
Pokemon: A New Legend

A Pokemon fan (me) is reincarnated into the world of Pokemon. He is reborn into the same timeline as Ash Ketchum. He, as an ardent fan was disheartened when he heard the news about Ash's retirement and laments it and the God helps him. Now with his new life he will journey through his favourite world as he makes friends, rivals, enemies and catch Pokemon as he lives his dream alongside his favourite character. This is the story of Shu Kurenai, the reincarnated trainer! ################## As it has been stated in the synopsis this is due to me hearing the news about Ash leaving the Pokemon world. I literally felt my heart ache when I heard the new and since I didn't have the chance to watch it as my dumbass was too busy I have decided to write this so I could have a semblance of piece as I wanted to enjoy this fantasy. The chapters will be based upon the episodes so I will write the chapters after watching the episodes again so this is also a way for me to watch Pokemon again. I hope all of you will like his(my) new journey in my favourite world of Pokemon with the greatest protagonist of them all!

Lust_Demon_Samael · アニメ·コミックス
23 Chs

8. First Pokemon Caught and First Legendary!

(A/N: Shu wears the season 1 dress on Beyblade Burst.)

"Ash, you do know that you shouldn't pull Pikachu like that?" Shu asked his friend.

After they left the town they were having a slight problem, which was that Pikachu didn't budge from his place after they walked a bit. So Ash wore his rubber gloves and then tied a rope around Pikachu before he started to pull him with him. Shu and Nidoran who were walking beside the trainer sweat dropped when they saw it.

'So this is why he did this.' Shu thought to himself.

"I know. Pikachu is supposed to stay inside his Pokeball but he refuses to. How can I become a Pokemon Master if I can't even make my starter Pokemon listen to me." Ash said in a defeated tone.

"Well, he is your Pokemon so it's up to you to convince him." Shu said to him.

Ash took in the words and then looked at Pikachu.

"Come on Pikachu, can't you just enter your Pokeball?" Ash asked him.

"Pika." Pikachu said as he crossed his arms.

"But look, even the Pokedex says that a Pokemon should go inside their Pokeball." Ash said as he took out his Pokedex.

"A Pokemon owned by a trainer should always stay in their Pokeball." Dexter said as they listened.

"See." Ash said looking at Pikachu.

Pikachu then touched a button on the Pokedex.

"But Pokemon can stay out of their Pokeball's if they wish." Dexter said to them.

"Like me and Nidoran." Shu said as he pointed at himself and Nidoran.

"Oh you're right. Well, if that's the case then here you go." Ash said as he untied the rope.

He then put the rope beside him as he looked at Pikachu.

"Is this okay?" Ash asked him.

Pikachu just turned his head away from him.

"Not enough, then should I remove my gloves?" Ash asked him.

"Pika." Pikachu nodded to him.

"Okay. There, do you trust me now." Ash said as he removed his gloves.

But then Pikachu ran from him and climbed on a nearby tree as Ash was shocked while Shu and Nidoran watched.

"Hey get back here!" Ash shouted as he ran behind him and stood at the tree.

Shu and Nidoran ran behind him as they stood a few paces back.

"Come on, get down here Pikachu." Ash called out to the Pokemon.

Pikachu however didn't budge and continued to rest on the tree branch while Shu has an amused look.

"Ash, I'll let you figure things out with your Pokemon, call me when you are in good terms." Shu said to him as he started to walk away.

"Okay." Ash said dejected before he started to talk with Pikachu again.

Shu and Nidoran exchanged a glance and chuckled before they looked ahead, they could see the forest and the Pokemon that live there as he spotted a few Mankey, Sandshrew, Spearow and Pidgey among the trees as he put a hand on his chin as he thought about it.

"Hmm, getting a flying type Pokemon will be beneficial but which one. Then there is also Mankey, they are quite agile as well. Then Sandshrew with it's defence. Who should I go for since the Pokemon will be alerted to my presence when I go after one of them." Shu muttered to himself as he looked at the Pokemon.

He then looked at his blue Nidoran as he looked at his trainer curiously.

"Hey buddy, which do you want to fight? I'm thinking of catching one of them and having a new friend will be good as well." Shu said as he kneeled to his Nidoran.

Nidoran hearing his trainer's words looked at the Pokemon and saw the four species of Pokemon's there. Nidoran looked at them for sometime until he decided on one as he turned to his trainer.

"So, which one?" Shu asked him.

"Nido!" Nidoran said as he pointed at a Mankey with his right limb.

"A Mankey huh. Well, Pidgey and Spearow can just fly away but Mankey will fight on land like you so it's fine." Shu said as he agreed with his Pokemon.

Nidoran let out a cry of agreement as he smiled.

"Alright then, let's catch us a Mankey." Shu said as he took out a Pokeball.

'I could use my psychic abilities but I want to do this the old fashioned way, not to mention, I would feel like I was cheating if I didn't catch them with a Pokemon battle.' Shu thought to himself as he walked to the forest with Nidoran in tow.

The Pokemon noticed his presence as Shu didn't hide it. He knew that they are more attuned to nature than him and that they might run away if they see him trying to sneak up on them so he decided on a direct approach. He also didn't want a group of angry Mankey after him.

He and Nidoran stood a few metres away from the group of Mankey.

"Nidoran, would you care to do the honours." Shu asked his partner who nodded.

Nidoran walked forward before looking at the Mankeys with a serious face as they looked at him curiously.

"Nido! Nido Nido!" Nidoran started to talk in pokespeech to the Pokemon.

Shu stayed silent as he watched the monkey Pokemon as they heard his partner. After Nidoran was done the Mankey talked amongst themselves. Then one Mankey jumped down in front of the two and jumped before ushering with his right hand to come at him as the other Mankeys fled.

Shu looked at his Nidoran as he looked back before nodding.

"Alright, time for our first battle." Shu said excitedly as he got ready along with his Pokemon.

Nidoran glared at Mankey as the monkey Pokemon is jumping slowly from side to side as Nidoran kept his eye on it.

"Start with Leer!" Shu gave the command.

Nidoran's eyes glowed a blue colour as Mankey became a bit unnnerved by it but it shrugged it off.

"Confusion! Lift him up in the air and then use Peck!" Shu shouted out commands one after the other.

"Nido!" Nidoran shouted as his eyes now glowed a blue colour.

Mankey was covered in a blue colour and lifted off the ground a good amount in the air before he let go. Nidoran's horn glowed a bit as he charged towards the Mankey as the Pokemon wasn't able to move in the air.

"Kiiii!" Mankey cried when it felt nidoran's attack on it.

Due to Mankey being a Fighting type it was very effective as the monkey Pokemon hit the tree and was temporarily immobilized. Seeing this Shu enlarged his Pokeball as he got ready to throw it.

"Go Pokeball!" Shu shouted excitedly as she threw it at the Pokemon.

'I was finally able to say this line! I had wanted to do this for a long time!' Shu thought to himself in his mind.

The Pokeball spun in the air and hit Mankey on its head as it flinched before the Pokeball opened and it glowed red before it entered the Pokeball in a red lid. The Pokeball fell on the ground as Shu and Nidoran watched.

The Pokeball shook once, twice, thrice and then a clicking sound was heard from it signifying that the Pokemon was caught. Shu's eyes widened as all was silent in the forest as he didn't move.

"I did it? I did it! I caught a Pokemon! I caught Mankey!!" Shu said before shouting in excitement as he ran and picked up the Pokeball with Nidoran in tow.

He took the Pokeball in his right hand (he is right-handed so I don't have to always say right unless his right hand is occupied) as he looked at it to make sure that he isn't dreaming.

"We did it! Nidoran, we managed to catch a Mankey! I caught my first Pokemon!" Shu shouted as he raised the Pokeball above his head with a wide smile as Nidoran cried in happiness as well.

The Pokemon around fled away sometime ago but the two didn't care as they looked at their newly gained companion.

"Why don't we let him out in front of Ash?" Shu asked his partner.

"Nido." Nidoran nodded his head with a smile.

Shu smiled at this as he and Nidoran went back towards where Ash should be.

'Though, I feel like I'm forgetting something?' Shu thought to himself in confusion.

The two ran towards Ash when they saw dots in the air which caused them to squint their eye's. Shu's eyes widened however when he saw that it is a flock of Spearow's with the flock chasing Ash and Pikachu who are running like crazy.

"Shu run!" Ash shouted when he saw the trainer and Pokemon.

'Right! It was this!' Shu thought in realization as his eyes widened.

He then looked at his Nidoran who looked back before they both bolted from the place.

"Hey! Don't leave me alone to deal with this!" Ash shouted as he ran faster and managed to catch up to Shu along with Pikachu.

"I thought I taught you not to anger Spearow's!" she shouted at his friend.

"I forgot!" Ash shouted as he ran.

Nidoran and Pikachu ran in front of the two trainer's as the Spearow's started to attack. Seeing this Shu's eyes glowed a light blue colour as a dome formed around the four. The other three looked at the dome in amazement while Shu grit his teeth.

"Wow! With this we don't have to be afraid of them." Ash said happily.

"Don't count your Exeggutors yet! I don't have the power to keep this dome for long. Especially if it's being attacked by Spearow's!" Shu shouted at his friend.

"But you trained for so long!" Ash shouted back as they ran.

"That doesn't mean it's easy! Not only are there a lot of Spearow's, I don't know the amount of them and I'm not a genius in psychic powers! I need to stay still and concentrate to use them to its full potential but this is too much! We have to escape from them." Shu shouted at him back.

Then the Spearow's started to use moves to attack the dome which caused Shu to concentrate a bit more to keep the dome. But too many attacks caused the dome to crack before a few more attacks completely broke it.

"GH!" Shu grit his teeth as he held his head at having the dome broken like that.

The Spearow's started to attack the four of them but they didn't attack Nidoran due to his typing which Shu decided to use. Pikachu got a bit more injured which prompted Ash to carry him.

"Nidoran! Use Poison Sting!" Shu commanded as he protected his face from the Spearow's.

'My psychic training still wasn't enough.' Shu thought to himself as he ran.

"Nido!" Nidoran started using Poison Sting as the needles shot towards the Spearow's.

The needles hit some but the Spearow's managed to dodge them due to Nidoran being inexperienced and them having more freedom in the air. As they ran they came across the edge of a cliff to a river as the Pokemon were starting to get overwhelming.

"We have to jump into the river!" Ash said as he turned to his friend.

Only to be met with space as he wasn't there. He then caught the white haired male grabbing Nidoran and running to the cliff.

"Wait for me!" Ash said as he stood at the cliff alongside Shu.

The both of them looked at the approaching Spearow's as they looked at eachother and nodded. Ash turned his cap to the opposite side as he looked down. (What do you call it when you out your cap like that?)

"Let's go!" Ash shouted as he jumped alongside Shu as they both fell into the water.

They were swept away by the current as they passed a Magikarp and then they saw a Gyarados which they swimmed away from. They swam for a short amount of time until Ash was suddenly yanked out of the river which surprised Shu, but he swam up and had his head out of the water as he and Nidoran took in much needed air.

Shu then looked and saw Ash on dry land with Pikachu in his arms as Misty talked with them. Shu swan and got out of the water as this caught the two trainer's attention as he placed Nidoran on the ground as he shook the water off his body.

"That was something. How's Pikachu?" Shu asked him.

"He's breathing alright." Ash said uncertainly.

"Just that isn't enough. You need to get him to a Pokemon Centre fast." Misty said to Ash seriously.

"A Pokemon Centre, right the hospital for Pokemon." Ash said in recognition.

"At least you remember that much, well you have to get Pikachu there fast." Shu said to him.

"Got it." Ash said as he ran to Misty's bicycle and placed Pikachu in the basket and got on.

"Hey! What are you doing!?" Misty asked him.

"I'm borrowing this." Ash said to her.

"That's my bike!" Misty said to him.

"I'll return it after this okay." Ash said to her.

"Me and Nidoran can take the attention of the Spearow's for sometime, use it to get to the Pokemon centre." Shu said as Nidoran cried in agreement.

"Okay, thanks Shu." Ash said as he rode the bike away.

"Well, let's do out job Nidoran. Thank you by the way." Shu said to Misty before running a bit ahead.

He then shouted aloud catching the attention of the Spearow's but a few had also seen Ash so they divided in half and went after both of them. Shu seeing the Spearow's turned tail and ran down the river with Nidoran in tow.

"Well, we have their attention alright." Shu said as the both of them ran.

Shu watched as the Spearow's got closer and closer to them.

"Keep on using Poison Sting on them!" Shu commanded as Nidoran complied.

They ran like this as Spearow's kept on getting knocked out of the sky due to being poisoned by Nidoran but since Nidoran is weak at the moment the poison isn't that strong and it will be out of their system with their natural healing ability.

A thunderstorm was present and it rained as the duo kept running. Shu looked at the direction of Viridian City and hoped that Ash and Pikachu will be alright like in the anime. Not soon after a huge Thunder left the sky assunder as the had managed to defeat all the Spearow's as Shu had also helped with his psychic powers.

After seeing that the danger has passed both trainer and Pokemon sat on the ground in relief as they looked at eachother before laughing happily. They then saw a rainbow and Shu could make out some sparkling in the sky near the rainbow.

'That must be when Ash saw Ho-oh. Shame that I can't see a legendary like him.' Shu thought to himself with a sigh before he stood up.

Nidoran also stood up and shook the water out of its body. Shu got ready to use his psychic powers to teleport them a good distance back when the sound of crashing waves caught his attention. Shi turned around and looked at the seas which they had reached due to running as the waves were quite fast.

"What happened to the waves?" Shu said out loud.

The water was moving uncontrollably until a huge amount of water was shot out from within shocking the two. But what shocked Shu more was the thing that appeared out of it.

Pristine silverish hide and royal blue colour and looking like a mix between a bird and a whale. The Pokemon had jumped outside the water like a dolphin as Shu and Nidoran looked at the sight captivated as they had to look up due to how high it has jumped.

From their place, they saw the Pokemon jumping in an arc like a dolphin high in the air before the setting sun giving it a very special look as the image was engraved into their minds.

"Lugia." Shu breathed out as he looked at the legendary.

Said legendary looked at Shu as the two shared a glance before the Pokemon fell back into the water in a splash as water was kicked up from it and drenched the duo as they shook their face before looking at the place where the Pokemon had just appeared.

Then Shu's eyes caught something that shined in the air as he looked as that something seemed to be falling down towards him. He held his hand out as the shining thing fell on his hand as his eyes widened when he saw it.

"It's, a silver wing. I got Lugia's wing." Shu said with wide eyes and a tone of disbelief.

Nidoran meanwhile looked at his trainer in confusion.