
Pokemon: A New Legend

A Pokemon fan (me) is reincarnated into the world of Pokemon. He is reborn into the same timeline as Ash Ketchum. He, as an ardent fan was disheartened when he heard the news about Ash's retirement and laments it and the God helps him. Now with his new life he will journey through his favourite world as he makes friends, rivals, enemies and catch Pokemon as he lives his dream alongside his favourite character. This is the story of Shu Kurenai, the reincarnated trainer! ################## As it has been stated in the synopsis this is due to me hearing the news about Ash leaving the Pokemon world. I literally felt my heart ache when I heard the new and since I didn't have the chance to watch it as my dumbass was too busy I have decided to write this so I could have a semblance of piece as I wanted to enjoy this fantasy. The chapters will be based upon the episodes so I will write the chapters after watching the episodes again so this is also a way for me to watch Pokemon again. I hope all of you will like his(my) new journey in my favourite world of Pokemon with the greatest protagonist of them all!

Lust_Demon_Samael · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

7. Their Adventure Begins

Sorry about the long time since I wrote. I just didn't have the motivation to write. I just couldn't find the will to watch the last series since I didn't want to see Ash go which also caused me to stop wanting to write this fic. But I came back when I realised for how long I have been sulking.

But I don't just want to apologise. I also want to ask if I should make a fanfic for the new series as well. It will be an alternate universe from this one as it will be with the two new protagonists. I want your opinions on it.


"Well, looks like you finally decided to show up." Prof. Oak said as he looked at Ash.

"Sorry professor. But I'm ready to get my Pokemon now." Ash said as he scratched his head before saying with an excited look.

"Good. Then come with me." Oak said as he walked.

Ash followed with Shu not far behind as they reached the place where the previous trainer's got their Pokemon's. Except for the fact that they are now empty. Shu just decided to stay silent as he watched.

"Now here are the Pokeball's for the starter Pokemon's." Oak said to him.

"Great. I have thought long and hard about it. And I choose Squirtle." Ash said as he took a Pokeball.

Only for it to open without anything inside. This got a dumbfounded expression from Ash while Oak and Shu has stoic faces.

"That Pokemon has already been chosen by a trainer who came early." Oak said to him.

"O-Oh. Then I will take Charmander!" Ash said as he opened another one.

Only for it to be the same result to happen as an empty Pokeball opened.

"That Pokemon too was taken by a trainer who got here early." Oak said to him.

"T-Then I will take Bulbasaur!" Ash said as he opened the last Pokeball.

Only for it to be the same as Ash sported a baffled look on his face. Shu couldn't help but smile a bit at the boys expression. He and Gary gave him many headaches since childhood, so this is the perfect revenge!

"That Pokemon was taken by a trainer as well." Oak said as he closed his eyes.

"Y-You mean I don't have a Pokemon! How can I be a trainer without having a Pokemon!?" Ash asked the Professor alarmed.

"Those were the three starter Pokemon's." Oak said to him.

"That can't be it. Come on Professor, you must have a Pokemon for me right? I can't become a trainer without one." Ash pleaded to the Professor.

"Well, there is one..." Oak said hesitantly as he looked away.

"There is?! Then please give it to me!" Ash asked him with hope filled eyes.

"The Pokemon doesn't listen to the order's though." Oak said to him.

"I'm fine with it. Please give me the Pokemon!" Ash said to the professor excitedly.

"Alright alright." Oak said with a sigh.

Shu watched as Oak touched some buttons on the machine holding the Pokeball's and in the middle a Pokeball appeared with a yellow bolt symbol on it.

"This Pokemon is very rebellious." Oak said to him as Ash picked up the Pokeball with a happy face.

"I'm sure I can work it out." Ash said as he opened the Pokeball.

Then lighting appeared from the Pokeball as the others had to cover their face from the light. Then in front of their eyes a Pikachu appeared in front of Ash from the lightning. Shu looked at the infamous Mascot of the whole Pokemon franchise and the one Pokemon that almost everyone around his world, whether they knew about Pokemon or not would recognise at a glance.

Said Pikachu shook his head and scratched his ears as she looked at Ash. Ash himself was surprised at the Pokemon as she looked at him with a wide smile.

"That's a Pikachu. You have to be careful with it since it..." Oak said but trailed off when he saw Ash picking the Pokemon up.

"A Pikachu. You're so cute." Ash said as he picked up the Pokemon and rubbed his cheek on him as Pikachu has an annoyed look.

'Here we go.' Shu said as he stepped back from Ash.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu cried as he electrocuted as with his electricity as Oak hid behind a machine while Shu is out of the lightnings radius.

"Pikachu is an electric Pokemon. Which means he can give you quite the shock." Oak said from his place as the lightning stopped at the end of his sentence.

"That's quite shocking." Ash said as he is now covered in Ash as he fell down.

Pikachu just landed on the ground and stood without a care about what happened. Shu just sweat dropped along with Nidoran at what happened to the young trainer.

"That's Ash." Shu said with a sweat drop.

"Nido." Nidoran said as he nodded his head.

After that little fiasco the five of them, 3 humans and 2 Pokemon's walked out to the gates of the lab to find the people of Pallet Town along with Ash and Shu's mother's standing in front as they came to see the boys off.

"I'm so happy for you Shu! You are now officially a trainer." Shiori said as she hugged her son.

"Thanks mom." Shu said as he hugged back.

Nidoran rubbed his head on the mother's legs as a show of affection. Which got him a headpat from her. While Delia went and said her congratulations to Ash as well. Ash then introduced Pikachu to her and though he tried to get him to return to the Pokeball, Pikachu refused and used his tail to deflect the Pokemon.

Ash kept on it as Pikachu started to get annoyed, something which Shu and Oak noticed. Oak hid behind his wall while Shu grabbed his mother and hid behind the other one with Nidoran beside them. Shiori was surprised by her son's actions as she gave him a questioning look.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu this time shocked all the people except for the aforementioned four.

Shiori's question was answered as she saw the town's people being electrocuted.

"Make sure to wear rubber gloves when you take care of Pikachu so that you don't get electrocuted." Oak said to him from his point.

"T-Thanks. I'll remember that." Ash said after the shocks stopped as he and the rest of the people promptly fell down.

After that Ash got dressed and his mom made him embarrassed by telling him to make sure to have underwear. Shu snickered at this but he soon followed his friend in feeling embarrassment when his own mom did the same for him.

'Is this Karma?' Shu thought to himself in embarrassment.

He looked at Nidoran who is snickering much to his annoyance as his eyebrows twitched.

"Make sure to have a safe trip Shu. And also, call me whenever you get to a city." Shiori said to him sternly.

"I will mom." Shu said with a smile.

"Take care as well Nidoran." Shiori said as she kneeled and petted Nidoran as he let out his signature cry.

Ash was being tended by Delia and after that was done both boys were standing together. Their mothers and towns people cheering them on as Prof. Oak looked at them with a smile. The two boys then looked at eachother.

The two have been friends for the ten years of their life and childhood friends that have experienced many things together. Brothers in all but blood. They looked at eachother with a determined gaze.

"You ready?" Shu asked his as he raised his left fist.

"You bet!" Ash said as he raised his right fist.

Both boys gave a toothy grin to the other.

"Our Adventure Begins!" Both exclaimed as they fist-bumped while the other's looked at the two with happy smiles.