
please reset the booktitle Madubuko_Nzube 20231218092329 39

Lisa leaps onto her feet, “That will get her killed!” “I know it is dangerous, but that is the only way he will acknowledge you. He is the alpha, he leads everyone out in the battlefield, and they listen to him, no one dares to go against him because if they do the die. But you have to lead in the bedroom, make the four corners your lair, once he enters there he has to obey you. That is the only way he will acknowledge you, and that is the first step to seducing him” Andy said seriously. I took a deep breath then said, “I will do it, so tell me what I have to do.”

Madubuko_Nzube · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Untamed

My plan? The more I thought of it the stupider it sounded, but I have to give this girls something, they have all lost hope. The next words I utter will decide what happens from now onwards.

"I plan on seducing the alpha"

  Everyone just stared at me like I had something on my cloth, "That sounds fucking stupid" Rose said pissed. "It does, but she is still alive right now unlike other girls that die after a few days, there must be a reason why, perhaps the alpha has taken a liking to her" Everyone in the room gasped immediately Lisa said those last words. 

"That makes some sense, but how do you plan on seducing the alpha and what will you do after you seduce him?" Angela asked me

"I don't really know how I will seduce him, but if I do I will make him tell me where the boys are. After that, I will kill him."

"First, killing the alpha will make things even worse for us, second he may not tell you anything eventually, I am sorry to say this, but it is a very stupid plan" Rose said, then she turned around and starts walking back to the point she came from. "You gave me hope for no reason"

"You all have forgotten the power we women hold over men, even if they are werewolves, on the inside they are still men." The oldest girl there, 27 years old spoke, her name was Andy, "I will help you seduce the alpha, I used to work as a prostitute before the attack. So I have been with hundreds of men, and they all want the same thing, they want to be seen"

"What do I do?"

"Tonight, ask him how his day was."


"I still don't see how any of this is going to help any of us" Rose said, still doubtful.

"The person in control of this town is the alpha, what do you think will happen if one of us starts controlling the alpha?" Andy replied

"We can make him do anything we want" Rose said with a smile

"Are you sure we can succeed with this, what if he finds out? This is putting all of us in danger is it not?" Angela asked still full of doubts.

"What other choice do we have? It's either we sit around here and cry to each other every day, or we actually try to do something about our problem" Lisa said with her fists clenched.

"I'm in" Rose said with a big grin on her face, "We will transform you, together we will tame the alpha"

"It's getting dark, we have to go back to our individual houses before the werewolves return" Angela said.

"Where do they go to?" I asked, surprised.

"No one knows, what we do know is that early every morning, all the werewolves in this town leave to some place only to return at night. They do leave a few Omegas back here to watch over us" Lisa replied.


"You don't know about the Werewolf hierarchy do you?" Lisa asked surprised, I nodded and Lisa continued, "The werewolf pack has three levels, we have the lowest, they are called the Omega, then there is the Beta, they are stronger than the Omegas, the last is called the Alpha, the leader and strongest. So your master is the Alpha, and if we succeed in taming him, others will fall into place."

  Damon came home late that night, I took off my cloth, he then flips me in doggy position over and started drilling into me.  After going at me for thirty minutes, he cumed and lay down on the bed to sleep, "How was your day?" I asked him as I lay beside him. He turned around, looked at me with his bright red eyes, then he closed his eyes and dozed off.

  The next day, I went back to that hall and told everyone what happened' "It is because he doesn't acknowledge your existence." Andy said.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused

  To him you are just a toy he is using to make himself feel good every night; you have to first make him acknowledge your existence"

  "How do I do that?" I asked curious

  "He is the alpha, he is used to being feared and obeyed. You need to stop being afraid of him first."

"I am not afraid of him, I hate him and I want him dead. So tell me what I have to do to make him acknowledge me."

"You have to disobey him"

  Lisa leaps onto her feet, "That will get her killed!"

"I know it is dangerous, but that is the only way he will acknowledge you. He is the alpha, he leads everyone out in the battlefield, and they listen to him, no one dares to go against him because if they do the die. But you have to lead in the bedroom, make the four corners your lair, once he enters there he has to obey you. That is the only way he will acknowledge you, and that is the first step to seducing him" Andy said seriously. I took a deep breath then said, "I will do it, so tell me what I have to do."

  "What are you doing?" Damon asked me minutes later after coming into the room because I stood right beside the bed and stared after he asked me to take of my clothes five times. He then walked to me and grabbed me by the neck and throws me down to the bed then he climbed over me and started to tear apart my clothes. "Let go of me!!" I punched and kick until it started to hurt him. "Do you want to die?" Damon said as he let go of me. "You are not going to touch me until you begin to talk to me." I grabbed some of my clothes on the bed and covered myself while I stared deep into his eyes. "I want to at least get to know the person that lay with me every night." I added. Damon stared at me for some minute then turned around, walked to the door, opened it and left.

  The next day I told the girls exactly what happened, "He is trying to decide what he is going to do with you" Andy said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "She said that the alpha is trying to decide if he should kill you or let you live" Lisa replied, she the stands to her feet and starts pacing around the room, "I told you this is too dangerous, and you still went ahead!" I could see the veins pop out of Lisa's neck as she spoke, her face was blood red.

"I will be fine" I said trying to calm her down. "Nothing about this is fine, do you know how hard I had to look before I could find you Sandra? Now you just want to throw your life away?" Lisa continued.

"If I die, I will die happy because I know I died trying" I said with a smile, and then I turned to Andy "What do I have to do?"

"He will try to get to you again, this time he will be more aggressive. If you show any sort of fear towards him now, then it's over, he will kill you"

  "Take off your clothes" Damon said immediately he walked into the room. "Tell me about your day first" I replied unfazed. Suddenly claws shot right out of Damon's fingers, his teeth slowly turned to fangs and the red pupil of his eyes glowed. "I will only repeat myself one more time" Damon's voice thundered. Fear began to creep into me; he walked towards me, his claws reflecting the rays of the moon, he was almost half wolf. "Take off your clothes" He said one more time, sounding more beast than human. But when I looked into his eyes, I didn't see any beast, I saw a werewolf that will die by my hands. "No. You have to tell me about your day first" I said, staring directly into his eyes unfazed. At that point he was standing in front of me, he was three heads taller than me, he stared down at me, bared his teeth. I just stood tall, shoulders hanging while staring back. After staring at each other for some minutes I got tired, "I am going to sleep" I walked into the bed, lay down, closed my eyes and dozed off. Damon just stood and stared at me, he didn't move, he was so confused, I believe it was the first time someone said no to him. As I slept, I thought, if he will kill me while I was sleeping then it was a good way to go, no pain just from sleep to death, matter of fact, I was expecting him to kill me right there.

  To my surprise, I awoke the next morning. I looked around the room, he was gone. I went back to the hall and told them what happened, "You are crazy!" Lisa said as she looked at me in amazement. "How did you… how were you able to stand there with no fear?!" Rose was looking at me like a kid that just got a new toy, her mouth was wide open as she stared at me.

"Congratulations Sandra, you have tamed the alpha" Andy said with a smile.