
please reset the booktitle Madubuko_Nzube 20231218092329 39

Lisa leaps onto her feet, “That will get her killed!” “I know it is dangerous, but that is the only way he will acknowledge you. He is the alpha, he leads everyone out in the battlefield, and they listen to him, no one dares to go against him because if they do the die. But you have to lead in the bedroom, make the four corners your lair, once he enters there he has to obey you. That is the only way he will acknowledge you, and that is the first step to seducing him” Andy said seriously. I took a deep breath then said, “I will do it, so tell me what I have to do.”

Madubuko_Nzube · ファンタジー
4 Chs


I said I had to seduce him, but I had no idea how. Damon came in every night, lay with me, then he disappeared before I awoke every morning. One morning, I stayed outside watching the empty town. Suddenly I heard a voice come from a dark alley right opposite the house I was in, "Sandra, come over here" The feminine voice said in a low tune, at first I thought it was the wind or my head playing tricks on me. But the voice repeated the same words again. I couldn't see a face but I was convinced someone was in fact speaking to me so I got out of the room and walked to the alley, but before I could see a face the figure ran off, I pursued. It ran on the dirty water and past decayed fleshes swarmed by flies then it ran into a house, at this point I was running out of breath. I ran into the house, the passage way was so dark I could barely see my feet but I could still here the person's footsteps so I kept running until.

  We entered a big hall filled with young women, the person I was chasing halted and turned, it was Lisa.  Immediately I saw I couldn't hold back tears, she walked to me and hugged me tight. "How have you been?" Lisa asked with a smile. "I am not fine" I replied with teary eyes, "I am so sorry" Lisa said while patting my head.

"Where is this place?" I asked as I looked around the room, I started seeing familiar faces, they all were the same people in that dark cell. The hall was well lit, and there was incense lit in every corner of the room, the scent was heavy in the room. 

  "It's the only place in town we can gather like this without being scene by our masters" A woman of 26, tall and muscular said, "My name is Angela, and I've heard a lot about you Sandra." The woman stretched out her hand to shake me. I separated from the hug and shook her hand, "Hello" I said in a low tune.

"So tell us what we all here are waiting to hear" Angela said, I turned my head to realize that everyone in the room was actually looking at us.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"We want to know who your master is"


"It's become a thing here, after you introduce yourself you tell us who your master is. It's  for us to know what we are dealing with, so it's okay to say " Lisa said while nodding at me.

  The name they want to hear, I've heard it only once, on the day my father died. "Damon Lost" I said with a low tune, a sudden silence spread through the room immediately I blurted out that name. Followed by loud murmurs,

"How are you still alive?" Lisa asked with her eyes almost popping out, Angela covered her mouth with the two palms of her hand; she looked shocked to the marrow. 

"What's wrong?" I asked confused.

"Every single girl that the alpha Damon Lost took died after just three days of being with him" Angela said, so how come you are still alive to this point?"

I turned to Lisa, "What is she talking about?"

"The alpha Damon Lost is the most ruthless of all the werewolves, he's killed countless girls for no reason after being with them for a few days, so Sandra what did you do different?" Lisa replied

"I don't know… Alpha?"

"Yes, he is the leader of all the werewolves here"

  I stared at Lisa speechless for a while, then I said, "So what's the plan?"

"Plan for what?" Angela replied confused.

"The plan to remove those beasts from this town."

  Everyone in the room turned and started staring at me, the whole place went grave quiet. Then Angela started laughing, everyone in the room joined in the laughter, they laughed for a good five minutes and then Angela said while laughing, "You should be careful with the sort of jokes you make, something like this will get you killed."

"I am not joking, why are you all even laughing? Are you not tired of being slaves to these beasts? Don't you want it to stop?!" I screamed. Again silence fell upon the room, "Do you want to get us all killed?" Angela said in an ice cold tune, "Are you not grateful that you are alive right now?"

"No! If this is what it means to be alive, then I'll rather be dead!"

"Sandra you don't mean that" Lisa said as she puts her hand on my shoulder, "Life is precious, be grateful" Her words pricked my heart, I hissed and threw her hand off my shoulder.

"You all are just cowards! If we can gather together like this then we can surely do something to fight back! But you all are too afraid to do anything!"  I yelled once again.

"You are no afraid?" Angela asked, her voice echoed through the walls, this was to show how silent the room is.

"No, I am not afraid of them or anyone!"

"Then, perhaps you are not human yourself." Angela slowly takes off the turtle necked top she wore, as she the shirt left her body, what I saw on her body made me nauseous, I wanted to vomit but tried my best to hold it in. It was as if someone slashed her all over with an axe, but it was no axe, those were claws, they dug deep into her skin all over body, some of the wounds was still bleeding.

"Tell me again, Sandra, why exactly are you not scared?" Angela said in a chilling tone, the Lisa takes off her own cloth, she has the same claw marks all over her body, everyone in the room proceeds to take off their clothes after Lisa. I stood still and watched as all this unfold, I couldn't say anything, the wounds all of them had looked terrifying.

Rose, one of the girls in the room, she has blonde hair walks towards me, she started to speak as she moved. "I have a twin sister, one of the werewolves known as Cramon selected the two of us, he quickly started fucking the two of us until. My sister died because he transformed into a werewolf while fucking her and proceeded to tear her apart as he climaxed right in front of me, her blood spilled all over me. Camon then proceeded to fuck me too right there, on my sisters blood, I lay and watched my sisters remains. What could I do? Our lives are completely in their hands, was what I thought, we are all terrified of them. But you are not; I'll love to know why, if you have a plan tell us. If the plan is good enough, I will gladly be a part of it."