
queen of the century

Queen of the century talks about the inner life of the palace and story of how princess hung-ok with the help of some people rised up to become the queen of Korea. princess hung-ok thought she had it all the best sister and boyfriend until she felt the bitter betrayal of her sister (princess hung-a) who was only 3 hours older and boyfriend (choi mi ho) which made her through it was all over but what she never expected was the love and support of people she never knew especially the love of Chang min (the future king of Korea)who came into the palace in pretence to be her bodyguard but what princess hung-ok never knew was that there was so much more than what met the eyes. "i need your child" princess hung-ok said "well that's too bad because last I checked I am not married neither do I have a child" park Chang min replied to the princess like she was stupid,then turns to see hung-ok taking slow and deliberate steps towards him which makes him take some steps backwards but unfortunately hits the wall ,still looking at her as he raises his cup to drink more water, finally getting to him hung-ok slowly raised her toes up to whisper to his ear "I mean I want to have your child" "WHAT?"Chang min shouted as water spilled from his mouth please like if you think this novel is worth it,I am in a competition and really need your power stone,and also I would like you to comment to let me know what you think. I do not have rights to the cover photo

Cassandra_George_0312 · Fantasy
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The palace has been in chaos because of what happened the previous day The crown princess has been so baffled by what happened this she could not take from the princess hung-a,And all the maids were choking her It was as if they were spying on her , knowing madam lee was hung-a mother didn't help, it made her feel like madam lee knew what she was doing was an actress and she was acting her part right so why don't the crown princess also act her part right .

What her great aunt said the previous day was still stuck in her mind ,

"I didn't come here to support anybody because i'm not sure what is true and what is not , Everyone know the palace has been a battle field which only one relative which will be left in the palace And i decided to choose you and support you so don't prove me wrong prove me right That i made a great choice in bringing you back to the palace , I Can't be there in your back and call you were given this one opportunity to prove yourself to prove yourself to the citizen and you just flopped it "

"Great aunt i understand you but it was all planned out i didn't know This was going to happen "

"Nobody knows anything,but we plan, we make extra plans, if the plan A doesn't work we go for plan B And i'm not talking to you as a great auntie and talking to you as the queen regent "

"We are all here to support you,everyone is here to support you, your friends are here to support you, but it's all up to you to make it right ,don't you know that Being sincere is the only thing you can give yourself ,and the citizens once you are sincere everyone feel it, the reporter's feel it ,So now it's time for you to make choices for the future make choices for yourself because the battle hasn't even begun yet whenever the battle begins you will know".

some reason unknown she thinks that might be the last advice she would get from a grant aunt,And the maids working endlessly around not having any better thing to do didn't make it easier,and At that moment kim soo-ra Walks In

"crown princess do you have ,,,,,,,,,,,", and at that moment she saw 5 maids as they moving about the place hung-ok who was standing beside the window looking at the place unknown as her mind wonders off then turns at the voice of Kim Soo-ra

You may leave now"

hung-ok says In a voice that brought out command

This left the maids no choice but to leave After the last of the maid have left Kim Soo-ra then turns to hung-ok

"your highness,Things are getting bad , the ministers have all gathered to hold a meeting which the queen regent is attending ,And according to an inside source, nothing is looking good at all for us at all,the media's has taken up among themselves take it more worst, even though queen regent told them to stop all news it has already spread like wildfire". Kim Soo-ra says moving back and forth

"if you don't stop moving you are going to make me feel dizzy, can you please just give me sometime alone I want to be alone",

"but your highness"

"please Kim Soo-ra I need time alone"

hung-ok felt like no matter what she does nothing will go well for her,her mind was all over the place , laying down on the bed hung-ok felt defeated, at that moment the door to her room opened

"who is that,I have told everyone that no one is allowed to enter my room or have I not made myself clear enough"

hung-ok kept talking in fury until she saw Chang min walk up to her and at that she turns the other way not even bothering to look at him and said nothing.

Chang min walks in to see freshly new set of food down on the table beside hung-ok untouched, even with the angry eye in which hung-ok gave him as she turns to look away he didn't feel bothered as he continues to walk straight to her , finally standing beside her bedside Chang min says a low voice making her feel protected

"princess, what's wrong? I was told you eat nothing all day and all the meals brought to you are always taken back untouched"

but Hung-ok didn't respond

"princess,are you going to let me talk to myself all day?"

"I didn't tell you to do that" hung ok grumbles

"so you can speak"

"just go away Chang min, I want to be alone,besides what are you doing in my room?"

'what do you think I am doing?,Kim Soo-ra was so worried you will starve to death that she had to call me, for some reasons she feels that I am the only one that could talk to you"

finally she raised up to sit beside Chang min on the bed,

"i feel disappointed in myself,how could I be so stupid, you saw what happens yesterday when I went to the hospital to apologise,the way they didn't let me see the child,the citizens criticize me,even the reporters made it worst, everyone is saying I am not qualified to lead korea"

'no one saw that coming princess, even I didn't"

'I know you are just trying to make me feel better, but I know the kind of person my sister is and I still fell for her and min ho tricks,so why would I not feel down,I don't know what to do Chang min what should I do?'

'that's up to you to know not me, but I know you can survive every storm that comes your way,and I believe you can make it right"

and there was silence, they sat there for minutes , slowly hung-ok rested her head on his shoulder,Chang min first stiffened but slowly relax as hung-ok hands trailed circles on his arms,the softness of her palm on his body, it made him feel uncomfortable and comfortable at the same time and for some reason he didn't feel like getting away from her instead he felt like staying there for longer,hung-ok felt at ease as she gently trailed Chang min hard body, drawing circles on his arm , slowly sleep took over.

hung ae the new secretary stood by as hung-ok skipped with joy to the workers building,Kim Soo-ra by her left

"as your personal adviser I will like to know how you can change so much in a day,and without a doubt I am sure it has something to do with Chang min visit last night"

"Kim Soo-ra! don't raise your voice, people might hear you"

"okay fine I will stop teasing you but I can't spot me Chang min anywhere"

"how many times will I tell you that I did come here to see him,I came here"

thinking of what to say but finally seeing nothing to say

"just because, that's it",

" if you say so but everyone can see that you like mr Chang min, except for the man himself"

"is it that obvious?"

she asks hung-ae who just stood there not knowing what to say,but Kim Soo-ra spoke instead

"you are thinking about that now,it's obvious

and look the man himself is here , gracing us with his presence".

you must be kidding me, you expect me to teach you how to cook

and like a kid hung-ok nodded her head as they stood outside chang min room

"you, you of all people,no I am not going to waste my time beside who told you I could "

"have you forgotten we lived together in that small apartment of yours",

she says as errors making a puppy eyes at Chang min

"stop that it doesn't fit you"

"okay fine,let me try this instead",

hung-ok says as a wicked smile cripped up her face

"how about I tell everyone that we slept together last night".