a princess like you it's as if you just wanted to cause a scandal",

Slowly and deliberately he walks up to her seat bending down so that they could be head to head And at that moment she blushed Diverting her head

"You are wrong I am doing no such thing ", princess hung-ok

"Are you sure, like really ?"

"Fine Suzy said that if i create a scandal with you they won't pay attention to me especially my sister discovering what i'm up to ,They will just think i'm once again blinded by how awesome you are and following you around " ,,

then hung-ok voice became low besides

" boss lady agrees but they know you won't agree to it ,if we tell you"

And at this Chang min busted out into laughter

"Why are you laughing? it's not funny sheet? says as she uses her left hand to shyly push him away ,This action made some strings of hair fall From her nicely made hair

Chang min laughter could be heard By the other guard residents outside his place,

"I'm just wondering how you could listen to suzy advice ,It's obvious she's playing tricks, She has s points too,this could be a distraction to them so they would not know what is going to hit them",

For The first time she actually saw him laugh and this was not just the brief smile or the fake laugh to give orders ,did he actually laugh from within his soul and for that moment she was dumbstruck looking into his eyes goodness those eyes Could make a man sin or rather a woman ,

Chang min felt that this woman was too good to be true it was like she was naive and strong at the same time then he noticed that her hair was out of place,his face turning serious once again, slowly he raised his hand to adjust hung-ok hair ,his fingers slowly Caressing her face, hung-ok Could barely move and she felt his finger move gently against her skin,His touch was as light as feathers against her skin,It was as if her heart could be heard out but she wondered how he could not hear her beating heart And slowly she closed her eyes unable to take it any longer ,Just this brief touch felt like hours, hung-ok Didn't even know she was holding her breath and then the phone rang, whose phone was than discovering it was chang min phone and the caller was Kang tae.

thanks for your patience my dear readers, more updates to come

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