
Chapter 1: Five year later and the best Birthday

Five years laters

It is a sunny day in Pallet town, the sky was a vibrant blue and you could see some cloud drifting here and there.

In the street you could see a young boy racing toward an enormous building in the center of the town, the boy was Nathan who was excited to read the new books about pokemons in the library.

Nathan was a young boy who you could call cute but with the foundation to be handsome later. He has black short messy hair and deep blue eye. Since his birth Nathan would read every books he can find about pokemons and after playing around with the System he found out that he can only see his stats or his pokemon (well he think as he doesn't have one because his parents found he is too young to take care of one), he also had a look at the Store in the System but it only had the same items as in stores but some parts of it were locked or specific items were greyed out, he came to the conclusion that he had to meet certain criteria.

Finally arriving at the door of the library, Nathan was about to push the door when someone got out of the building nearly crashing into the boy. It was a middle-aged man with white hair and black eyes.

"Oh Nathan, I'm not even surprised to see you here after the new books arrival. So how are you today ?" asked the old man.

" Good morning Professor Oak, i'm fine and today is my birthday. Dad promised me to bring me a present when he come home today." said Nathan with a small smile on his lips.

"Really ? Then congratulations are in order. Happy birthday Nathan."answered Oak.

"Thanks Professor. Can Daisy come to my birthday party ? Mom made her chocolate with Pecha Berry cake. Please." asked Nathan with his puppy eyes.

It's seems like it's super effective on Professor Oak as he start laughing and say.

"Hahaha, i will tell her and we will come by in the evening."

" Yay !! thanks Professor, then see you later" said Nathan while waving goodbye to the good natured old man.

He then proceed to enter the library and directly rush to the counter to ask about the new books.

"Hi Miss Anna, which type of books arrived today ?"

The young woman named Anna seeing Nathan's eyes full of stars couldn't help but laugh at this curious little boy.

"Hehehe, hello Nathan you are really early today. We got two books abouts the pokemons in the Sinnoh region and one about the legends of Hoenn. Which one would like to read first ?" Answered the beautiful woman.

"Humm, one of the book about the pokemon of Sinnoh please." replied Nathan after pondering for a bit.

"Ok, there is a book about the habitats of the pokemons and the other is about their habits and behaviours." said Anna.

"Can I have the one on their habitats please?" asked politely Nathan.

"Here you go, have fun reading but don't cause a commotion." warned the receptionist to the rushing boy.

After finding a seat by a window, Nathan opened his book and started reading silently. Three hours later and having finished the book Nathan decided to head back home after giving back the book to Anna.

"Goodbye Miss Anna." said Nathan while giving a small wave.

"Bye Nathan, have a nice day." answered the young woman waving her hand too.

While strolling in the streets and greetings back his acquaintance Nathan enjoyed the good weather.

'Ah, it's a good day I wonder what Dad got as my present. Hope it's something nice like the book last year about how to make pokeblocks for your pokemon according to their preferences.'

'Sys, show me my Status please.'

'Yes Host.'


Name: Nathan Spruce

Age: 5 years old

Heigh: 3,6 feets

Weight: 38 pounds

State: Healthy

'Thanks Sys. Look like I grew a little bit since last time i check.'

While looking at his status Nathan arrived at his home, it was a two story building with white wooden walls and a red roof like all the other home in Pallet Town. Opening the door he smelled a delicious fragrance of his Mother's divine homemade cooking. According to him she was the best cook in the whole town even Professor Oak said it too.

"I'm back Mom !!!!" yelled Nathan.

"Welcome back, but did you really needed to be in a hurry to read those book at the library that you skipped breakfast ?" asked his Mother as she came out of the kitchen.

His mother, Mary, was a stunning beauty, she had Auburn long curly hair, the same deep blue eyes as him. She stood at 5,6 feet tall and was well proportioned. From time to time Nathan was wondering How one the Pokeworld did his father got a beauty like her as his wife. Not that his father was ugly but he wasn't the most handsome out there, just better than average. His father, Alec, had short black hair, pale lilac eyes and he stood at a good 6,5 feet tall and he had some really good muscle, he was a bit bulky, not too bulky just enough that in a slightly loose shirt you could see his muscle.

"Sorry, mom I won't do it again. But I saw Prof Oak and I ask him if he could come later for the party and he said that he will be coming." said Nathan with a huge grin on his face.

"Oh, really. Are you sure it's not because you want Daisy to come ?" teased his mother with a small mischievous smile.

At that comment from his mother Nathan blushed a little while averting his gaze.

"What are you saying, that's not true !" said Nathan in a small voice.

Seeing the reaction of her son, Mary's smile grew bigger and she let out a small chuckle.

"If you say so, fufufufu.

Now go wash your hand lunch is almost ready."ordered his mother.

"Yes." answered lazily Nathan while making his way toward the sink in the kitchen to wash his hands.

As they were eating his mother told him to tidy his room and help to clean up the house for tonight.

they passed the whole afternoon cleaning the whole ground floor for the party tonight. they only finished a little before his father came back from their berry farm and having picked up his present.

"Go wash yourself before the party, you don't want Daisy to see you dirty now do you?" tease his mother.

"Yes ma'am" said Nathan as he did a small military salute and rushed on the first floor to take a quick shower.

While Nathan was showering his father came back carrying a big box in his arms.

"I'm back!" said Alec.

"Welcome back, darling."answered Mary as she came toward her husband and giving him kiss.

"Where is our little bookworm ?" asked Alec while look around for Nathan.

"He is taking a shower and preparing for the party."

"Good, i can hide his present then."he said as he was entering a nearby room.

Five minutes after his father exited the room Nathan came down to greet him.

"Welcome back Dad. did you get my present ? Where is it ? Can i have it now ?" Nathan asked his questions one after the other without giving his father enough time to answer as he was excited at the prospect of rare book or other such things.

"Hahahaha, calm down a little young man I can't answer your question if you keep asking. So for your question in the order, yes, it's hidden in the house and you will have to wait to have it. Now I'm going to take a shower and wear something more comfortable for the party." laugh the father at his hyperactive son.

Later that night

*Ding Dong*

"Coming."said Nathan as he rushed to open the door to the visitor or visitors.

As he opened the door Nathan saw who was standing in the entrance porch. It was a young girl the same age as him, yes it was Daisy Oak granddaughter of Samuel Oak, who was a bit behind her.

"Hi !"said the spirited girl, doing a small wave with her hand.

Nathan did responded at the greeting, he was mesmerized by the young girl, she was wearing a pale pink sleeveless dress with a necklace which had a small green stone in the middle highlighting her beautiful green eyes and on her feet she had light pink sandals.

Seeing Nathan not responding Professor Oak let a small chuckle out and asked with a grin.

"Oh did a Meowth get your tongue in the afternoon ?"

Breaking out of his reverie Nathan said.

"Not all, I was just surprised. Good evening Daisy, Professor."

"Hahaha, good evening Nathan." said the old man.

While letting them come inside, he said with his most beautiful smile.

"You are beautiful Daisy."

Hearing him say that and seeing his smile Daisy's face became as red as a tomato, so she decided to rush inside to greet the other.

As the Professor and Daisy were the last to arrive, the party started, his mother had prepared a feast for everyone, ate very well and then it was the time of the cake. Mary had made a huge chocolate cake with Pecha Berry on top. Needless to say, the cake was devoured really fast.

Now, it was the moment Nathan was was waiting so much for, the Present. His father's friends and coworker got him a black cap with a blue pokeball on it, a blue shirt with short sleeves and black lining, a navy blue slacks with light blue lining and a pair of black shoes with as well a blue pokeball on each sides. Professor Oak gave him a book about the differences between some pokemons of Alola and the rest of the world. And Daisy gave him a necklace looking like hers but with a blue stone in the middle. When Nathan saw the necklace he rush to Daisy to give her a hug at which she blush just like he did when she did the same rushed to hug him at her birthday when he gave her the necklace she wanted the most. Finally it was for his parent's present. his dad got up and gone to a room and came back with a big box, he placed in front of Nathan. Nathan looking in his father's eyes asked.

"I can open it ?"

"Yeah, open it." answered his father with a mysterious grin on his face.

And you didn't need to tell him twice as he work to open the box after several seconds the box opened itself revealing what was inside, it was an incubator with a brown egg inside. Seeing that Nathan was stunned and he wasn't alone. everybody around the table knew that his parents didn't really want him to have a pokemon so soon. They all had the same question in their mind.

"Why ?" asked Nathan as he turned to face his parents like a robot who needed oil.

"What, you don't like it ? Your father search really hard it you now." said his mother with fake amazement.

"No no no no. I really like the present but you always said that it was too soon to have my own pokemon!"answered the young boy as he was growing excited with the present.

"Your mother and me want to see if you can take care of it on your own."

"Yes after all a little troublemaker always sneak in the laboratories to play with the pokemon there." said his mother with a knowing smile.

Nathan was stunned to see his dad and mom believing in him so much, he bolted to hug them in the tightest hug he gave this night.

"The egg should hatch in a month or so, take care of it."said Alec.

"Thank you so much Mom, Dad."said Nathan with little tears in his eyes.

And the birthday party came to an end on a joyful note .

This chapter is a little more than double the last words count and took more time then i though to write. It is the last for to today and i will post another or two tomorrow .

Also, i would love if you can point misspelling and other such error. Some feedback about the grammar and the story will be good too as i am not a english native speaker.

If you have question concerning the story ask then in the comment i will answer them

Ragnarockcreators' thoughts