
Pokemon Au: Deep sea Shinobi

I was boring in my last life so I can't be a cliche average trainer especially when people have to battle with their Pokemon and invidual strength matters as much as your companions ________________________________________________ I own nothing but my OC's

Sleepyheadedauthor · ゲーム
11 Chs

Prodigy Vs Prince of Darkness

Both trainers gave one another a calculating look before they leapt into action alongside their pokemons.

"Roland, use howl 3 times, now!" The boy's voice was energetic but calculated at the same time. He didn't stand still but rather leapt in front of his pokemon in a defensive position. The little prince didn't stand still though rather he ordered his partner to run on the opposite side of him creating a pincer attack from both sides.

Rather then panic he simply brought his hands in front of himself creating a visible ball of neutral energy. It seems he wasn't a some background character family at all, the only way he would have such control over neutral energy is if he was trained in how to harness and use it as a substitute for normal energy. The only difference between the two is that normal energy has things that resist it and neutral energy has no weaknesses, resistances or things it's super effective against.

He then dispersed the ball of energy into a thin shield around himself and his pokemon. When his opponents attacked it at the same time it created a cloud of smoke and shattered. By then his Rockruff had already gotten the howls off, which reverberated through the arena. After the smoke screen obscured every ones view but two figures were shot out of it.

One was only about a foot tall and the other was it's teenage trainer. It was Kage and Larvitar that were blast out of the smoke. The two were much more careful in their next approach.

" Luno use scary face." His command seemed even more annoyed then when he first stepped into the arena. His Larvitar did as it was told while his trainer jumped in front of his opponents smoke screen in a burst of speed that dispersed it. Both the stone puppy and Kokuo moved forward to attack the trainer but didn't see the pokemon that had gotten right behind the person he was rushing. Kage dipped his head and Larvitar used scary face, a move that morphs to the person it was being used on. Whatever the brown haired kid and his rock puppy saw caused them to hesitate which both caused them to have their legs cut up and bleeding, the rockruff having tanked it better than it's trainer.

He held back because no one was too be maimed in this competition so his blades only left superficial cuts that would hurt and hinder movement. The rockruff recovered from the shock of the pain faster then his trainer and jumped in front of him.

" Rock throw now!" " Lavitar use bite on its legs." Both pokemon moved as their partners voice did. The stone puppy used it's tail as leverage on the ground to catapault it backwards as well as send a howl boosted rock throw that slammed right into the dull green lizards gnashing maw.

The blow to it's face sent it tumbling backwards. The prince caught him in his arms and got him to his little feet. Larvitar wouldn't be able to take any more hits to the head like that, or else he's gonna blackout.

" Alright then, Luno, use {Black light Burst}!" Oh so I'm not the only one who was crafting moves. The horn on the green lizards head glowed in a black light, I see where the name comes from. From the fact that it comes from the blade like horn on it's head this is probably a failed attempt at a night slash.

The dark energy burst forth from the emerald psudo-legendarys horn. It blasted out like a grenade sending shrapnel of stone and dark fragments. The pellets barraged both trainer and pokemon, who were doing their best to block. The move did damage, leaving cuts and bruises all over the duo.

That couldn't stop them though, a feral grin were on both of the injured combatants faces. The love for battle boiling in their eyes. The Rockruffs turning a bright scarlet.

Kokuo and Roland dashed to the sides of the stadium, and jumped onto the concrete walls and ran on them with all fours. They leapt off in a spearhead of speed, Kokuo attacking with his gauntlet and Rockruff with a stone covered forehead.

Boot leg Death the kid was flabbergasted and his entire being went into putting up a guard in time. His starter didn't have the luxury of getting one up. The attacks from their sides connected and when they did the little lizard got slammed into the ground and went unconsous on impact. It's trainer didn't last much longer and had his guard broken by a kick and was pummeled into the ground with a well placed fist to the face.

" There you have it folks! Those burning eyes were those of a future kahuna has overwhelmed the prince! Kokuo Mandu is our victor!" The announcer hollered. He was really starting to hurt my ears though.

" Alright people that was the end of the prelims, in an hour we will resume the real tournament." His voice wasn't as boistrous as earlier, he now sounded just ready for a break. Which was understandable.

Well I have an hour time to build some connections.


We were all taken back to camp and told to rest for a bit and get something to eat. Instead I went to go talk to the kid that ate concrete. I found his pitch black tent on the edge of a cave. He was a loner and it shows. I walked up to the tent where he sat overlooking his sleeping Larvitar. Neither had any injuries, it's no surprise because the school has a good bit of the Joy clan working there so a bunch of Chancy's and Audino's made it impossible for someone to stay injured long for anything short of a limb missing.

" Hello is anyone home~?" My sing song voice got him to immediatly gain his signature scowl on his face, he had an appearance to up keep. He left his Larvitar to rest and walked out of his tent.

" What do you need." It didn't even sound like a question more of an order to just get it over with.

" Well how about we cut a deal?"