
Tournament pt 2

The stream of water energy opened and created a cylinder of pressurized water. Not enough to dent steel but enough to rip the bark off an oak tree with the first impact. The water opened up and traveled across the string of water energy around the stage.

The jungle brat was taken aback only to look in panic to see Akuha was gone from my shoulder. I took the moment of panic to engulf my legs in bug energy, giving myself an explosive boost in speed. I propelled myself forward with a powerful step getting me right into his face. I got into face and threw a feint with my kunai, leaving a small cut on his side but it was enough to scare him into a retreat.

An unnerving grin spread across my face. " Wrong move dipshit!" I wildly proclaimed. His eyes went wide as he looked back see his fomantis knocked out being brought along on the ride with Akuha rushing him on the stream with a aqua jet. He tried to jump out of the way but anywhere he jumped he would still be hit by the cylindrical waterfall. He saw no other way to get out of it other than tanking the hit.

He coated his arms and trench knives in as much grass energy as he could but I wasn't dumb enough to hit him with an attack he resist so I did the only reasonable thing and called out to my partner.

" Akuha, cleave though his defense with a {Fury Cutter}!" His eyes showed his panic, it couldn't stop the fright train Akuha had become and his defense was cleaved straight through leaving a trail of blood on his chest. Not enough to cause any lasting damage but enough that the scar will stick with him for the rest of his life as a trainer.

He fell onto his back and Akuha knocked the fomantis off his stream and onto it's downed trainer. But he kept Going back and forth on his water stream for the fun of it.

" What an impressive display from Jaxon, he outsmarted and out powered his opponent in an incredibly flamboyant manner! Let's give him a round of applause!" The announcers words riled up a good portion of the audiance and I even saw my old matron with her Araquanid cheering along with a bunch of kids in the orphanage. I may not have interacted with them much but me being one of the only commoners in history to be in the top five rookies in the region made me kind of like a role model for them. Feels good. It really does.

I jumped up and rode alongside Akuha in on a water stream. I saw how water energy flowed when The Matrons Araquinid used it for our cooking water and baths. So this battle really helped me get used to how it flows. Instead of tranquil and calm, More like a rippling undercurrent that rips you out from shore. I stopped the flowing below me and hop down into the waiting room. The Kahuna's kids only sighed and from the Hala kid came a low "Show off".

Match after match went by until sooner or later one of the other Kahuna kids were picked. The child from Ula Ula island, he had clean black hair with three white stripes on the side of his head, with red eyes and a look of scorn on his face, most likely some sort of ancestor to Nanu . He looked skinny but a flexible gymnast type body. Sat on his right was a larvitar. He had a psuedo legendary, and one that could mega evolve no less. Lucky bastard.

He was called out alongside a simple looking boy with who came from a mundane household. He had the attributes of a background character, brown hair, black eyes and glasses. He looked familiar but I was drawing blanks. Probably just the ancestor of some guy who showed up in the anime farther down the line.

Both contestants walked out into the arena, most of the crowd already deciding who they thought would win, most going with the kid who ranked the 2nd rookie on the tests. Well except for a few eyes that showed conflict about who would win coming from the boys worried family.

The red eyed kid looked on with an annoyed expression towards his folks in the third booth to the center. The boy still looked as his opponent who has his rockruff out and to his side. Both trainer and larvitar looked at their individual rival with a scowl of annoyance like having to swat a fly away from your face.

The boy didn't flinch and his Rockruff returned their mocking glares by gnashing his teeth.

The announcers voice boomed through the stands with his same jovial demeaner. "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the prince of darkness Kage Kessiuto from Ula Ula island, and on the left side, the massive underdog in this fight, Kokuo Mandu, his family hasn't produced any prodigies in recent years after we lost our beloved 1st region Kahuna. Will he be the one to show his grandfathers intelligence, talent and drive?! Or will the prince of darkness consume him whole?!" He is really good at his job of riling up his audience. This was supposed to be some kids beating each other, not the fate of the realm lies on this fight.

The underdog in question was no underdog, but a bear trap hiding beneath the leaves in the forest. Everything is fine on the outside but his eyes were stone cold and calculating even with the warm smile on his face.

That didn't stop the announcer though. "Ready, steady, DUEL!"

Both human fighters materialized their weapons, both them and their partners were staring each other down, one had a sunny smile and cold eyes, the other scowling with annoyance. The Brown haired boy materialized his clawed, bronze gauntlets. While Kage materialized a midnight black hatchet in both of his hands.

And now the second match of interest, begins!

To be continued...

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