
please reset the booktitle Madubuko_Nzube 20231218092329 39

Lisa leaps onto her feet, “That will get her killed!” “I know it is dangerous, but that is the only way he will acknowledge you. He is the alpha, he leads everyone out in the battlefield, and they listen to him, no one dares to go against him because if they do the die. But you have to lead in the bedroom, make the four corners your lair, once he enters there he has to obey you. That is the only way he will acknowledge you, and that is the first step to seducing him” Andy said seriously. I took a deep breath then said, “I will do it, so tell me what I have to do.”

Madubuko_Nzube · Fantasy
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4 Chs


As I walked with the werewolf early that morning, I thought of the worst imaginable, will I be eaten alive or cooked? Will I be roasted, or dismembered as the other werewolves watch and laugh. The brown werewolf with me halted in front of a room, he opened it and asked me to enter. I entered, the room there was no windows but it was well lit and decorated, I sat in a corner with my arms wrapped around my knee. I was ice cold with goose bumps all over my body. Many hours later the same werewolf returned and took me out of the room, we walked outside of the building, I looked to the sky and it was night.

  He took me to where the pack of werewolves was gathered, the had a bonfire burning at the center. The werewolf dragged me by the hand and threw right at the center of the whole pack, I tripped and fell to the floor. My heart started racing, I felt the gaze burn through me, the gaze of hundred were wolves. I slowly raised my head and saw their eyes, each pair looked tasty for blood.

  "This is the latest arrival, who wants her as their sex slave?" The werewolf said with a growl, then the other werewolves started howling to the moon. My whole body was shaking as that sound filled the air, I knew I needed to run, there was no way I would become a sex slave to anything, I rather spend the rest of my life in that cell! I had to run, but, my body didn't listen to me, it was frozen still in fear

"I'll have her" A voice said, it was a voice that evoked strong emotions in me, a voice I recognized. I turned to look at the person with the voice; his silvery hair reflected the rays of the moon perfectly. Damon Lost, the same Werewolf that killed my father.

"Take her to my room" Damon said in a deep commanding voice. Immediately two werewolves walked to me lifted me up, then they carried me to a room in town, threw me on the bed, then they walked out and closed the door. Damon entered the room immediately after they left, "Take of your clothes, tonight I will lay with you" he said as he started taking of his cloth. I crawled to a corner of the bed and hugged myself tightly, Damon walked to me, his red eyes glowed in that darkness. "What are you doing?" He puts his palm around my neck and lifted my head to take a look at my face, tears rolled down my cheek as I looked back into his eyes.

  Slowly he licked the tears on my face with a smile, "I love it, the sweet taste of fear" Then he starts kissing me deeply on the lips, then I feel his hand slip into my dress. I felt a squeeze on boobs, gently he started massaging them, suddenly he turned me around and bent me over. From behind I felt him enter me, with each thrust I felt my soul leave me, silently I cried into the bed sheet. That was how I lost my virginity, I closed my eyes, all I felt was pain, and slowly I drifted away into nothingness.

  By the time I opened my eyes it was morning and Damon was gone, I was naked when I awoke so, first I put on some clothes then I walked outside. I got blinded for some minutes by the flash of the sun, It's been years I saw the sun, I almost forgot it still existed. Tears dropped from my eyes as I gazed upon the town, a place that once buzzed with people, trade and beauty. Now looked like a grave yard, what remained was dust and ruin. Those demonic werewolves, everything was perfect until they showed up. They ruined everything, my dad, my mum, my brother, all gone because of those demons.

  I walked back into the room and searched through the whole place until I found a table knife, I knew that silvery wolf will be back, and if I could just stick this knife into him, everything would be okay, everything would go back to normal. I hid the knife in my cloth and waited for Damon to return. The sun set, darkness slowly crept into the room, then the door opens and Damon walked in. "Take off your clothes" he said in a cold voice that sent shivers down my body. Slowly I took of my clothes, I was careful so he doesn't see the knife. The lamination from the moon gave life to my bare breasts, he climbed up onto the bed and grabbed me, turned and bent me over then he started pounding. His hand pressed on my head, all I saw was the bed sheet and I could see it, the knife I hid away. The night was less painful than the first one, maybe it was because I had some hope that I was going to end it all that night.

  Eventually he was done, I lay still pretending to sleep, soon he laid down and drifted off into deep slumber. I opened my eyes, sat up and pulled out the knife from the bed sheet. As I looked down on him sleeping, I remembered my father's words, "Never let the actions of a bad person make you a bad person" or some reason at that moment, his words came back to me. But, for what reason? The person isn't even a human. As I stared at him sleep, all I saw was the monster that killed my father and destroyed my town, I wanted him dead. Then it hit me, if I harm this man, I will never see my dear brother again.  He'd probably know where he was sent, so what I needed to do was to find a way to get the information from him and then kill him. I don't give a fuck if I become a bad person, if I have my way I will wipe out all the disgusting werewolves from existence. I cannot fight him for this information; all I could do was to seduce him